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Everything posted by sambum

  1. "British man". Not "foreigner" - as most non Thais are rightly labelled.
  2. Yes - quite agree! And one of the "benefits" (pun intended!) of being a "Nanny State"!
  3. Are you on yours? "If you are not happy with something, just make the best out of what you have or suck it up!" Sounds very much like what the present Government would say to Move Forward Party voters!
  4. My, my, we are being particular! The entrance fee for the "Elephant Trek" at one of the Samui waterfalls is at least double - as is the entrance to the "Zoo". And one of my friends (R.I.P.) always asked for the "locals" menu at one or two restaurants that we visited, but granted that was a couple of years ago, and sadly, he is no longer here to verify the locations, and I can't remember the names - sorry!
  5. Really? You do surprise me! Even on Samui, some of the "Tourist Attractions" have double or triple pricing for foreigners!
  6. My wife is from Esan and was shocked at the prices on Samui - then she went to Koh Phangan! (And not at "Party Time") She couldn't believe the prices charged for even basic Thai meals and water! I hesitate to think what the "farang" prices are!
  7. I'm not a child, or even a baby "GOAT", but I do get bored with these "if you don't like it - go home" posts. Nothing or nowhere is perfect, andf I don't expect it to be, but that still doesn't mean that if I'm not happy about a particular situation or statement, I should just "put up or shut up"!
  8. "grumpy expats and entitled boomers" " If you don't like the way Thailand does things go back where you came from." ".....if you don't like it, leave!" Yawn and double yawn and even triple yawn!!!
  9. Par for the course - it just makes a change for the Thais to be shown as the "Bad Boys" in the media, instead of the deluge of bad press foreigners have been getting recently! Or maybe it's just a token gesture - what's the odds that the next person/persons misbehaving will be listed as "foreign" in the headlines on AN?
  10. "Then blame foreign wars as an excuse." The last can to carry the blame for price hikes and delays in delivery was Covid-19. Any prospective reductions in the price of imported wine will probably meet the same fate - despite the lowering of import taxes and duties.
  11. Like a suitable photo to accompany the story - a photo of a vest on a policeman's back does not convey much information!
  12. OK - English is a "funny" language - maybe I should have said "surprisingly"? "Sick inquisition"? "Morbid much"? 😕 I was merely pointing out that in this country it is not unusual for personal items of value to be taken/stolen in circumstances that woud be considered "taboo" in my old home country.
  13. "Boontob pointed out the lack of awareness among Thais about alcohol’s effects, particularly impaired decision-making while driving." The way some of them drive it would appear to be irrelevant if they've been drinking or not!
  14. April’s alcohol sales are set to double in comparison to other months, except for December where they traditionally triple or even quadruple Better?
  15. "The CEO of Carabao Group, Sathien Sathientham, predicts that April’s alcohol sales are set to double, except for December." Am I reading that right? 😕
  16. I see your point about the quantity, but I think that there is a high possibility that he had some cash on him even if it was a tragic accident. I know that anyone on a night out carries cash to pay for their evening's entertainment, and I think it doubtful that the reason why he went home alone/missing was because he had no money left!
  17. Phones can go missing in all kinds of circumstances - from road accidents when the victim is being tended by medics, even from hospital bedside lockers when the patient is taken to a different Dept for treatment (X Rays etc) " Police believe he had been in the drain for several hours before he was located. His phone is said to have also been missing." Funny how there is no report from the police about his money/wallet???
  18. Stupid insensitive comment! The guy is DEAD! Think about your post before you hit the "Send" button.
  19. sambum


    I didn't mention any location in my OP as well you know, and I find your tone merely argumentative! ("Knickers or diapers soiling"? "...for the sake of your knickers..." which, as it turns out, has nothing to do with you anyway" Is there really any need for such childish baiting? I've already intimated that "It's all over now", but you seem determined to extend this by posting in a manner that you know is likely to offend, and by singing the praises of TAT and their achievements in the hope of getting a response. Well, like a lot of posters, you really must have the last word mustn't you? Well "Have I got news for you?" Bye bye - "Auf Wiedersehn Pet" you are now "Ignored"
  20. sambum


    But we didn't have an "Extended Songkran" in our "neck of the woods"! And I don't expect we will have next year! Remember - heard it here first!!! 😀
  21. sambum


    "Well, the truth hurts, don't it?" ? I ain't gonna bite or suck anything!! As the song goes, as far as my home goes "It's all over now" Back to normality!
  22. sambum


    The Government seemed to deem it necessary to apologise for the confusion that the annoucement by themselves and TAT caused - that's how clear it was to everybody! And another publication reported "widespread panic" among the ex pat community! However, like Songkran in my neck of the woods, this difference of opinion is "all played out", so I won't be making any further comment except to say that I hope that your heroes at TAT are pleased with your performance:- "So far tourism seems up and this year's extended Songkran on track to be a success. The new format will probably continue going forward." Spoken like a true loyal employee!
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