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Posts posted by ScotBkk

  1. 6 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

    If the picture in the OP is the total amount of leftover food from 20 guys having moo gataw, then I think the owner was over reacting. In large groups yo have lots of people bringing back extra for others to share, it's the culture. with 20 people you are going to get people bringing too much. That's just the way it is.

    If the picture was just from four or five people, the I can see that the customers were taking advantage.

    Buffet should say'

    All you can eat Personally!!!!!

  2. 5 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

    "Mr Surajit estimated Nang Chok to be valued at about B1.4 million."


    Isn't this the same elephant which officials had publicly announced they were searching for a week sgo?

    Not a very smart mahoot.

    I bought the girlfriend  an Elephant. She lost it? It's somewhere in the Condo !! 

  3. 4 hours ago, Borzandy said:

    The newbie have to learn

    I commend you Miss Marples on your personal assessment on the majority of hen-pecked divorcee now wed again TV members. I'm probably quite unique managing to avoid Thai marriages like the bubonic plague with a few kids out of wedlock. I still retain the UK attitude of not getting hitched when one contemplates the appalling divorce rates. To be honest I always considered murder was a much better option. 

    Just saying ....... 

  4. I beg to differ.
    You need a good bedside manner with Thai police interrogations or you will get nowhere.The junkie dealers ignites his feelings with ugly synthetic substances, and the emotions spelt out are mere inhibited gleeful expressions for getting caught and thankful he can soon be liberated to join in social opportunities groups abound in Thai prisons were people's welfare is tantamount to its successes. 
    I need to get off the gear too lol .. 
  5. 50 minutes ago, ChrisY1 said:

    You don't seem too fond of TV members......maybe time for you to look elsewhere :) 

    I was actually waiting for such a reply it was on the cards so to speak. I do sometimes find TV amusing also a good source for other expats experiences in Thailand hence the reason I float in and out occasionally for any such information. If I ever decide to leave I'll commend you as my first instigator for self banishment.

    Thank you again for caring I know deep down your all heart and would bring a tear to a glass eye. 

  6. 13 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

    The "poor chap" sounds like he got his jollies from smacking the old lady around. 

    In such an endeavor would you rely on Chinese rope?

    i wouldn't. 

    Yes, we should always be a little apprehensive when Thais give their sneering stories of contempt for any recent deceased Farang. Considering it's a good ploy to get the seal of approval as another suicide.  

  7. 13 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    No, you're wrong.  Paying for sex with a person over 18 is not illegal in Thailand (under most circumstances) but paying an underage person for sex is illegal.

    I'm not arguing either way with anyone's views. However, we all know Thailand is a world Hub for sex so why not make it completely legal other than TAT making it illegal. Would rather argue the toss with some foul mouthed hooker than some full mouthed disrespectful starving Chinese diner pent on clearing the buffet dishes at any hotel we happen across these fellow tourists. 

    Anyway, our points of view make no difference on TV we all kid ourselves on a daily basis that we can change anything in Thailand. We are mere pawns to help advertising. Our posts falling on deaf ears and old men getting irate over absolute tripe trying to be the alpha male amongst the turncoats who belittle us still proud Farangs now they've fallen into a Thai apologist lifestyle. 

    I better stop my rants & raves. I think I've caught the TV Victor Meldrew virus





  8. Last Sunday i checked, Suckers in Nana still open at 10PM.....giggle.gifgigglem.gifclap2.gif


    That takes me back to the good old days. When even a geriatric Cyclopse was greeted with the velly hansum tag. It's very therapeutic for lost souls wanting a genuine loving experience as long as they can afford being ripped off with ludicrous over charging from beautiful young girls pent on emptying your wallet.

    Great memories at a cost.

  9. For the people against the death penalty, please read this story and have a rethink.

    I wholeheartedly agree.

    It even beggers belief such a story can be real although highly suspect all true. It's just the circumstances are so bizarre you can't even wonder how such events can be performed by a sick individual for his own pleasure.

    This creature should get the death penalty imposed upon his person save the world from his insane genes being passed onto any future siblings.

    This post is disturbing to say the very least.

  10. When the picture is painted of Thailand in that way, one wonders will the country ever join the rest of the civilized world ?

    Bang on

    Most sensible and direct comment IMHO. Soon I predict TV members online will not be able to say Boo to a ghost in months to come? It's getting difficult to make any comments these days without having to figure out what faction your going to upset. Admittedly, I tag along on TV as some of you guys make good points occasionally and keep me amused.

    Thanks Gents .......

  11. More loss of face for Thai tourism in general and Pattaya rudeness in particular.

    Will there be serious legal charges filed against the perps? No. Pattaya is famous for letting Thai criminals go free with no more than a rebuke from limp-wristed cops.

    It's only serious injuries

    Severe reprimands of 500 baht fines could be thrashed out for this attempted murder by these seriously deranged cowardly rejects

  12. I honestly don't know if they are just really bad at propaganda, or if they all live in absolute denial about pretty much everything.

    Sure hahaha

    Don't know about percentages but if we all filmed the bone idle motorbike taxi drivers during their siesta periods I think it would definitely change this perception of drinking and smoking. I thought it went with the job to be honest .....

  13. So they were pushing their rented bike because they had run out of petrol, but yet the thief had managed to ride away on their rented bike with no apparent petrol in it.

    He must have been wearing one if those fake amulets made in China.

    They obviously weren't attending their Muay Thai lessons either.

    Only 3 against 2 with the one guy looking like a giant.

    There is more to this story than what these 2 are stating.

    My sentiment exactly

    Maybe they where that strong they ran away with it after beating these Farangs who couldn't box six eggs.

    Hope they never had a hard time fighting sleep after this ordeal and lose another fight.

    Just saying .......

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