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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 207 seconds  
  2. Anything if you're fat. Nothing if you're skinny!
  3. She would have needed proof of income sufficient to repay the loan, so I don't see how her application for 5kbht could be changed to 300kbht.
  4. Was in a Thai market with a couple of hiking pals, one of the ladies on the markets stalls nudged her pal and said in Thai "why don't our husbands look like them", her hubby was doing a good impression of a pot bellied pig lying snoring on a deckchair.
  5. Went there 15 years back, looked nice, sea was nice, beaches were full of bitey sandflies. Apart from weekends almost deserted after 5pm when all the day trippers had left.
  6. I'm OK with them just wanting my money, I have plenty and there's nothing much else to spend it on.
  7. Well, my one was 32 when I married her but acted like she was 12, after I sent her to highschool and university she managed to up her behavioral age to about 28 ....... which is where she stuck.
  8. Nah, age appropriate is plus or minus 4 years max.
  9. Probably because I wanted a cute young one, and not a 68 year old hag.
  10. I don't believe the Thai government has ever requested retired expats to file Thai tax returns. The wording of any official statements seems to be looking for Thai citizens to file on their overseas incomes. All the claims that retired expats need to file seem to be from white crooks looking to make money from elderly and gullible foreign retirees.
  11. Surprised they were allowed to make a show depicting Brigham-Young and the Mormons as bloodthirsty, murdering savages.
  12. I'm currently trying to forget it.
  13. Works very well ........... At least I know English. I live in a middle class Thai gated village, all doctors, teachers, managers. All appear to be one months wage away from bankruptcy, new cars on minimum deposit, maximum repayment time. Borrow to send their kids to international schools. None know anything about the world outside Thailand. My Thai cycling pal retired after 30 years teaching English in Thai highschool, but we have to talk in Thai as he can't speak one word of English.
  14. He married a foreign woman half his age. You live with a foreign woman half your age. How much more in common can you get?
  15. This works if your relatively stupid and happy to only talk about food and farming. Some of us require conversation with educated and worldly people.
  16. I always viewed Xmas in the UK as a festival of greed. In Thailand it's just another day, and my kid still goes to school if it's a weekday.
  17. Do either of these guys work for the Thai tax authorities? If not, their advice is not relevant IMHO.
  18. If you already own the property it's likely to half in value, as the Spanish still can't get finance to buy it, and foreigners won't pay double for it.
  19. I think she'd need to double in weight to reach German Hausfrau status. But I'd still love her!
  20. My point being you left out most of the extra costs and only listed her 'pocket money'.
  21. Ni payment after 2016 get you 4.75/week extra. Usually payments before 2016 get you nothing. But that's betting there will still be a state pension in 2038 available to expats.
  22. Would point out the Thai government don't tax benefits.
  23. Plus all her food, shopping, transport, fuel, housing, utils ...... Maybe a free house/car/scooter So another 15-20kbht/month + 2Mbht up front.
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