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Everything posted by GreasyFingers

  1. That is also my reading of Article 18 but what troubles me is that "pensions...paid to a resident...taxable only in that state" while we are (tax) residents of Thailand. It could be interpreted in different ways.
  2. That is interesting. I do not receive the old age pension but a NSW State Super pension that in their word is a "capped defined benefit income stream (CDBIS)" that did not need to be reported to the ATO. Recent changes suggest that it may need to be reported to the ATO but my tax accountant never did. Very interesting times. Keep up the good work.
  3. Let us know the advice of the tax agent. My reading of S.18 of the treaty says the pension can only be taxed in the State that provides it. Article 18 Pensions and annuities 1. Subject to the provisions of Article 19, pensions and annuities paid to a resident of one of the Contracting States shall be taxable only in that State. 2. The term "annuity" means a stated sum payable periodically at stated times during life or during a specified or ascertainable period of time under an obligation to make the payments in return for adequate and full consideration in money or money's worth.
  4. There are ophthalmologists attached to Pitsanuvej Hospital (and probably the others) that also have private clinics. Cannot recommend a particular doctor (only one to avoid) but the foreign liaison officer at the hospital is good. If you are looking at an operation just not be polite and ask questions of their recent successful operations.
  5. Look at Homepro or your local furniture store if Phetchabun is central for you.
  6. They recently granted permission for our local village to stay as it is even though in the government land. Do not know what will happen with any sales. We are outside the village with a proper chanote. We almost got caught buying from the the person mentioned above but the Tessaban set us straight after the Lands Office said nothing.
  7. We had one up here, not a 747 but smaller, on the highway. Trouble was it was on government land along with the small resort that the government confiscated.
  8. If you want to travel a little bit try the Supamitr Hospital in Sulphan Buri, for a fraction of the cost you have been quoted. One eye, normal lens, 32000 baht. The main doctor there often does 10 ops a day so they do know what they are doing, but require an overnight stay in hospital, included in the price. As a farang you will also be treated well.
  9. You have to kidding, they could not even give me a prescription for glasses because of my double vision. Grossly over serviced unless you are a Saudi prince. A very rich Thai acquaintance will not go back there any more.
  10. Don't listen to the weather report, just go outside and look for yourself.
  11. Wait till we get to the rhyming slang, china plate.
  12. The Americans have bastardized the English language. A Z is a zed, not a zee. Not to mention the unmentionables of what pride and gay means in the English language, or how to spell colour. The u must have been too difficult to understand, just like a Bush said that the French do not have a word for entrepreneur.
  13. Except that they have trouble understanding Australian.
  14. Just read your post after replying to the PM. I have never been asked to have Thai documents translated as it has always been a Thai person that processed the application. Let me know if things have changed as this would be serious.
  15. When they did our road the Thais did not even wait an hour, drove on it while still hot.
  16. No problem getting a 3 year visa (600) for my wife a couple of months ago via a ImmiAccount. However this was her fourth visa and second 3 year multiple entry. A lot of paperwork (pdf's) but most of it was already prepared from previous applications. It was just the same information so why we need to go through the whole process each time is anyone's guess. The same with the biometrics that they have on file. Her new Thai passport has her biometrics in it but this is not good enough for our esteemed Home Affairs department.
  17. ilmenite is what you need, but do not know if available here.
  18. There may be a way to keep using Quicken. I used the Australian version called Reckon, but still made by Intuit, and when I bought the new computer searched the internet on how to transfer the program to it. It was possible to download the 2015 version that I had been using from their help site. I had kept the installation key so was able to set it up on the new computer. Maybe Quicken has the same setup.
  19. I was a Quicken user for nearly as long as the OP, but also will not pay for a subscription. When i bought a new computer I switched to Ubuntu, was really sick of Microsoft wanting to know what I had for breakfast. The problem with Ubuntu is that most of the programmes are double entry bookkeeping, unlike a Quicken Cashbook. There are Windows programs that are single entry cashbook style but finding one that has the detailed reports in Quicken is the problem. Unless you are an Excel expert you would have the same problem. For Ubuntu I now use MMEX Money Manager but as stated it does not have the reporting capabilities,
  20. My favourite massage lady always wanted to crack my neck and saw her do it with other friends. No way was she going to do it to me.
  21. Interesting that plan has global roaming for free, thought they charged for short time like the other carriers. I overcame the problem by changing my Telstra number to Aldi on a similar plan to yours. Do not know how long the roaming will continue though, will check Vodaphone if it stops.
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