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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. Just now, thaibeachlovers said:




    34 years for males in the 18th century.[29]

    They include child mortality in life expectancy statistics.

    Strangely enough, if they included aborted fetus today, the life expectancy of modern man would be exactly the same.

    Women currently abort their babies (40%), whereas historically the babies died of illness.


    This has nothing to do with lifespans, which is and always has been around 70 years.

    I'm not really interested in trying to explain something like this to you, so won't reply again.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Not working in the docks of London you didn't. If the manual work of humping heavy loads didn't kill you from exhaustion, the pollution of coal fired boilers did.

    Can't remember the exact age specified on a plaque in the Docklands museum that I saw, but it was quite young.

    Even if it was true, coal was only used in ships from around 1850-1910.

    So you would be basing your entire theory on a 60 year snapshot of docks history.

    I'm calling BS on this one.

  3. 2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    If you don't read Thai, get a copy of the documents and get it translated before the divorce so you know what you are signing.

    No need, your translator will tell you what it says.

    If you don't speak Thai you need your witness to be able to translate.

    Sometimes the head of the Amphur can speak English, but not often.

    And they won't let you divorce if they aren't sure you understand what is being said.

  4. 14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Marriage was a necessity when men died at 40 or younger, worked all day like dogs and had no time to do laundry, make meals or bring up children.


    Nobody ever died at 40.

    If you made it past 21, you've had the same chance of living to 70+ as everyone else in the history of man.

    (Excluding death by starvation, plague or violence) 

  5. On 6/26/2019 at 9:16 AM, janemi said:

    'm trying to buy an old condo (resale) but the owner wants to put my name in thai on all the documents and says it is mandatory.

    No contract with the owner is required.

    You go along to the land office with the owner, money and your FET.

    Everything is done by the land office, or not if there is no foreign quota left.


    No documents from you are required by the current owner.

  6. 22 minutes ago, smo said:

    1) "when they didn't let me in on the roads without paying, Shhhhh". Do you mean there toll charges/ or bribe/ or fine to ride on certain roads?

    1) They have check points on all the approaches to the temple complex that stop any foreigners without a ticket before 5pm. But they aren't all at the same place in the parallel roads, so when you see a check point you just turn onto the nearest dirt track through the jungle then come out past the check point at the next road.


    2)You get a chain and lock included in all the rentals, find a lamp post or tree and lock it up.


    3) last photo was taken on a jungle track between the two checkpoints.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, samuttodd said:

    Did you know that ants are not attracted to honey?    So if your honey has ants coming to it,  it is bogus.

    I've purchased many different types of honey, the Thai ants love them all.

    Hard to believe they were all fake.

  8. 1 hour ago, tonbridgebrit said:

    With Islam, one of the basic principles of Islam is, is that the part of the body that carried out the crime gets chopped off. So, shoplifting, chop the hand off. It was the hand that did the crime, therefore, the hand gets chopped off.
    Now, we're talking rape here. Rape, it was the penis that carried out the offence. Hence, the penis gets chopped off. As in, castration.

    Off topic, but you're wrong.

    Muslims guard their women, so there is no rape.

    I would also point out there is also no 'right of consent', you're either married and can have sex with your spouse or are single and must abstain. Women allowed to wander around unprotected with the right to say 'yes' or 'no' to sex is a western concept completely absent from Islam. The woman attacked by the 'wolf pack' would not have been out alone in a Muslim society, so no crime could have been committed.

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