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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I don't think many of them will speak Thai either (although they may understand it).
  2. The foreigners that have issues are those expecting a return on their 'investment'. No need for any foreigner to learn Thai, once you speak English, Spanish, Urdu and Mandarin would be the next languages to learn.
  3. I stopped visiting the USA when they started wanting Brits to fill out an online form in advance.
  4. I never went on holiday to any country where the advance paperwork was more than paying for the ticket. I can't be the only one to choose holiday destinations like that.
  5. The Koreans are Dock workers from the Subic container port, not tourists. Talking to the girls, they said, "the Koreans want to haggle all night, young white guys want it for free, over 50s white guys are our main customers, they pay the asking price and don't cause problems"
  6. None of them are suitable for outdoor growing in Thailand. They should get their own plants, sold everywhere now at a pound a seedling. There were trays of them outside my local 7-11 yesterday, 3 seedlings for 100bht.
  7. I'd say PI, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam are about the same for loose women. Saigon was the worst place I ever went for women walking up and 'cold selling'. I couldn't even sit in a park or coffee shop without some lady trying her luck.
  8. 2 slices was enough ...... just under 1gm. Been asleep on the sofa all afternoon.
  9. Age of consent is 15 in France, so they wouldn't have extradited her even if there was an agreement.
  10. Nope, my CB300F goes like a rocket on the hills. 500 is a twin, 300 is a single ........ I like singles. Just buy S/H of Facebook marketplace, plenty for sale in CM.
  11. It's so cheap I just made my first happy pizza ........... 2gm of Red Diesel on this (plus chilli and mushroom). Not quite sure how to do it, but sprinkled the MJ on top of the cheese, then put the chilli on top of that. Don't think I dare eat more than half at one sitting, smells a little of MJ, but can't detect any taste change.
  12. Hardly worth growing our own at that price. Just found a guy selling at 2,800bht/Kg ........ prices are falling fast.
  13. 3 weeks at the back, growing well. The others are only 1 week old.....
  14. My place is probably more private than your village house surrounded by 'her' 100 Thai relatives. My last conversation with my neighbours, "can you make a little less noise in your swimming pool, please"
  15. Agree, I'm happy enough in Thailand, but was also happy enough in Cambodia, Vietnam, The Philippines and China.
  16. I made mine at 9am, I got the approved email at 2pm.
  17. I think you may have confused the words 'adult' and 'man'. IMHO Thai women are the correct size for the female of the species.
  18. A better question would be... Would you still go to Thailand if Thai prostitutes were as big as Australian prostitutes?
  19. I'm 66 and there's 20 years left on the mortgage........
  20. You should probably say where you are ........ Thailand is a big place!
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