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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I often have a wine cooler or two with breakfast, it's a great start to the day! I'm not an alcoholic (they want to give up and can't), I'm a drunk (I have no intention of giving up).
  2. Almost any antibiotic kills syphilis, doubt anyone in the western world could manage to keep it alive for 15 years. I've already had 5 courses of antibiotics this year alone!
  3. If they want any real chance of winning they'll need more guns, tanks and soldiers.
  4. TOA Roofseal, Works a treat, apply with a paint roller. Don't know how long it lasts as I only used it at the start of this year.
  5. Do you feel all actors/actress should be some form of social workers? I've always thought they were the sort of people to take drugs and generally behave badly. (Same for artists, footballers and musicians) It was nice of her to buy her Belgium dad a home in Thailand.
  6. Vietnam has no long term VISA for foreigners (unless married to a local). Cambodia costs $300/year if you're over 55. South Vietnam is a lot of fun ... the North is a bit more uptight. Cambodia, I enjoy Siem Reap and Phnom Penh, great party venues. Why not consider the Philippines as well? $300/year for VISA extensions, no age restrictions, anyone can rock up on VISA waiver on arrival and stay 3 years on 2 month extensions.
  7. Them fighting over details is a good thing ......... gives us longer with no restrictions of any kind.
  8. Unless you knew her from childhood, how could you possibly know what she did in her past? Doubt she'd mix with other hookers (her friends) if she wasn't of a like mind. PS. I lived with a Thai girl for a year with plans to marry (she'd actually collected all the documents) then she goes away for a week to look after her sick parents, but she's really on holiday (all expenses paid) in Phuket with a former white boyfriend. She was actually surprised when she returned and I wasn't there.
  9. You didn't mention how old you both are? Anyway, stuff like this happens in Thailand, don't blame yourself. I know loads off guys that had the same (or worse) happen.
  10. Nah, bought this box from Lazada for 180bht, too lazy to cut my own holes https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i3877968807-s14851835737.html If you make your own, the polystyrene needs to be lined with a bin bag for extra strength. These cutting are from veg plants grown with female seeds, obviously you can take cuttings from any 'green stem' plant. If it's a MJ plant in flower it will take longer to root and look a bit odd for a few weeks, crowns also take longer to root. Usually the cuttings from a MJ plant in veg will take 5-10 days to root. I bought 2 bigger airstones for this box, same pump, 120bht each. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i3184307735-s11898781763.html
  11. Age of consent in Thailand is 15. So no legal or moral issues.
  12. They don't seem to be able to cope with new passports. Just use your old passport number and everything is fine. I've twice played the new passport game at my local branch. Still using the old number.
  13. Would point out she can find a wealthier guy once you take her to the UK. You'd the only one working in a supermarket, and living in a bedsit alone.
  14. Buy her a ticket and offer to drop her off at the airport!
  15. I like to experience good things while being a bit fuzzy. In the day, 2-3 wine coolers, at night 0.5gm of MJ. Happy to do both in my CM home as I already have an attractive enough woman in my bed every night. The newly arrived single guy needs to surround himself with women and entertainment for at least his first year here (Pattaya). Then he can move somewhere quieter with the new love of his life (Hua Hin or Chiang Mai). Note to n00bs ........ No capital expenditure in your first 2 years (beyond a scooter). The car/house/condo/farm can wait a while.
  16. Me too! But then I moved to Thailand as a single retired 50yo Brit guy and discovered sex with attractive willing slim women. Pattaya has everything for the single retired foreign male. Lots of places to buy Brit food, many English speakers. Hua Hin is more suitable for a settled married guy with a Thai family that's been living here a few years.
  17. I have 15x Thai MJ plants currently growing in my garden. Also smoking Lao brick. Not sure where the OP is wandering but it isn't in my village where every home seems to have a few Thai landrace plants growing in their garden. Maybe OP can't find any Thai weed for sale as it is no longer profitable to sell when everyone is growing their own.
  18. Fined for selling without a street traders license. "The fine was reportedly technically for not having general permission to sell products on the street, not cannabis specifically, as cannabis is in a grey area currently law wise."
  19. Same for me, many pals died in their 60s or earlier, a couple made it to 70. At 66, I'm last man standing. Although medical care didn't play any part, died in their sleep or died of cancer. wealthy or poor, UK or Thailand, private or government, made no difference.
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