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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Not worth the potential risk of rape accusations next day IMHO.
  2. Reading a book (most days) Cycling in the countryside (tomorrow) Indian Curry (tonight) Listening to music (most days) Seems to me most people only think of spending money. Apart from the Indian food, almost all the stuff I enjoy doing is free.
  3. Most UK pensioners can't afford to heat 1 room, let alone have holidays. Are you so completely out of touch with the reality of being old in the west?
  4. Spent several years learning to read, write and speak Thai. Forgot it all, aside from simple commerce. Also forgot German, Spanish and French (and I used to teach German and French in high school). What you don't use, you forget.
  5. I have a very common name, I've never specified which of the thousands of me I am.
  6. Don't think anyone in India and China is gonna change their lives (or any part of their lives) to suit your bogus climate alarmist religion.
  7. just this forum? I don't even tell my wife my real name, or anything about me at all. To anyone I meet, anywhere, anytime, I'm John from the UK. That's all they need to know.
  8. Agree with you. If you don't care too much, then you won't have a problem.
  9. it always appeared to me that many of the girls wanted the sex.
  10. If someone sat next to me on a bus, I'd be listening to music on my headphones and wouldn't hear anything they said.
  11. I need 5-6oz/year ....... that's 5 plants ......... 25gbp/year for feminised seeds.
  12. And you don't want them at all apart from for a bit of housework and cooking. Your mom is usually free, it's sex partners that cost.
  13. Sounds like he doesn't have sex to me. Lots of guys with no sex drive, nothing to be ashamed about. I wish I had no sex drive, it would save me $$$$$$$$$s
  14. I've always been better with luck than planning. Trust No One!
  15. Best to buy your seeds from attitude seedbank in the UK. Delivery 10gbp, delivered to your Thai home in less than 14 days. Auto seeds from 2gbp and up.
  16. I prefer sex to love with a woman. My rabbits provide all the love I need.
  17. I don't see my wife as a servant, I can cook my own (and my son's) food.
  18. How many times did you bang her in the past week. (None of your business =0) My Brit wife shared my bed for 30 years, but would only have sex 1x a month or less. Like I said most of the 'i never pay for sex' crew have little on no sex.
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