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Posts posted by ScotBkk

  1. Most people that age would be charged with assault with a dead weapon.   

    Good God'

    The amount of Pedophiles seems endless and let's face it' bet there's loads of them hidden all over Asia and a few in here no doubt. Facebook and the internet has them all running and the more exposed the better IMHO.

    Thugs, rapists, murderers, conmen, bully's, hitmen, wife beaters, cruel teachers, bent coppers, cruelty to children and pets, molesters and so on ain't having it easy in this modern era. Who would've imagined we'd be using smart phones on forums to interact with each other on subjects like this. It's became a world of cameras watching your every move. Problems are the same as the past like newspapers exposé though even if untrue - 5h1te sticks. On the internet treble that by Zillions!!!!

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    I can't see this old pervert being seen as an escapee artist like he's been in his former life. It always seems to be the bloody perverts who seem happiest of all. Smile at the world as if there's never anything gnawing away at their bloody consciences.

  2. The face of Thai honesty - yet another superb taxi driver saves the day!
    58545df5dfe88_aHR0cDovL3BlMS5pc2Fub29rLmNvbS9ucy8wL3VkLzQyNS8yMTI5ODA2Lzc1MDY1Ni0wMS5qcGc.jpg.057e0bf0e4b98efaafaf4eff87a7ff25.jpg Image: Sanook   BANGKOK:-- This is the face of yet another honest Bangkok taxi driver - his name is Laemsak Srilarn. He is 33 years old and comes from the north eastern town of Roi-Et.   On Thursday Laemsak picked up a lady and her friend from a Rama 9 Road hotel and took them to Suvarnabhumi International Airport where they were due to fly to Hong Kong for a three day sojourn.   After dropping off his excited passengers Laemsak dutifully went to pick up his wife and sister back at Rama 9. When his sister got in the cab she noticed a black ladies bag had fallen behind the driver's seat. It contained a lot of foreign currency.   Laemsak had no hesitation and knew immediately what to do. He called the FM 91 Radio Station who put out an all points bulletin.   At the same time the lady who had left the bag, that contained 135,600 baht worth of Singapore dollars, realized at check-in that it had gone missing. The Sukhothai resident also called the radio station and soon she was reunited with her property.   She was thrilled with the honesty of Khun Laemsak and praised him profusely before happily rewarding him with 400 Singapore dollars, about 10,000 baht.   Laemsak said he would never keep anything that did not belong to him. He knows how hard it is to get money and knew that he must return it to its rightful owner.   Source: Sanook     tvn_logo.jpg -- [emoji767] Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-12-17

    This will have tourists flooding into Thailand a land of honesty with a smile NOT!!

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  3. Thai woman hangs herself after jealous argument with Italian lover
      patt.PNG.2695bbc234624b36fe885b6e833bcd35.PNG Image: Daily News   PATTAYA:-- A Thai woman hanged herself with an electrical cord after having a jealous argument with her Italian boyfriend.   Michael Bertolini, 30, had been out with his girlfriend in Pattaya but they had argued. She went home alone and he decided to go and stay with friends, he told Pattaya police.   The couple had lived together for three years.   On Friday afternoon he decided to go home but could get no answer from his knock at the door of their flat in Thepprasit Soi 17 in South Pattaya.   He looked in the window then called the manager to open the door. Twenty nine year old Phakhapporn Khaongam had hanged herself from the window frame with the electrical cord from some curling tongs.   Michael immediately called the police.   the victim was dressed in a white t-shirt and panties. Her tongue was sticking out of her mouth. There were no injuries on the body or signs of a struggle.   Michael told the cops he had a jealous argument with his girlfriend while at an entertainment venue and they had gone their separate ways.   Source: Daily News     tvn_logo.jpg -- [emoji767] Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-12-17

    So sad to hear someone could end their life for such petty jealousies that somehow affect people in such a way to commit suicide.

    May she rest in peace

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  4. Oh yes but this and things like Brexit are kept up the sleeve to be magically produced when any excuse is needed.
    Problems about the economy etc have to be sourced overseas.

    I agree
    The militia coup takeover will sooner or later see the reversal of good fortune is at large & nigh and cannot possibly hide behind farcical financial propaganda me personally believing 2017 will see changes in the Thai baht and could be in for a quite a dramatic decline.

    When the Thais achieved what can only be perceived as less independence, they invariably inherited either the extractive institutions that coerced the masses to produce new found wealth for their dictatorships the elite, or else institutions by which the former government shared power and gave people incentives to pursue these extractive retarded institutions as economic developments.

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  5. Sad fact is that there are far too many nosey interfering posters on tv.

    What if she has a work permit, what if she doesnt have 1.

    Her business not anybody elses, let her get on with her life and others get on with theirs.

    That I'm afraid would be impossible Colin. The mindset of many a fully fledged member would and could not adhere to such effrontery showing empathy if one cares to break golden rules on - WP - Overstay and so on or with anything that should invoke compassion. Because, for them it's a serious offence and deserves the severest of consequences. It's never changed in Thaivisa and never will.

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  6. Act in a completely different way if they see you elsewhere, and actually look quite terrified..
    Happens a lot, and just proves how artificial the whole expat thing is..
    You know who you are.

    I agree
    They're a different breed mate and don't care about getting my oar in either. It's nice to be nice as they say' but that don't apply to many old codger expats in Thailand. Just because you like a few bevies doesn't mean your an idiot, or spend fortunes on bar girls or have a shiny arse cleaning bar stools. Who cares, be yourself. They're really just plastic people that sit talking all day, talking behind people's back like old fisher wives, gibbering about the price of a loaf of bread, interest on pensions, and so on.

    If you want to meet your own kind your in the wrong country mate. Well' that's my opinion anyway!!!

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  7. So  if your daughter got on the phone to you stateside and described what happened last night, what would your advice be?

    You can't really expect anything in here in respect of sympathy. it's not even in the realms of a virgin territory (empathy) that certain members could mull over to think about before giving their views since the mindset is already set in concrete. It gets tough once the post gets hijacked and absurdity rears it's ugly head.

    Just saying' after a few Christmas sherries lol

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  8. I once had an FNA at Bumrungrad, this is where you lay flat on a table, tilt your head back and somebody inserts a needs into your thyroid gland in your neck - it sounds ghastly but it's a breeze and quite painless. For that procedure, which took all of two minutes to perform, five nurses/nurse assistants in blue gowns came in and stood either side of me and two of them held one of my hands each, not as if to restrain me but almost affectionately, as if to say, it's OK, we're here and we'll take care. It was quite the experience and comes highly recommended.
    Yes I do understand very well what the OP means.

    Me too
    Much to my expense

    Love ain't cheap

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  9. I remember once taking a Thai girl to a Indian restaurant on Sukhumvit in BKK because i fancied a curry and i assumed Thai people would also like Indian curry because it's spicy..
    Anyway i order loads of food for the both of us and she picked at it and said "cannot eat".. and she ended up munching away at the poppadoms only whilst i had to contend with the whole amount of food! It would have been a good meal for 3 people and i felt i had to eat it all because i'm like that. I dont want that money to go to waste and i feel embarrassed leaving food.
    I had to cram down nearly 900bahts and she later on stoped at a noodle stand for 30baht worth of noodles.
    I have a plethitude of interesting and funny stories like this one. I will be sharing them in the coming days

    Can't wait to hear them.

    Got terrible insomnia and wondered if you do audio clips lol

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  10. Nothing new there. A repeat of common sense. Yes, active, physically fit people who  have  normal  triglyceride and  cholesterol levels can  eat foods that others cannot. There is a reason why they can do that.
    Unfortunately, what we will now see are the morbidly obese slobs using this as a justification for them to walk into McDonalds or Burger King and consume super sized portions of fried potatos, fried chicken, fried beef cuttings & gristle with  sugar filled drinks. 

    Lucky Bastards

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  11. There's a word for it, r*c*st.

    Ok, let's rephrase that

    We all know that TV members sit awaiting to jump upon your every word delighting in what they conceive to be a racist jibe or anything against their little domain being attacked by other non believers. Thinking we should all abort our Farangship ideals buy a huge amulet to adorn your neck with.

    I'm no racist mate I just err on the caution side trusting Westerners more for my good fortune. I suppose I should get ready for the - Go back home shit if I don't like it now !!!'

    One problem though. I'm

    Not in Thailand at the moment so I'll need to come back before I can go home again lol

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  12. There is no paradise so if you are looking for it give up now.

    No disrespect but I've never even contemplated looking at Thailand as Paradise. Would hate to reach retirement age (65) then stay in a seemingly junta controlled state besides worrying about medical emergencies. Don't want to get in too heavy about Thai medical institutions but have decided commuting to and fro to Thailand is my best bet.

    I'm an usual Farang. I prefer my own kind ... None of that Thai apologist <deleted> does anything for me ....,

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