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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Don't think my worry depends on the country in which I live. Namely, falling apart but still being alive. My dad had severe heart problems for his last 7 years, couldn't do anything but sit in a chair. My Aunts/Uncles got dementia, couldn't remember their wives/family for their last 10-20 years. I can do without any of that. Here's better than back in the UK At least we don't need to worry about the price of heating our homes.
  2. Not entirely sure why Prince Andrew would be considered 'disgraced'. Accusations without court convictions mean nothing.
  3. Can't see any way for her to stop the 17 yo living with you. But the 7yo and the house may be a problem as you were never married.
  4. Not sure custody is a concern with a 17 year old. They can make their own choices where they live from age 15 up. As for the house, if you have proof of payment and were legally married, it's at least 50% yours. My advice, sit tight and do nothing. I have a 24yo daughter (former wife) and a 13yo daughter (village girl nobody wanted) given to me by their moms. Unless mom can make money from them, they don't appear to care that much where they live.
  5. I'm totally happy smoking Rama 9 Lao brick, and grow some Euro hybrids indoors (medical reasons). I also put a spoonful or two of sugar in my wine to make it taste better, wine snobs and weed snobs I avoid. Apparently banging a woman (your own age) you love is better than hiring a young woman with a killer body. Never seen much difference myself. I'm an expert in getting drunk, getting high and banging hookers. All on the cheap!
  6. I just sprinkle 2gm of ground weed on the cheese layer before cooking. Nothing else required.
  7. No limits on light outside in Thailand, so no need to top. Tall and skinny is how sativa grows naturally.
  8. Agree, but odd thing is you would think they would like a holiday in Thailand with free accommodation and a local guide. I would have jumped at the chance of a foreign trip to meet rellys where my only expense was tickets and entertainment. When I was in my 30s I did take an aging Auntie to Canada so she could see all her relatives one last time, and it was great. Guess our friends and relatives didn't like us that much.
  9. All the time, and all my dead friends. My parents were dead by the time I was 22, most of my other relatives dead by the time I was 45. Almost everyone I ever knew is dead, at 66 I'm surprised to be last man standing. Lucky i started a new family at 52, else it would all be pointless.
  10. This is how mine is looking .......... 15 plants along the side of my house.
  11. Depends what you think a grow tent is for ........... I think it's 1. to keep the plants hidden. 2. to hide the smell. 3. to keep the plants warm in a cold northern winter. 4. to control the light for photos. In Thailand I only need to control the light for photos, so mine is open during veg.
  12. The obvious answer is to not bother paying for a driving license, tax, insurance or a road test.
  13. Disagree with almost everything posted. No need for air-con, it's been the coldest year I've ever known in Thailand. But Thai strains or western strains? There's a big difference. Started lots off Thai seeds this year, none of them liked being inside, all looked a bit yellow. Put them outside once they were big enough to survive the slugs and snails, and they're all going gangbusters and greened up. Just started flowering (one deader out of 15). Back to OP, Got three western photo fem strains going in my tent (Tropical Punch, Bubblegummer, Cheeselicious) growing well and totally green but still in the cloning stage (same growing conditions as the Thai strains but much greener). No air-con, tent open HLG240 light plus Quantum boards (about 10Kbht for Mars Hydro 2x4 tent, and HLG240 light). The most important part of your indoor grow is the light.
  14. Happened in the UK school I attended, and the UK schools I worked every week. In the USA it's more likely one guy with a semi-automatic weapon.
  15. My woman owns half a mountain, but she has to sleep with me in order to eat every day.
  16. Not sure about your 'broken infrastructure' comment. Power supply is worse in Germany and the USA (this winter will be fun) Internet is way better than the UK. No earthquakes. Maybe you have it better in NZ?
  17. 7 years at 4bht/unit. 5 years at 5bht/unit. The batteries doubled the repayment time (increased the setup costs from 50kbht to 100kbht). But I'm prepping for the Zombie apocalypse where there won't be any grid. I'm just happy to no longer have to worry about the grid going off either for minutes or forever.
  18. My monthly health bill in Thailand is Zero! My monthly electric bill is under 300bht.
  19. The UK was more like that than Thailand. My Thai daughter has more opportunities in Thailand that she would ever have had in the UK.
  20. There's a rather generous pension and even more generous expenses forever. Not to mention a paying seat in the House of Lords. "We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.” (Fight Club)
  21. Happened to me a year or so back. It was COVID filling up my ear between eardrum and nose with mucus. Cleared itself after a couple of weeks, came and went for another week or two after that.
  22. Our women refuse to breed with us, obviously other ethnic groups with more compliant womenfolk will eventually replace us. Not helped by those of us white guys that chose to move to a country with friendlier women. Obviously it's easier to flee than to fight. As for overcrowding, Not IMHO, but the big boys own all the land and won't let anyone build on it. The Crown, forestry commission, the church, National Trust, RSPB et al. once these guys get hold of it, it's permanently out of use for the general population.
  23. When they post a video of Pattaya, I notice the Thai girls, and you notice the fat old white guys. I think that says something about both of us!
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