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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. That seems unlikely, houses would have been bursting into flames. Did they mean 240-300V?
  2. He's from NZ, probably part Maori, many of my NZ family look like that (guys and gals), complete with face tattoos.
  3. If I don't like the girls I see, or the place is empty, or too many thuggish white guys........ Why would I stop and drink there?
  4. I wouldn't dare buy any meat from a 'fresh market'. There's a guy near me that works the markets, no refrigeration for the meat he has remaining overnight, Just plastic bins with a bit of ice, all sold on the market next day. House stinks of rotting meat.
  5. Chicken breasts in Tesco were always 35bht/400gm.
  6. All recreational drugs should be made legal, and therefore cheap. Let those who want to harm themselves do so, but remove their need to commit crimes against the rest of us. Without drug profits, criminal gangs will have less impact on society. Without drug laws, crime and prison numbers will be reduced.
  7. No problem for me, I ignore foreigners. If they say 'hello', I look the other way.
  8. In rural areas if they use less than 50 units a month it's free. I used to get free electricity in the months I didn't use air con.
  9. Well this thread is about going on holiday. I don't want to wear a mask when I'm on holiday, and I'm sure there's lots of people that think like me. I'd rather stay at home where I don't have to wear a mask, than book a holiday to a place where they want me to wear a mask.
  10. I've not found any of the modern plants make much of a smell. Did grow a White Widow once which was a real stinker ....... but that's the only one. There is a carbon filter and exhaust fan in the top right of the tent running 24/7, but I'm not convinced it does much, apart from helping cool the tent. I just use the tent for light control, when I'm forcing flowering it's open for 11.5hrs/day, then it's closed between 6:30pm and 6am. As for my neighbours ........
  11. The only racism I see is directed at elderly white males.
  12. That's cheap .......... My live-in gf back in 2009 demanded 40,000bht for a long weekend and often got it.
  13. If you believe, what have you personally done to alleviate climate change? I don't believe, but I generate most of my household electricity (I also grow trees). I suspect as a denier, I do more than most believers. The believers are all hot air and no action.
  14. I wouldn't book a holiday anywhere I was expected to walk around wearing a mask.
  15. If masks and vaccinations stop the spread of Covid, why did everyone still catch it?
  16. My last remaining pal on this earth is black as the ace of spades. I've been in many LK bars with him, and we've never had any problems getting served.
  17. I wouldn't barfine either of those. This is more my style ............
  18. Climate Science is more religion than science IMHO ...... 1. You need to believe and have faith. 2. You must follow the instructions of your leaders (send money). 3. Death to all heretics!
  19. Probably the only Health Minister in the world that has ever done something 'the people' liked. I suspect he'll be next PM off the back of this legalisation.
  20. He returned from a trip abroad with COVID according to the news. Expect he's staying at home for a week. As for 'farce', more to do with the 0.2% trolls and the media 'MJ kills 20 schoolkids' sky is falling journalism. IMHO the way forward is for the authorities to prevaricate until the whole 'reefer madness' nutter hoo-haa goes away.
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