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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. My last few years in the UK I had a Portuguese kid in my class (12yo), couldn't speak a word of English. A year later he spoke perfect English with a local accent. No special lessons.
  2. He's still upset about ww1, ww2 and Brexit. Back to the OP, Mental illness comes in many forms, mentioning god is a sure giveaway.
  3. My last bill was 386bht, mostly for my grow tent light (HLG 240 + Quantum board). @Eddie45 been growing in Thailand since COVID started. Before this year it was entirely in a tent, but this year I've moved my flowering outside, so far so good. The western plants don't like full sunlight, they just shrivel and die, so I have to keep them in 50% shade. So experimental veg and clone inside, flower outside at the moment. The plants are much bigger than the last grow tent crop, but will there be more flower?. I also have some Thai plants outside in full sun, so far they've grown big but I view them as a waste of my time. Too many males, too little flowering, and you don't know if the seeds are what they were claimed to be. Plants from western seeds ............2-3ft tall and flowering about 2 weeks. Tropical Punch BubbleGummer Cheeselicious
  4. Buying years before 2016 (under the old pension rules) will probably not increase your pension.
  5. Years before 2016 (old pension) will probably not increase your pension. So buying years from 2006-2016 are not worthwhile.
  6. German burns Thai woman's pickup = important. German hangs himself = not important. Thai media focus is about Thais. PS. This is why you on't put your 1Mbht pickup in the wife's name.
  7. If you're looking for Thai style rock music and food ........ There's the lake at Chang Puak https://goo.gl/maps/HgLwUWA9pQwJdqgD6 And the roadside bars near the airport, beside BigC car park https://goo.gl/maps/btnbJ6wWm8XeoW6E9 A bit too Thai for most foreigners though (no English spoken).
  8. That's what Brit women look like. Haven't you ever wondered why we all left to conquer the world? As for the islands, I was always put off by the m/c mafia waiting for foreigners at the ferry. Boring, What more does anyone need than warm weather and an internet connection?
  9. Yep, some of those condo's surrounded by swimming pools are advertised at 8k/month. I'd be in one of them.
  10. Why not visit the mother lode? Plenty available, and easier to stay than Thailand.
  11. 6000bht/month is the usual rate for me.
  12. My school teacher Brit wife got paid a lot more than any bar girl I ever hired. All women are looking to get paid, I ain't got the looks or personality to bag a free one. Don't know any other guys that got themselves a free one either.
  13. Mine is 386bht for 99 units, only that expensive because I run my grow tent lights 16hrs a day.
  14. Assuming you don't pick a war with Russia! When they sell you all your oil and gas. It'll be an interesting winter in Germany.
  15. Trump warned Germany not to rely on Russian oil and gas ....... and they laughed at him ....... https://www.reuters.com/article/us-un-assembly-usa-germany-idUSKCN1M527Y Who's laughing now? https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2018/09/25/trump-accused-germany-becoming-totally-dependent-russian-energy-un-germans-just-smirked/
  16. I'm betting you and your parents were working class and you have no degree. Why would you expect the rest of us to be any different? As for the OP, Why would I want to be friends with guys that know nothing about anything? (Thai or foreigner)
  17. If you've been using the Firide for 10 years, I' suggest it isn't working.
  18. https://newsbook.com.mt/en/scabies-medicine-available-again-after-patents-left-waiting-for-months/pds Spreads very easily between family members, normally they treat the entire household.
  19. I have all my data copied on 4 different drives and 1 cloud. 1 SSD, 2 Different NAS HDs, and a USB stick, and on Google cloud. Mainly family photos from 1890 on.
  20. Better to use multiple cheap devices than 1 expensive IMHO.
  21. Would disagree, Wealthy countries have reducing populations because of abortion, welfare and government make-work jobs for women. The end of every civilisation is caused by allowing women to make choices.
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