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Everything posted by sambum

  1. Usually there is not a lot of room in an ambulance for family, so to me it seems perfectly normal for the family to follow behind in a car - nothing dubious at all. Or are you the type who would wave his wife off in the ambulance and say - "See you tomorrow, dear" and carry on as if nothing had happened?
  2. Why? I was 7 or 8 years old and in there for a c**p. And in those days, a urine sample was something you may have heard your Granny talking about! Or just your attempt at humour?
  3. And there's plenty of those!
  4. Same, same but different?
  5. If they've got "knobs" they're not ladies!
  6. You'd have to ask him! Maybe cabbage flavoured?
  7. In the UK we had to pay a penny to "spend a penny" at coin operated facilities - and the toilet paper was called Bronco or Izal and was like greaseproof paper - nothing stuck! 😞
  8. My mate and his son were there a few weeks ago!
  9. "You have no psychotic road rage drivers in your country? " Thai drivers take it to a new level though! In my old country "road rage" doesn't entail shooting somebody because somebody nicked what you thought was your parking space!!!
  10. "........... coin operated toilet facilities......." Reminds me of a rhyme we kids used to chant back in the UK many years ago:- "Here I sit all broken hearted - wasted a penny 'cos I only fa***d"
  11. I disagree - at 3 a.m. there are less likely to be people on the beach or swimming in the sea, and the complaint seems to be that they were doing it in daylight in view of some "outraged" beachgoers.
  12. I don't think it happened at 3 a.m., but at 3 a.m. you would certainly be less visible to the public, which I think is the main complaint here.
  13. Peeing in a shop doorway is to me obnoxious behaviour - if you are caught that short surely you could find a nearby alleyway to perform?
  14. Make them work at the morgue at the hospital for no wages for a while, and show them what could be the results of their "macho" behaviour. Take away their licence (and car) for a year, and and a bit of community service wouldn't go amiss either, because as you say "a wai, sorry and 500-2000 baht fine" would be like a slap on the wrist for these idiots.
  15. I am having the same problem - they are showing in my Outlook Inbox, but appear briefly then disappear - frustrating!
  16. That's why LL went on my "Ignore" list! Would be interesting to see how many other people have taken the same step!
  17. People have been "falling off balconies" in Pattaya for the 20 years I have been in Thailand - and probably for much longer than that!
  18. "Lt. Col. Prabda, along with another officer, invited both parties to the local police station to negotiate compensation." Really? I can imagine that Ms. Wasithi Lhachan will be advised how much to ask for (as well as having to pay for the "advice") 🙂
  19. So she goes over the top with her cannabis consumption and she's Scottish - in the top story next to this one, a lady gets caught stealing a jar of skin cream and she is British. Reminds me the tennis player Andy Murray getting understandably aggrieved because every time he won a match, he was lauded as British, and every time he was beaten he was reported as being Scottish. To explain to non British readers, there is a centuries old "disgruntlement" between Scots and the English, but at the end of the day if you are from England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland you are BRITISH.
  20. Thank you Sandy! New boss same as the old boss - won't get fooled again?
  21. Is this to make room for the proposed street racing (F1 Grand Prix)?
  22. Bridge playing pensioners using too many cards, overstayers, a Poker school, and now this ring distributing sex toys. The BIB are really busting all records with their fight against major criminals, aren't they?
  23. Glad to see that the RTP are concentrating their efforts on catching the real criminals in this country.🤣 With a bit of luck, they might be able to involve Immigration, as there is always a chance that one or two of them might be on overstay!
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