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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. 2 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

    I had one encounter with a home room teacher who left me with the impression that she harbored some extremely ugly attitudes towards Thai women married with foreign men. Basically, that the women were all former hookers and the men were all low lifes. The teacher's attitude was so overpowering she refused to converse with me in Thai (even though three of her collegues had no problem conversing with me in her presence), and talked to me in a very condescending manner as though I were very poorly educated.

    Last one that visited my home managed to slip me her phone number (while the gf wasn't looking), and made it quite clear she was available for extra curricular activities.

    • Haha 2
  2. 7 minutes ago, George36 said:

    No medicines whatsoever.  He says that he lives on Ibuprofen.  He has no medical insurance while overseas and does not get any when he is in Thailand.  


    We fear that he is a prime candidate for a stroke.  High blood pressure, bad cholesterol, heart palpitations, stress of bipolar craziness, etc.  This is all taken from his complaints in his videos.



    You need a really big helping of 'mind your own business'

    Conspiring with the guys government to spy on him is not the actions of a friend.

  3. 3 minutes ago, connda said:

    Is that after taking the Levofloxacin?

    30 days of levo 500mg finished 3 weeks back.

    I've gradually increased my exercise since then, the hint of tendon pain I felt while taking the pills, finished the day after I stopped taking them.

  4. 7 minutes ago, geronimo said:

    Perhaps the guys who do end up with a partner they are happy with made an effort to embrace the culture?



    You'd need to specify a length of time before a person stated their opinion on 'happy'

    Most guys are very happy the first month, about 10% are still happy after five years, probably only 1% are still happy after ten years.

    I was actually happy for about 25 years first time round in the UK (apart from the sex rationing), then entirely unhappy for the last 5.

    I was happy second time round in Thailand for 6 years, then unhappy for a month.

    Current gf, I've been happy with for 14 months.



    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I see absolutely no gain to be made from bringing more mouths into the world to have to support for the rest of my life and that will abandon me to an old folks home when I'm no use to them anymore. 

    I'm hoping the two Thai kids will take care of me, I agree with you about the western kids, my four Brit kids were worthless.

    • Like 1
  6. 19 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I got married to be an equal

    I got married to have children.

    Almost nobody in the world is my equal, and the few I've met were mostly men.

    Did meet a woman who was my equal back at university, the sex was good but the fights for dominance were tiring.


    Being stupid has it's advantages, there are lots of people to meet who are your equal, and I suspect stupid people live generally happier and more satisfying lives. I often wish I were as stupid as everyone else.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 23 minutes ago, Tagged said:

    Most of the elderly men seeking company, because they are loney. And not only for the purpose of sex. 

    I lived with a rented lady when I first came to Thailand, she used to work the 5* hotels at 40kbht a weekend plus expenses.

    Apparently a lot of her customers just wanted to talk about their former western wife that divorced them while having a cuddle and crying.

    She would shriek with laughter while telling me stories of rich guys that couldn't get it up.

    Lovely girl, but completely heartless/merciless.

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