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Everything posted by sambum

  1. "....especially the Brits." "Here we go, here we go, here we go!" Football's coming home! 🙂
  2. Quite bizarre and once again the "dirty unwashed foreigners" are being singled out for "blame" - especially looking at the top story running side by side with this one! "COVID-19 outbreak at Prachuap prison: 79 confirmed infections" I suppose some "dirty unwashed foreigner" visiting the prison caused the outbreak? But there again, maybe somebody at AN has been taking advantage of the date? Hmmm? "APRIL 1st"!
  3. But people Thais love making a major commotion out of anything these days. Even made a "drama out of a crisis" when an Eastern lady had to pee in the street because of a lack of toilet facilities in a certain Thai holiday resort!
  4. "At the request of Thailand, the Israeli government is urgently examining a photo depicting an Israeli soldier holding the Thai national flag in front of piles of debris. Looks like it's in front of a tank to me!
  5. They didn't use a laser gun to stun him did they? I would never have known!:- "CCTV footage from the mayhem and chaos on Tuesday at a city centre hotel in Phuket. (Inset) Mr Tolstov attacked people, including security guards at the hotel. Finally, police used a taser gun to stun and collapse the marauding Russian." "Rabid Russian rampage in Phuket. Tourist tasered by police after hotel havoc. A drunken Russian tourist, Mr Aleksandr Tolstov, triggered chaos in Phuket, assaulting multiple people at a hotel. Three officers intervened but had to resort to a taser to subdue him. Now facing criminal charges."{ "A Russian tourist is facing criminal charges and is being held by Karon Police after a furious outburst of violence in the centre of Phuket on Tuesday. The crazed Russian man, wearing nothing but summer trunks tore into security staff and later police at a local hotel. Finally, police were forced to use a Taser gun to incapacitate the rabid young man and prevent further conflict." "There has been another incident of outrageous behaviour by a foreigner in Phuket. On Tuesday, police were forced to use a Taser gun to overpower a young Russian man who attacked multiple people at a hotel." All within the same article/post!!! But yet another Russian "behaving badly" - well the Thai Government wanted them - now they got them - warts and all! 🙂
  6. "The situation escalated when the Kick streamer seemed to threaten a bystander off-camera, causing uproar among the onlookers. A group of furious locals confronted Jino, prompting him to backtrack frantically. The situation escalated when the Kick streamer seemed to threaten a bystander off-camera, causing uproar among the onlookers. A group of furious locals confronted Jino, prompting him to backtrack frantically." News so enthralling that we have to be told twice?
  7. ".....Helmul Ing Obritzberger," Now there's a good old Ausie name! Commonly known as Bruce Eh? Obritzberger is facing charges under Section 335 of the Criminal Law for committing theft during nighttime. Serious question - Is that a more or less serious crime than theft during daytime?
  8. Where I live, businesses are supposed to pay a small charge to have their garbage collected, but a few years ago a few didn't/wouldn't pay so the Council took away ALL of the garbage bins! (That'll show 'em!) Consequences - obvious - but TIT!!!
  9. I used to enjoy putting my name in the snow until my girlfriend's father saw it was in her handwriting! 😀
  10. But, but, but - that would mean spending BAHT, and diminishing the value of the GDP!
  11. "a move that could potentially lead to extended selling hours and more relaxed advertising rules. This decision has, however, sparked controversy among anti-alcohol advocates. Talk about stating the bleeding obvious!
  12. I am afraid I have had enough of your twisting words round to suit your agenda - I will only quote one example but there area many as I have already pointed out, but this is from your latest contribution:- "......being a habitual drug user in order to get by in some sort of musical entourage" Whereas what I said was :- helped along by a few pills along the way, and later on, a bit of "Wacky Baccy"! I also played in a group with proper musicians playing proper instruments - LIVE!!! But I never saw (or wanted to see) a needle in anybody's arm apart from hospital, or the Doctor's Surgery. Additionally, I never mentioned LSD ("Because someone else pretending to be you in a post admitted to being a cocaine user, as well as LSD. That same person though said they drew a line at "smack".) so it must have been as you say, "someone else pretending to be me" ( 🤣 Highly unlikely bearing in mind your penchant for twisting words around! I tried to keep the thread light hearted but you seem intent on picking me to pieces and I am afraid " I ain't gonna play your game any more". My contributions to you in this thread (and a previous one) are finished, and you are now on my "Ignore" list. As someone with 8000 + posts to my credit, I do not take this step lightly, and have taken your lack of posts/experience on AN into consideration, but I do not need your kind of criticism, thank you - have a nice life on AN, and yes, I know you will want the last word - "Newbies" always do, so be my guest! Edited Monday at 06:42 PM by sambum 1 2 Quote
  13. You have a bad habit of misquoting people to suit your agenda:- "Once again, no time frame, so meaningless statement and the previous correspondant claimed to have lived in a "city" in the North West of England, while ranting on about kids being kidnapped (ignoring that the most notorious case that happened when he was a kid), heroin (while saying taking pills was totally fine, and elsewhere, supporting cocaine usage), moaning about having his religion being changed" "Once again, no time frame,..." who else on this part of the thread didn't quote a time frame? "Claimed to have lived in a "city" in the North West of England" Once again pure speculation on your part that someone is making false claims. "...ranting on about kids being kidnapped....." Who said anything about kids "being kidnapped"? "....heroin (while saying taking pills was totally fine, and elsewhere, supporting cocaine usage)" YOU were the one who mentioned heroin, and I didn't say I supported cocaine usage - I said that cocaine could be injected or snorted, and at no time did I say that I supported either. "....moaning about having his religion being changed" Once again, pure conjecture on your part - I never mentioned ANYTHING about having my religion changed. Misquotes from start to finish - you don't even qualify for a "Sad" emoticon!
  14. "...foreigner holding yoga classes appearing to be causing sexual misconduct" So THAT'S what those funny yoga positions are all about! 🙂
  15. You seem to know an awful lot about my life for somebody who doesn't know me! Firstly - you say you got my double entendre about colour TV and race - you obviously missed the TV (Trans........ite bit!) I was trying to keep our communication on a lighter level but you seem intent on implying a lot of untrue slanderous things about me:- I "claim" to have lived in a British city in the 60's? Why on earth would I want to lie about that? And "never to have seen a yellow, black or brown face in the sixties. Not true." How do you know it's not true? For all you know I could be blind, colour blind, or as it happened - I DIDN'T SEE ANY IN MY CITY! Don't make me out to be a liar. I didn't say anything about heroin - you did! (For your information cocaine can be injected as well - or "snorted".) "So if you had a colour TV, "which you probably made up,...." There you go again - I didn't say I/we had a colour TV, I said it was the age of colour TV. As a matter of fact, I and a few kids from our street used to go to a friend's house who was fortunate enough to have one. "The reason you struggle to get an appointment is too many old people, and the government, on and off, blocking imported doctors." Similarly, my comment about having to wait for a doctor's appointment was based on what I have heard from several friends who are in the UK, and one or two here, who have been back to the UK and tried to get an appointment for a non urgent procedure. An example is a friend who has had both knees replaced here recently as it was going to take YEARS in the UK to get an appointment with a consultant, and the procedure done. On the same tack, I have another friend who has had one knee replaced (in the UK) and has had to wait 4 and a half years to get the other one done. And the problem is not just too many OLD people - it's too many PEOPLE - and that includes all those coming in on boats illegally, and the number of Immigrants that heve been let into the country legally (by virtue of the fact they have family there) "Your time is over. By the time the next UK government works out this deal, you will likely be the proverbial 6 feet under." I find your final sentence unnecessarily insulting, hurtful as well as antagonistic, and it will be put on report.
  16. I'm impressed with your list of the negative things about the 50's and 60's, and I'm sure if I could be bothered, I could dig up an equally impressive things of positive things, but I have to say that your statement "The world you described in the 1950/60s is a fiction." is a load of codswallop - I lived through it, so I have first hand knowledge, whereas you being of a younger generation do not. I had a reasonably good education, but my father having brought up 3 boys on his own (due to my mother passing away when I was 7) could not afford to send me to University (or either of my brothers, but that didn't stop one of them from ending up as an Interpreter in MI 6!) Not like my daughter who went to University and got a degree in English and can't spell! So your assumption regarding a wealthy background and "colour TV's" (Yes, "parrot whoosh" on that one - you missed the double entendre there about "TV's and colour" didn't you - admit it!) is way off the mark, and the absence of "brown, white and yellow skins" was due to the fact that I lived in the far North West of England, where the expeditions of "newcomers" hadn't yet reached, and when I had my tonsils out there was not a West Indian or any other kind of Indian nurse or doctor to be seen! Soooo, I left school just as the Beatles came to prominence, and had the best teenage years I could have hoped for, and yes, helped along by a few pills along the way, and later on, a bit of "Wacky Baccy"! I also played in a group with proper musicians playing proper instruments - LIVE!!! But I never saw (or wanted to see) a needle in anybody's arm apart from hospital, or the Doctor's Surgery, when it was a simple job to get an appointment with your own Doctor - on the same day should you need it. But, hey, "man" I'm sure that the "younger generation" of today have their good times - it's just very hard to see them through the cataracts!
  17. "When was that grandad, 1920?" Suggest you get a new calculator! If it was 1920, that would make me 104 years of age! You're only about a quarter of a century out! No, I'm referring to the 50's and 60's when the world was waking up to a new age of Rock & Roll, colour TV (Am I allowed to say that?) the Beatles, and the Pill!
  18. The friendly British born people aren't hard to find - it's the ones living there who weren't born there that's the problem. And there are one or two nice beaches, it's the weather that's hard to find! Especially this time of year - 4 seasons in 1 day!
  19. "Tourism has for years accounted for around 20% of GDP." Not according to figures that I read before Covid! However I shouldn't need to repeat the point that I was making which is that from what I read the emphasis from the Government is more on tourism than production. I don't recall seeing any rhetoric at all from the Government about production, but I see lots of articles about tourism. Maybe I should change my choice of reading material? However, this is in danger of going off topic, (which from memory was about Visas?) so I won't be making any more comments on this subject. Have a nice evening.
  20. I mean exactly what I said. Everyone from the PM to the RTP seems obsessed with promoting the image of Thailand as a holiday destination, and from single figures pre Covid, the contribution of tourism to the GDP has leapt to about 18%.
  21. With comments like that - especially your final sentence - it is blatantly obvious why Thailand is not yet accepted as an equal by most of the Western world - they don't take kindly to threats, even if they are friends with one of the "BIG BOYS". It is not a player on "The World Stage", and is not "The Hub of Hubs" that it purports to be, and with its main obsession being with tourism rather than production, I see no reason to expect any significant change in the situation in the near future.
  22. I read Enoch Powell's speech "Rivers of Blood" speech occasionally just to refresh my memory to remind me of how things were, and what they have become. I grew up in an era when (in my city at least) there were no brown or black or yellow faces. There was nobody to "offend" with Christmas nativity plays, and nobody hid their faces behind face veils or masks. I could go out and play alone in my street without fear of abduction or interference, and drugs were something you got from the doctor when you were ill. Knives were something you only had if you were in the Boy Scouts, and guns were things that soldiers used in wartime. There were no boatloads of illegal immigrants trying to get into my country in order to get clothed and fed and housed by my Government, and then try to change the religion of my country into the religion of the country they were desperately trying to escape from. So, yes, I would like to go back to that era now, and as a certain pop song would put it "Those were the best days of our lives"!
  23. "He plans to return to Thailand on April 1st." 😂 Any coincidence to April Fools Day "Big Jokes" is entirely coincidental! 'Nuff said!
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