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Posts posted by ScotBkk

  1. 2 hours ago, jtb said:

    I've been having meds sent from the UK about 4 times per year for the past 5 years. Always sent registered post and no problems  encountered. They usually take about  10 days to arrive.

    Good information::
    Strange how people just love telling others about it being illegal and all that crap. Bet Nobody has ever been sent to prison or banished from Thailand for this mere misdemeanor but scathing remarks are expected from the inept cretinous Victor Meldrew types.


  2. 2 minutes ago, lanng khao said:

    I know, I'm in the UK, I was talking about here..

    Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

    Well' sounds like you live in a nice area mate if getting stabbed to death is the norm. I live in different countries and don't have that problem although in Scotland where I'm from originally its part n' parcel  of the Ned culture.......:post-4641-1156694572:

  3. On 10/27/2017 at 1:32 PM, mogandave said:


    The Post and Nation are mainstream Thai news agencies in much the same way that “La Opinion” is is mainstream in SoCal.

    Again, I submit that anyone with an interest can find plenty of accurate Pattaya beach condition information.

    That you (apparently) disagree is curious.

    Personally, I would rather dip Snorky in the seashore than those ladies of the night in the entertainment business in Pattaya...................:passifier:

  4. On 10/29/2017 at 8:16 PM, lanng khao said:

    What  happens then is, he legs it, comes back with three of his mates,they stab you to death and your dead for the sake of 1p, that's the shit that goes on here now.

    Re-read my statement mate. I referred to the UK not Thailand given that I know their mentality and cowardice on a 1 - 2 - 1 basis that is non existent.

  5. 7 hours ago, kenk24 said:

    That poor unfortunate cashier... doing her job and getting confronted for it - - in a land where confrontation is hopefully avoided and over something so meaningless... she will be nervous every time a farang approaches. 

    Had he been the UK I would've stuck a boot up right up his arse to show where to stick his small change ......:post-4641-1156694572:

  6. 33 minutes ago, Mattd said:


    Not at all bothered in that respect and sleep perfectly well at night thanks, at the end of the day it is entirely up to him if he wants to waste 6,000 THB on a completely avoidable overstay, I just cannot believe that he, or anyone, could then even think that they have been hard done by because they think that paying the overstay resets the clock, that is just plain illogical, as I stated before, he has got his 1,900 THB worth of extension, the rest is som nom na.

    His opening account
    So, my tourist visa ran out on the 13th October. I overstayed it until yesterday, due to a mixture of public holidays, illness and also turning up at immigration on Tuesday for a queue ticket at 3.40pm and being told I was too late.

    So in between sickness and mishaps obviously this never sat well with you Matt. As said' reflect on the worlds problems at large before you denounce others for flimsy short term overstaying given that we can't all focus on Thailand as the globes epicenter for  any wrong doing. For over a decade  I've heard tv members rant on about this very subject as if their life depended on it. Who really cares mate....... :passifier:

  7. 7 minutes ago, Mattd said:

    I am sorry, he did not make a mistake and knew full well that he was on overstay, this is obvious by the way he first wrote, he was fully aware that he needed to extend prior to the 13th and just made excuses as to why he couldn't.

    I am far from perfect, humans tend not to be, however, with something as important as your immigration status, then I do think I would make the effort to make sure that I was as clean as is possible.

    Plus I certainly would not expect to get a full 30 day extension that only starts on the day that I report my overstay.

    If that was the case, immigration would be rammed with folks overstaying by up to 2 months, 3 weeks and 6 days, popping in & paying a quick 20k, then expecting to get a 30 day extension on their original 30 day VE entry.

    Seems this has hit a chord with you. Hope your not taking it on the missus or kids having sleepless nights at this pure effrontery on your person. Seek help my friend, don't dwell  on  this it could ruin your life. Your blood pressure must be sky high and could result in burst blood vessels exploding all over your bodily system. Relax, I'm sure your mindset has went into overdrive. The world has been exposed to more violent overstayers who don't give a flying F3ck about paperwork yet you find this mere trivial offense hacking away at you so personally. Get a grip on reality there's a world crisis going on  and overstaying pales into significance compared to your stand against people going against your morality. Life's a bitch and then you die ................:sorry: 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  8. 6 hours ago, steve187 said:

    its an extension, not a new entry, extensions are added onto the entry stamp, they were correct you were wrong to go on overstay, there is nothing more important than staying legal in the country where you are a guest.

    Yes its such a terrible crime  as so many past members have indicated - verging on treason. Maybe, it should become a hanging offense with first offenders being flogged publicly for having the audacity to dare offend giving expats who are the pillar of Farang society a bad name. Overstaying a second time, perpetrators ought to be given a choice of lethal injection or facing a firing squad. I no longer stay long enough to overstay just coming on flying visits and never had the expat mentality to slate any westerners who find themselves in trouble abroad from time to time. The world doesn't revolve around giving out sarcastic advice awaiting a pat on the back  for being so self righteous. 

    We're all gonna die so let people remember you for your generosity and kindness not your toxic remarks that you and others deem fit to show some warped sense of authority. Farangs are the backbone of Thailand to help keep the place afloat - excusing the Pun LOL !!!

    • Like 1
  9. On 10/23/2017 at 4:24 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

    Ah, another victim of the propaganda machine. I hope you didn't have to go to hospital.


    We've been warning about not swimming in Pattaya for decades, but obviously some never hear about it.


    Many other holiday destinations spend time and effort to ensure their tourists enjoy their beautiful coastal frontage with crystal clear seasides

    That's never been a Pattaya city thing. IMO they just don't care enough to do anything about it.

    Farangs don't normally go to Pattaya for the beach anyway, and the locals are immune.

    Thanks for that, your assessment was bang on.
    I truly understand now about Pattaya being the usual induction area for would be 'novice e-pats' as a quick introduction to Thailand and all it has to offer. Besides, the self assurance contrived by the local girls that you and only you are Velly Hansum although your wallet has the edge. Swimming in the sludge with all its glory that the shore has to offer is just another surprise awaiting you if you care to try its delicacies to test out your immunity system is still working among other festivities like clubbing on the beach if you can afford the hospital expenses lol.

    TAT are extremely loyal though and can guarantee a good fruit or flower basket if your stay in a medical institution looks like you'll be staying  longer in Thailand than you expected. They'll even throw in a visa to make you feel more welcome ........................ :partytime2:

  10. 1 hour ago, Antioc said:

    I hope your inference here is not slanted towards leniency when it comes to Africans or people of colour.  I have been following Thai News for years and have not heard of large numbers, 20 or more, people of Caucasian origin being rounded up and charged in one night.  Are you suggesting that two Africans just slipping across the Border with fake Passports should be overlooked?  Wouldn't it be better said that "the Thai Government has a right to Police it's Borders and Nation without criticism from the sidelines"?  We are all guests here and must comply with their laws and requirements no matter how unusual they may appear to you.  Colour and Race has nothing to do with it when it comes to who is breaking the law.   Doing the right thing means that you won't be arrested and charged, black, white or brindle, it makes no difference.

    I totally agree.
    Considering whenever anyone suggests anything towards blacks being depicted out of the Farang population then Generalists pull the race card. Its not exactly rocket science to figure out they're most likely up to no good from time to time. Hence, them being turned over. Can never work out either why they bring in drugs from their own countries with a huge chance of being caught when Asia is awash with illegal narcotics whilst using dodgy ID's.

    Probably, went like this:
    I handed my passport to the immigration officer, and he looked at it and looked at me and said, 'What are you?'

    Each to their own I suppose ...........................:passifier:

  11. On 8/11/2017 at 12:15 PM, Moonmoon said:

    Economy is bad. Shirts are hard to come by. Don't grab others' shirts, they will protect it with their lives.


    Bloke was lucky he got away with a Knockout punch. Could have been worse.

    Sure, could have got the same taxi as the passenger with his clocked up fare taking even more wind out his sails by the looks of it ........................:passifier:


  12. On 10/19/2017 at 9:51 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    You went to Pattaya and actually swam in the sea!!!!!!!

    Did you not know anything about the place before you went there???????

    It's been a no swim zone for farangs since the 1980s. I knew that back then and there was no internet to make it easy.

    No !!! 
    I hadn't a clue, only arrived 2 hours beforehand after a few beers deciding to have a dip to cool off (12 yrs ago). This particular well marketed cesspit of a beach never mentions anything about the <deleted> or other toxic crap floating or submerged in its putrid waters. Many other holiday destinations spend time and effort to ensure their tourists enjoy their beautiful coastal frontage with crystal clear seasides not being emaciated with dangerous liquids or materials likely to cause disease and illnesses. Not hampering on, just saying its an important factor for people to spread the word about how they enjoyed their vocations.    :post-4641-1156694572:

  13. On 10/17/2017 at 4:15 PM, newnative said:

    So true regarding City Hall.  A joke indeed.  I've never seen a more disorganized, messy, dirty, depressing, and poorly maintained municipal building, especially in a large city the size of Pattaya.  In the immortal words of Bette Davis, 'What a dump!'  It's easy to see that if this is the very poor way they maintain their own work place, it's no wonder Pattaya is being maintained in the same poor, disinterested, haphazard, incompetent manner. 

    As far back as I can remember its always been a shithole. Being a mere newcomer to Thailand (a few years back) was wimming in the sea when within a minute was surrounded by masses of toilet paper and shit floating everywhere. Its a total health hazard and have the audacity to churn out <deleted> about its beautiful Pattaya beaches. :post-4641-1156693976:

  14. 18 hours ago, BEVUP said:

    & surely it's not that difficult to buy a couple of sand sifting machine (like they have in other countries ) that can be trucked around to different beaches

    Personally, I suspect they heavily depend on ex-pat do-gooders to get their backs into it to cleanup this unsightly mess like we've seen in previous posts over the years. I for one wouldn't even contemplate laying on these filth ridden beaches with their shitty shores immersed in filthy contaminated waters.  Lets be honest here, Pattaya has been a health hazard for a long time this just adding to its splendour .....................:passifier:

  15. On 10/15/2017 at 7:11 AM, colinneil said:

    Well after seeing this video footage, the Thai clearly started it by blocking the farang from passing him.

    Then the stupid old bugger was 100% in the wrong for threatening the Thai with the machete.

    Then striking him with his car, silly old sod deserves to be jailed, and his license revoked.

    Why did he have a Machete in his car in the first place considering in the UK you would never carry such a tool otherwise would get nicked for having an offensive weapon. Normal people don't do things like this thinking he's just your run of the mill Numpty given that old habits die hard........

    • Like 1
  16. 9 minutes ago, Pesche said:

    In my humble, very humble opinion this is again a proof that because of lack of EDUCATION, these people cannot handle stress situations! They "blow the fuse" and loose it!

    Some call it "puu-at thua" (head ache)...


    An argument until the pacific, smiling Siamese turns into a Siamese Tiger!

    DANGEROUS it is!


    I recall when I was having lunch in an open air restaurant and the neighbour was burning his trash...

    When I, politely asked him to turn it off since the smoke was invading the place with disgusting stingy fumes, he attacked me with a machete!!



    He most probably wanted you to be on an even keel so you to could have a split personality lol

  17. On 9/13/2017 at 3:12 AM, Petchou said:

    I wonder how they let you in in Thailand.   I will send you back in second.  

    You couldn't my friend. I live in 3 different countries not having to abide by harsh rules and regulations just to park my arse in Thailand or wherever. Me, having the freedom to go around the globe at my Leisure with my job. Lived in Thailand previously far too long besides listening to gripes from such people as your kind self. Now, realising after a long duration in the same place one becomes sarcastic towards their own kind feeling some strange impulse to advise or order ex-pats to go back to where they have come from. 

    I'm not gonna get into a feud mate but Thailand is Not the center of this big WORLD !!!

  18. 5 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

    Do they expect that upper class well-off and educated farangs marry  uneducated girls from Esaan??

    Its better to stay single imho. Given that, it drives me nuts when all that bullshit about getting married rears its ugly head. Especially, with this pressure from many women in Thailand. considering you only just met a short time then all that crap pops up, them wanting to bleed you dry and get you up the alter.

    I change them like my cars, looking at the new models every year or so lol 

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