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Posts posted by ScotBkk

  1. Gambling



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    Infidelity, lying, greed, theft etc: are some other hidden attributes my ex-isaan girlfriend portrayed to me on a normal daily basis. She was one of the nicer ones lol



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  2. Geez I bet Thailand cant wait for Nth Korea and the U.S to really get it on, tourism is going to explode.  Everytime there is an issue somewhere in the world terrorism etc Thailands tourism numbers go up.

    I agree
    They should start wars more often then increase prices for all Farangs since we love getting had over its our birthright!!

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    Who did the successful op and how did it cost?
    This is often done with a scope with a camera as an out-patient procedure so I'm surprised that your initial ops should have cost 850,000B. Maybe yours were complex.

    I had my nasal polyps removal in top Thai hospitals and turned out to be a complete and utter farce. In fact the the English surgeon in the UK couldn't understand why bone below my eye had been removed and was aghast when I told him the the length of time I was in the operating theatre during my first op. I'm being honest when I said how successful my latest operation has been approximately 8 months ago it's a new lease of life. It was suggested I used Nasonex daily to keep any new formation at bay. Don't need it. However, my smelling potential is only about 10% and may get better but I don't care either way just glad I can sleep well and breathe like any normal person.

    The ENT surgeon is in Devon England and if your interested you should mail him. I understand your condition more than most and it's a living hell. Don't take chances getting a cheap worthless operation it's paramount to your ongoing health to get it done right. I got it done for free on the NHS as returned for over a year. Can't see it costing much more than I had to pay in Thailand for one op I suppose at their so-called Top hospitals. As far as I'm concerned you pay for the decor not the medical expertise.

    PM me if you want me to get you the mail address for the ENT surgeon.

    Best of luck my friend.

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  4. Now we are going to get the 'Thai women bashing' going on... well, makes a change from all the 'Thai men bashing' that has been the subject on here recently. 

    Pray tell me
    Would you rather these forums were all 'sugar & spice' and all things nice ? Do you think that would improve the ratio of members? Personally, I think considering some of the topics one has to endure we're very lucky to get the backlash and witty comments. Otherwise,TV would die a death rather quickly.

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  5. This sadly reflects on how Thailand's immigration laws are just not fit for purpose. 
    When people have family and roots in a country they cannot simply be thrown away and discarded like an unwanted toy that has lost its charm when they fall foul of the law. Where is the perspective? 
    The net result of this disproportion response is that two young Thai citizens are growing up with emotional issues, lacking any form of support network and in all likelihood a bright future. And a father who will not be there to comfort and raise his children. 
    Deportation is fine for serious crime where life or national security are threatened, but for an argument that got out of control?? 
    Thai Immigration Laws need changing!

    For this same reason I live in other countries. Thailand is not the be and end of it all. Well for me anyway.

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  6. Having been violently assaulted  in a supermarket for looking the wrong way in UK and no one come to help me I would suggest its not just thais who dont intervene. 


    But what's the chances of someone coming to your Aid as opposed to Thailand had this happened somewhere else in the UK me assuming this unfortunate altercation was a one off watched by people to frightened to intervene?


    Personally, I would say your assailant would have had his face panned in had this occurred somewhere else in England/Scotland/Ireland or Wales and especially more so had you been female. This is Thailand we're talking about where violence is committed on the weak and never on anyone who could equally defend themselves.



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  7. sure beer is cheaper in the convenience stores and no one is forcing people to go to bars for a beer. it is their choice and if so you must pay the bar prices.

    Do you really believe this fairy story. Anyone in their right mind wouldn't utter such nonsense given that this senior gent would surely 'after all these years' took onboard bars are more expensive than any convenience store.

    And by looking at his bevied state looks like he's been in a few pubs in his life - before this mishap. To me this bar owner didn't like any Farangs to argue about being ripped off as we Numpties usually just smile and take this Shiite as the norm. It's disgusting and just demeans tourists as easy prey but it'll never be stopped being a perk for greedy heartless parasites.

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  8. 2 hours ago, chrisandsu said:

    Bitter much ? A whiney old cretin moaning that  life is not perfect and I'm bitter ? Get a grip you old fool . You are effectively a guest house owner thinking he's struck it rich . Pays no tax and I'm the bitter one ? Your on a retirement visa life's clock isn't running out son tick tock tick tock 

    This kind of rhetoric reminds me of why I spend much less time on TV these days. Life's really so short albeit a lot shorter for some of the older members on here. I think more people shouldn't get so toxic or embroiled in selfless like tripe or other compositional techniques vying for control or pole position in the post stakes in a virtual sense. 

    Particularly, because our voiced opinions go no further than these avid readers themselves. Threats also go unheard, considering I've never heard of anyone being assaulted or hospitalised from these forums. 
    Admittedly, on a few occasions, I would quite gladly have liked to confront some people on here to explain what seems to be their problems. Especially those  who've really got my goat at times. 
    I've just spent quite a considerable amount of time amongst my own kinda people in Scotland & England of late making me realise Thailand ain't really that great. However, our company works all over Asia me residing at times in Bkk although think there's a certain breed of expats who really think they're so unique. I agree, just like everyone else - lol. 
    What happened to these aged seniors that makes them so enraged turning into a turncoat against their own kind. 
    Life is what you make it I suppose but I'll bet most of these whinging old bastards used to be a lot of fun in their heyday. I've no right to make assumptions but hey' loosen up and let's make these forums fun again. 
    That's my Shiite for the day.  
    The mind boggles.  
  9. I tell you why you never get a straightforward answer in here because when you say it as you see it and the truth you get the know Alls like

    ( deepinthailand  )  attack you  personally all the time so in the end lots just not reply , because of ???? ??? Like him but I can take his bs because I give it back to him .

    not all but lots of Thais are very lazy and it starts from home when grown up from boys and the boys get away with  murder here and the girls are left to pick up the  pieces .

    it is not thai  bashing it is the truth we all see it .

    you just need to look around you how many women work and how many man seat around all day drinking,not all man but lots . Lazy.

    Bang on George

    Although if one replies to a post we need to remember to say things like - not all, not everyone, not being biased, I realise it happens in other countries and Shiite like that. I know there are many nice Thais but it's difficult to express or air things in the right manner to get them across without trying not to be insulting.

    Otherwise the bitter grumpy Victor Meldrew types come out the woodwork constantly haranguing you with the same verse practised over the years on Thaivisa. All this toxic verbiage has been inherited and common knowledge to expect these kind of attacks them striving for likes from fellow crony types. It's part n' parcel of these forums and won't end any time soon.

    I to am ready for my showdown for talking about TV protocol lol

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  10. Yep, wasn't paid a satang cause .............. he didn't show up.

    You'll never get a straightforward answer in here. I agree bone idle, unreliable and couldn't care less, jobs are never finished off and forget quality work that doesn't exist.

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