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Everything posted by sambum

  1. I had some similar Bible thumpers/Mormons/Jehovah's Witnesses at my door a great number of years ago trying to convert me. One of them said "But you must have believed in Jesus at one time?" I replied, "Yes, and I also used to believe in Santa Claus! Goodbye" and went to close the door, but he stuck his foot in the way, saying "But......" and he got no further because I said "Take your foot off my doorstep or I'll break it - now b****r off and don't bother me again." My Scottish wife at the time commented "There was no need for that, you could have just said you were busy, and didn't have time to talk to them". I replied "Yes, and what excuse would you use when they came back again? No, this way they won't bother us again" We never got bothered again - bloody pests!
  2. He wasn't thinking of the consequences - that's for sure!
  3. As an "ex uk Customs officer" you would have a better grasp of the English language!
  4. Yes- ridiculous state of affairs!
  5. If you bothered to read the full post you would see that you are talking about the wrong person altogether:- "In a related incident, professional footballer Jay Emmanuel-Thomas was charged with attempting to smuggle £600,000 worth of cannabis through Stansted Airport." I guess that's how rumours start!
  6. "Not sure why you are getting all confrontational about it..." Because that's his style - that's what he does!
  7. Nah, I don't sphinx so - just chit chats chasing mossies.
  8. Well, mine is half full, and I can't see any writing on the wall!
  9. So your glass is half empty then? 🙂
  10. I preferred it in the early 80's when I got 73 THB to the British Pound!!!
  11. "The woman is often seen using drugs under the cover of a yellow umbrella, and she reportedly urinated and defecated near drainage pipes, which tarnished Pattaya’s tourism reputation." It would take a lot to further tarnish it, but this article will help!
  12. I am surmising differently - "We won't pay you, but sometime in the future we'll give you a share in the company" I wonder how many suckers have fallen for that one?
  13. "Rather than receiving a standard salary, he was promised a future business partnership in the company." Yeah, right!
  14. Don't worry sweety - Daddy knows best and will sort it out!
  15. Can't think of anything much better to do on a tuk tuk while stranded in heavy traffic due to heavy rain! 🙂
  16. For gawd's sake, some folks have got nowt better to do!
  17. "Violent Brawl Between Drunk Australian Tourists Shocks Pattaya" I would have thought that it would have taken more than a scrap between 2 drunken Aussies to "shock" Pattaya!
  18. I was on a flight once from Dubai to the UK, and the Indian "gentleman"/patriarch sitting next to me (he was with an Indian family) - dressed in an old suit (no shirt) and flip flops stunk to high heaven! That was the first and only time time I have actually had reason to ask a stewardess to either move me to another seat or to move the offending passenger. In the end, she actually moved him to another seat somewhere but I feel sorry for the people sitting next to him for 6 hours!
  19. I can think of more stupid things - I've probably done them!
  20. Is your passport not stamped with the overstay details?
  21. From AseanNow dated Fri 7 July 2023 Friday, 7 July 2023, 14:16"Within the next three months, the number of overstayers should be reduced to zero, as they are more likely to engage in criminal activities, which can adversely affect Thailand’s tourism industry, Pol. Lt. Gen. Pakphumpipat said." 🤣
  22. From AseanNow dated Fri & July 2023 Friday, 7 July 2023, 14:16"Within the next three months, the number of overstayers should be reduced to zero, as they are more likely to engage in criminal activities, which can adversely affect Thailand’s tourism industry, Pol. Lt. Gen. Pakphumpipat said." 🤣
  23. Yes, these Interpol lists seem to largely ignored by Thai Immigration. It is only when some "concerned citizen" reports some "suspicious behaviour" that they spring into action.
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