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Everything posted by GreasyFingers

  1. No way would I return to work or anything on a permanent basis. Having settled up here in a semi-rural area I would hate to be committed to working for someone else. With 2 rai to look after there is always things to be done but the energy levels are not what they used to be so they get done on a most needs basis. The lack of energy also leads to lack of motivation to do anything outside the property or even go anywhere. Even though the wife is much younger she is starting to have the same attitude. However she does have family and friends that interrupt her mini farming lifestyle. As to contributing skills to the community it is difficult to find a Thai that wants to learn and not do it their way.
  2. We have a 2015 Avanza and the first class insurance is only 200,000 so the price seems a bit high. However a good car with 140,000km on the clock.
  3. Similar to my FIL. Son wanted to come and stay with him for a couple of nights. Fortunately my wife is smart enough to hold his ATM card so her brother will get nothing.
  4. If she has a welfare card she should have received it already. The FIL (no phone) and other family members did.
  5. AI: Artificial Information
  6. It is the peak of wet season in the north, nothing special.
  7. What storm is he talking about. There are none on the TMD synoptics chart.
  8. Keep your ceilings white otherwise the richer colours can be a bit overwhelming.
  9. Except if they enforce the Tax Clearance Certificate before you can leave the country.
  10. I have had a Takara Saturn 3 for 6 years and never had a problem. Cannot remember how powerful or the price but it is good for taking mould off concrete that we have to do twice every wet season. @NanLaew advice is spot on.
  11. Your history does not go back far enough:
  12. 3cm might be enough for dry season but will fail in the wet. It looks like the OP is going to wait until the dry, which is a good idea, but will still need to be watered in.
  13. I was only commenting on what the OP said he would do (30cm).
  14. I agree but I have seen them occasionally around here. Most problems with driveways/roads are caused by water. From the photo there does not seem to be much slope to take the water away. He will need catch drains down either side with a few (several) tail drains to take the water away from the driveway. If he is going to build at the end of the driveway he has to remember the weight of cement/delivery trucks is different to cars. That is why compaction is so important to cater for all vehicles.
  15. With any driveway or road you need to compact the base as best you can. Thais will use a backhoe but a roller is better. If that is compacted and dry you should not need the weed mat. When you lay the heen klook make sure you water it as you are compacting. It would also be better to lay it in two layers of 150mm instead of the one 300mm.
  16. Don;t worry, he will bring it back or have new scheme just before the next election.
  17. Yer, the snakes i can handle but the spiders are something else.
  18. How would hospital staff know how to identify the snake species, unless they were specifically trained to identify snakes. In other counties (Red Cross) the recommendation is do not take the snake to the hospital. As the earlies poster said they will use an anti venom depending on the symptoms.
  19. It is al the Chinese fault. Who said " may you live in interesting times"
  20. They have a better system as well if you cannot do online.
  21. Yes. If someone with an unknown number really need to talk to you they can send a SMS telling you they need to.
  22. Try using an English definition of the meaning, there are plenty of source on the internet.
  23. That would be good but is contrary to what other people have been told by a different official.
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