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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. 210bht delivery fee puts me off buying from BritiShop.
  2. I'd prefer the world governments spent their money on clearing up litter than bothering with climate change.
  3. No path to citizenship for retired men, so no point.
  4. Thought the victim was of Indian origin?
  5. Can't say I have much sympathy for the OP. Everyone needs to look after their own assets in this world. Almost all the phones/tablets/graphics cards/memory on Lazada appear to be fake at the moment IMHO. (Except for the brands official stores)
  6. I remember Bangladesh being mostly underwater back in the 1960s, severe flooding is normal there.
  7. More woke, less naked women, and the actors/actress are all a bit ugly/odd looking. Watched Samaritan with Sly Stallone as an aging superhero. Not bad at all.
  8. You didn't read the OP carefully. This item wasn't purchased through Lazada, seller cancelled the order then shipped outside the Lazada system. Which is something Lazada always warn about.
  9. That income is only required for the year you apply. My pension would cover it.
  10. Can't think of anything I needed to do in Thailand that required me to speak Thai or hire an interpreter. Can't think of anything I missed out on in Thailand by not speaking Thai. Most Thai chat is just repetitive, dull, nonsense. They can talk for an hour about the fish they just ate.
  11. You need to view the Lazada delivery tracking pages. Pay COD using bank transfer at the gate. Not really Lazada's problem if you didn't. Police report is the way forward, online fraud is very serious. The police can easily track the money trail back to the fraudster. Best will know the Thai ID and the bank account details of the fraudster.
  12. Good luck, I was also looking at prices for accommodation, plenty of house shares or lodgings available for around 500 pounds a month.
  13. Most of us old folk pay tax on our pensions in the UK. I certainly do.
  14. You are mistaken on several points. They may be able to speak central Thai, but they don't use it in conversation with each other. And if you're going to speak with them in central Thai it's probably their 3rd language.
  15. No white boys in this video. Anyways I agree with you, his mistake was hanging around to argue, he should have quickly walked away.
  16. Daisuki by Lolita never closed even in the depths of COVID. And the best places to take a bar girl was always Movement or The Love Boat. Africa had a great Jacuzzi with a buffalo head above. Rome had a great painted ceiling and a gynaecology chair. Lots of novelty naughty places to visit in Chiang Mai.
  17. Better without the 'accent' on 'dao'. Which translates as 'alien' person from another star(คนต่างดาว) .
  18. Are you talking about deputy PM Anutin? And disbarred PM Prayut? Whom have both publicly called white foreigners 'farang'.
  19. I like canned tuna. Oddly enough I have 1Kg of Cadbury's Dairy milk arriving today.
  20. I knew a Brit drug dealer that had spent a year or so in the Bangkok Hilton. His Thai was perfect.
  21. I don't allow Thai males in my home. I've told both my Thai daughters the moment they start having sex with boys is the day I no longer have to finance them or their education. We have had a couple of male callers, but sitting outside our locked gate tends to discourage them.
  22. The UK only requires you to be there and be non-white to get nationality. Pretty much the same in the USA or Europe. Helps if you're a Muslim.
  23. As a foreign man you have to work in Thailand to get nationality. I've been retired 20 years and I ain't ever working again. So you made a very flawed post! As a foreign woman all you need is a Thai husband and a joint income of 15kbht/month for Thai citizenship (no language requirements).
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