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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I don't believe the quality of education for the British masses has change significantly in the past 100 years. Excepting in the replacing of religion by wokeness (which is effectively the new religion).
  2. I would disagree, the reason Christianity is dying is because its been watered down to nothing. By including everyone, they become interesting to no-one. Islam hasn't changed, so still attracts the masses. Another example of "go woke, go broke"
  3. Odd as I was under the impression that Mr. Hitler thought the same of black people and Jewish people.
  4. I didn't know the Queen had 'ladies in waiting' with dreadlocks! Looking good for 83 years old though.
  5. It's a Thai racial slur and always has a negative intention. You may not understand the negative implication, but it's there. The missing of of the personal title (Kon, Pee, Lung, Khun, etc) before it is the giveaway. Humans are always given a title, animals and things are not. Back to the OP, As you're not a racist Thai, why do you feel the need to insert that word in your sentences? If you want to talk about foreigners, call them foreigners.
  6. I think I know better. Big pharma only wants to make money. The professionals are only in it for the money. Same with climate change.
  7. I own the mobile phones and tablets in the household. Any naughtiness and I don't let the kids borrow them. Never any problems for me, never any need to shout, I just say give me my phone/tablet back. The misses shouts at them all the time.
  8. Agree, Systral from most pharmacies.
  9. As a Brit, I've never bothered about straight looking teeth. It's an American obsession.
  10. Breadfruit Mealybug (Icerya aegyptiaca) https://goodstreecare.com/its-time-to-tip-the-scales-on-scale-insects/
  11. Voting is pointless as all the candidates, from all the parties, are from the people that own everything. As examples, Tony Blair is a millionaire, Tony Benn is a lord.
  12. It's hard to talk about equality when a very small group of people have inherited vast tracts of land through accident of birth. Add to that the 'charitable organisations' and the Church that have permanently removed large areas of land from the people, and the general public are well and truly shafted. I see no way forward without revolution
  13. My Thai cycling pal is a retired English teacher, he can't speak a word of English, I have to speak Thai. I would suggest the way forward would be to employ qualified teachers that can speak English. Not 1. Unqualified English speaking foreigners and not 2. Thai teachers that can't speak English.
  14. The great man Karl Marx believed women were property, married a Baroness and lived off her income, then had children with both her and her maid. Nothing woke about Karl!
  15. All Seasons, not as highly processed as the other milks, goes off quickly when warm and BigC have a habit of leaving it outside the cooler for too long. Foremost, made from milk power. So that's the odd tastes explained.
  16. I despise all the former communist/Soviet block countries (including East Germany) equally.
  17. It's a scam, and keeps being advertised under varying titles. The photos are stolen from legit Thai websites. https://today.line.me/th/v2/article/PGL0kkV
  18. Another 3-5 years for the COVID 2 year shutdown effects to end IMHO. Add to that another 2 years from the end of NATO induced warmongering against Russia.
  19. I think it will work with 80% of the original employees gone. Looked more like a playschool than a place of work.
  20. Price of milk is set by the Thai government, it's one of the price controlled products. If anyone is pricing it above the 95bht government set upper price, they should be reported to the authorities. I prefer to buy 'Party Dairy' 2l milk from BigC for 83bht.
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