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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Nah, when they were looking or me I was 'believed to be somewhere in Asia'. Lots of people from the west change flights at Bangkok/Mumbai, doesn't mean they are staying in Thailand/India. Once you've left the West the trail goes fairly cold. This guy could be anywhere.
  2. The descendents of slaves in the USA should thank white folk they don't have to live in Africa.
  3. Don't walk near the road holding a phone or shoulder bag. Snatchers on m/c, apart from that no problems. Load Pass app on your phone for taxi/tuktuk. Lots of 7-11 style stores around, but limited choices of foods.
  4. zennioptical.com ........ around $50 inc delivery, usually arrive in less than 2 weeks.
  5. Photo cannabis plants flower when they're big enough, even without a light change.
  6. So if he got on a cross channel ferry would they assume he was living in France?
  7. Not possible, she would need the last 6 months wage slips and bank records to get a mortgage.
  8. Did you forget 800kbht in the bank, paperwork and queues? PS it's normally under $300, $370 was a rip off.
  9. Definition of comfort, Being warm, having a bed that doesn't make your back ache and not being hungry.
  10. Clones are grown under 16-18hrs light/day. Reducing those hours will force flowering. It's the change that forces flowering.
  11. I'm retired, haven't needed to work for the past 20 years.
  12. Yep, used to take my dates there. Back in the good old days of Hotshots!
  13. I'd preach the same as Al Gore, the peasants must conserve resources and live in fear, while me and my entourage drive a fleet of Hummers, fly the world in our private jets and make a fortune trading carbon credits while living in seaside mansions.
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