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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I thought it was awful in almost every way. Silly and unbelievable plot, really nasty ending. Essentially an Indian having sex with a rotting zombie. Just no! Nice scenery though!
  2. I don't believe in free trade agreements. It's always so large corporations can ship cheap stuff from the 3rd world to the western world. Best to ban all imports of everything from everywhere and make your own consumables. Best to build a high wall around your country and kill all the foreign invaders. Any foreigners you do let in, make them keep 25,000 pounds in a UK bank account, prohibit them from owning UK property and have them report to police stations every 90 days forever.
  3. I never understand why pizza is expensive. 25-50bht to make plus 250bht markup.
  4. Distance between pupils. Mirror, old glasses, felt pen, measure between dots.
  5. Not possible, even then some offices will refuse. Best to visit your local office before paying any deposit and ask them if they will do it.
  6. You need the agreement of both parents at the land office at the time of the transfer.
  7. You will always be a foreigner in Thailand, no matter what nationality you aquire.
  8. In order for the UK people to deal with all the problems, they would first need a revolution and the death of all those currently at the top, MPs, the aristocracy, lawyers, judges, landowners, estate agents, bankers, financiers ....... I'm sure I missed lots off my list.
  9. Yes, I speak, read and write Thai. I avoid everyone outside my immediate family, same as I did in England.
  10. The longer you stay in Thailand, the less you want to associate with Thais.
  11. I don't use aircon for most of the year. Fans and open windows/doors are good enough. Just doing my bit to save the world from climate change!
  12. Surely your reliance on the government to provide everything is looking back. The way forward is for everyone with the resources to provide for themselves.
  13. If anyone though nursing was an accomplishment, nurses would be better paid. Same for farmers!
  14. Not sure Bangkok is the place to experience 'living overseas', it's just another big city. As for what people accomplish in their lives, it's usually nothing. Personally, I can't think of anyone that's accomplished anything worthwhile in the past 80 years.
  15. "Will you soon be having Sunday Brunch? What does Sunday Brunch mean to you?" Brunch is for western women with time on their hands. As for Sunday, I'm not a believer, and I don't live in a Christian country, so it means nothing to me, it's just another day, Lazada still deliver.
  16. More about being a white male, than just being white.
  17. I wasn't asking about the uks production. All the wokes on this thread must surely have invested in electricity generation...... Or is it all just talk?
  18. Can't say I care how much electricity costs, I make my own.
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