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Everything posted by sambum

  1. So you are confirming the point being made?
  2. The comments should be about this post, and the information it contains.
  3. Heard it before but didn't realise it was from Peter Sellers - brill! 🤣
  4. They are "strays" because the "owners" don't really treat them like pets. They don't keep them in the house, or even provide shelter/kennels - they feed them now and again, and the rest of the time they are just let loose to wander anywhere and "do their own thing" which isn't just to "poo"!
  5. Measuring their teeth? 😕
  6. Rubbish - Pit Bulls are bred for one reason only, and that is not to be a cuddly family pet!!
  7. Grrr! Gnash! Bite! "Not my dog"!
  8. "It's Trump Time" ! 🙂 Are we playing Whist or Bridge? I hope it's the latter as I wish he would cross the last one!
  9. Authorities need to act on this sooner rather than later. "Authorities are taking steps to prevent future incidents." How, exactly, by measuring their teeth?
  10. "Authorities are taking steps to prevent future incidents." Yeah, yeah, yeah - heard it all before! 😡
  11. AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! PIT BULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. What about to ladyboys in Pattaya?
  13. How come I'm not surprised?
  14. "Police tracked down the foreign man and managed to accompany him to the police station yesterday." Would Sir care to walk this way, please?
  15. As can be seen by the number of "oligarchs" in Russia who have been hit hard by sanctions.
  16. I have never heard of, or seen the Police pull anybody over for dangerous driving in Thailand - if they did that they wouldn't have time to do the other essential parts of their jobs - oh, wait a minute !
  17. How many more will it take before this lily livered Government do something about these killers, and their stupid owners? "Mrs. Kiatkanok, the dog's owner, admitted that this was not the first incident involving Poikae, as the Pit Bull had recently bitten other family members, including her 17-year-old daughter." I suppose this one will be taken to the temple to apologise, then given to someone experienced with dogs who will then sell it on to the next victim. Sometimes the laws and customs in this country beggar belief!
  18. Just a very sad story - a tragedy waiting to happen.
  19. I had the same problem (See my post a few above this one), but I like your solution better!
  20. "..........and understand it will be done using biblical scripture." Not down our wat! way! The teachers I know are mostly farang volunteers and I don't know one religious freak amongst them.
  21. I once heard id described as 2 schoolboys in a playground arguing about who had the best imaginary friend!
  22. Should that not read "mythical bean"? Or maybe mythical "has been"? I think you meant "being"! 🙂
  23. There's a right time and a right place, and preaching Christianity to novice Buddhists in a Buddhist temple is neither.
  24. At his age his parents were probably calling him "thou" not "you", and at that time were the majority of Aussies parents' not the offspring of convicts anyway? 🙂
  25. Nah, send him back to Oz where he'll probably get his meds for free in an old folks home. He's obviously not a hardened criminal, just an old man who needs a bit of support.
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