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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. What is the name of this please ..........
  2. It's always Yaba! But obviously you wouldn't admit to using an illegal drug.
  3. I agree, eloop are the best.
  4. Z Library has just been shut down, which was the best source. 2nd best is Mobilism.org, but there are many others.
  5. I pay for almost everything using my phone now, very convenient ......... let the Luddites complain. Even the local market stalls and street vendors have a QR code on display.
  6. I read books all the time, mainly Science fiction, horror and westerns. No need for paper, if you have a Kindle, everything is free for download.
  7. I hardly ever bother with air-con, fans are good enough mostly to keep the mozzies off as the windows and doors are open 24/7.
  8. 6 months to a year. Wipe the eggs with an oiled rag before storage to keep them at their best.
  9. But I get a discount of 0.92bht/unit as a low consumer (under 150 units). If it goes up next year I'll buy another panel or two, and start winding the meter back again.
  10. I agree, primary teaching has much less problems. I used to teach the final year classes in primary occasionally, although I dreaded finger painting. Although I would hesitate to describe a primary school teacher as an educator.
  11. I was a high school teacher in the UK (council estate schools). All that was ever required of me was to keep them seated and in the classroom.
  12. You're a boomer and know nothing! But wait, so am I ...........
  13. I agree, but prefer to buy the bigger jars and refill packs.
  14. Garden Village Guesthouse and pool bar was always my 1st choice. Nice swimming pool, beer served 24/7 at 50c/glass. Close to everything, $10-$15/night.
  15. My answer was to the OP ........... plants outside, not plants under forced lighting. I've also found random lights at night (street lights, moon, etc) don't stop or inhibit flowering once it's started.
  16. I thought it was awful in almost every way. Silly and unbelievable plot, really nasty ending. Essentially an Indian having sex with a rotting zombie. Just no! Nice scenery though!
  17. I don't believe in free trade agreements. It's always so large corporations can ship cheap stuff from the 3rd world to the western world. Best to ban all imports of everything from everywhere and make your own consumables. Best to build a high wall around your country and kill all the foreign invaders. Any foreigners you do let in, make them keep 25,000 pounds in a UK bank account, prohibit them from owning UK property and have them report to police stations every 90 days forever.
  18. I never understand why pizza is expensive. 25-50bht to make plus 250bht markup.
  19. Distance between pupils. Mirror, old glasses, felt pen, measure between dots.
  20. Not possible, even then some offices will refuse. Best to visit your local office before paying any deposit and ask them if they will do it.
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