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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I wasn't any of those guys. Isn't the definition of 'bigot' treating all members of a group/race as acting the same way or sharing some kind of group responsibulity?
  2. There are no current laws on registration or number of plants. The 'voluntary' app suggests permission to grow 2 plants ..... but it's not the law. PS. The photo is of a large flowering MJ plant grown in a single season, it ain't 'mother', mother is only for plants in Veg.
  3. As far as I know there is no current limit on the number of plants you can legally grow. They are talking about a limit of 10 plants per household, but that's only talk, no laws yet. But there's an easy way around that!
  4. Quality seed, 5 pounds, most pro growers clone hundreds of plants from just one seed. Choose the most expensive seed you can find, it doesn't add to a pro growers cost. MaeJo University sold 4,000 female clone seedlings for 30bht each last week, and they made a profit. Electricity, I've got solar power, my tent has been on 16hrs/day since the weekend, hasn't cost me a dime so far. Even without solar power, 4 units of electricity/day for 6 months (3,000bht) will grow you 20oz (560gm). Total grow costs So the electricity costs of a premium indoor hydro grow is approx 5bht/gm. Add the seed cost at 210bht/560gm = 0.5bht/gm Add nutrient cost 0.5bht/gm Total grow costs 6bht/gm plus profit and labour. I'm still of the opinion 150bht/gm is a reasonable price, anything more will be profiteering after September. Obviously the current sellers were growing illegally, so they deserve a little more at the moment for the risk they took. Surprised there is so much available at the moment, but another 3 months and the crops will all be totally legit with no excuse for the silly prices.
  5. How many seeds have you received from them delivered to you in Thailand?
  6. You forgot us 'boomers' who appear to be blamed for every wrong in the world. All I did was get born in the 50s to get that insult.
  7. I think all of us white guys in Thailand have experienced racial abuse, some even violence. Once in Hua Hin a couple of Thai guys jumped off their m/c to give me and my pal a beating. But then they noticed (when we didn't run away) that we were a lot bigger and tougher than they were and ran off. I get called 'Farang' on this forum all the time, and nobody seems to want to stop it.
  8. I was given 2 free Cheeselicous with my last order. One of which germinated yesterday (bottom right).
  9. Surprised someone that old could be so woke!
  10. Surprised she didn't sell out and name all the names, it's not as if she had anything to lose.
  11. If that the case, maybe you can explain why you are allowed to call white folk by a Thai racial slur, but not allowed to call the other nationalities you mentioned by equivalent racial slurs?
  12. This forum has always been for retired men with pensions. And a few younger teachers scrabbling around for enough money to stay here. As far as I can see nothing has changed.
  13. I'm excited because I'm no longer a criminal subject to arrest and deportation. And I can carry on doing what I was doing anyway without fear.
  14. It's a circular argument you're making. I can explain what the different legalities are to you, but I can't understand it for you. I'd suggest you don't participate in topics you can't understand.
  15. My woman is growing cannabis which is legal. Hash is an extract of cannabis which is illegal.
  16. There are no restrictions on the THC content of MJ plants. As for annoying your neighbours, best not to live in a condo if you want to smoke anything or play loud music.
  17. Smoking anything in public places is banned in Thailand. What you do in private is up to you.
  18. Any Company that employs foreigners will not be legit, as financial services are restricted to Thai citizens only.
  19. Anything less is just wasting your money. Plenty of cheap scam lights for sale, they just can't grow anything. My lights have had 6 months use so far, just started using one again this week.
  20. I'd like to offer The Thai government my services in helping burn it ....... 1gm at a time.
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