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Posts posted by sambum

  1. For the numerous posters on here who seem intent on pointing out to me that Police and Immigration have different jobs, I would ask them to read my post properly before commenting i.e.:-


    "Every day we seem to be seeing headlines of Immigration busting more people for "overstay" and then jailed and deported- sometimes for just a few days. While I agree that this is illegal, surely there are more important things for the Police and Immigration to concentrate on,"


    I was implying that people on a few days overstay should be further down the list of priorities for the Police and Immigration - surely for instance, illegal immigrants peddling drugs, and child trafficking should take precedence, but while we do hear of occasional "busts", nothing compared to the almost daily reporting of someone else being caught and jailed for overstay. 

  2. 6 hours ago, userabcd said:

    Thailand is already a pretty unique, attractive and easy going place, this is the attraction for 30 to 40 million visitors every year.


    Imagine the visa clamp downs and immigration controls started after some of those terrorist events in Bangkok carried out by foreign nationals.


    The Thai authorities are simply not going to ease their way of managing foreign visitors in Thailand and are not hounding anybody.

    "Thailand is already a pretty unique, attractive and easy going place"

    Are you suggesting that it is getting/going to be getting even more easy going than it was in the past?


    "Imagine the visa clamp downs and immigration controls started after some of those terrorist events in Bangkok carried out by foreign nationals."

    Regarding the 2015 terrorist attack on the Erawan Shrine, no one has claimed responsibility, but :- "The government has implicated a range of (other) suspects in the bombing, mostly Thai opponents of the military regime.[11]

    Regarding the 2019 bombings, it would appear that the perpetrators were also Thai, i.e.  

     the insurgent was orchestrated to create a situation to embarrassed the government as the city hosted ASEAN summit7]Chief Police Chaktip Chaijinda also believe that the motives behind the attack was believed to be political related, as Thailand held its first general election in March since the 2014 Thai coup d'état.[17][18][19] Nonetheless, many government opposition believe that this attacks was responsible by the government itself in order to divert the public attention on the current poor public image of the government.[20]

    So which are the "terrorist events that were carried out by foreign nationals"? It would appear that most of the troubles in Bangkok are carried out by Thais themselves - either pro or anti Government supporters, as in all the pre coup troubles in Bangkok. 

    Also, bear in mind that many other countries have experienced terrorist attacks, but do not make such a song and dance about "overstayers", but prefer to work towards finding and apprehending the perpetrators of terrorism.


    "The Thai authorities are simply not going to ease their way of managing foreign visitors in Thailand and are not hounding anybody."

    I presume that you mean "ease their way off", and in that you are probably right, but "not hounding anybody"? Try asking any expat that has been living here for a number of years if things have got easier or more difficult for them in the past 5 years!!! 



  3. 1 hour ago, Beggar said:

    I have the feeling that they find many of such overstayers because the did something wrong like not paying bills or working without work permit. I guess if they actively look for overstayers their success rate might be much higher. 

    Or fell out with their neighbours! 

    • Like 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, samsensam said:


    and eliminating proper crime and violence, rather than hounding people who are already here?  


    do you have a definition for 'proper' crime as opposed to 'improper' crime?!


    can you give examples where people are being hounded? i've never met anyone here complaining about being hounded by the authorities


    if you dont want to do the time, don't do the crime. get the appropriate visa. common sense. easy.

    "While I agree that this is illegal,"  - the post is about priorities!


    Point taken re "proper" and "improper" - would "serious crime" be more acceptable to you?

    • Like 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Beggar said:

    I think many countries will prosecute people without valid visa. Why should Thailand be different? Simply look that that you have a valid visa and there will be no problems. 

    "While I agree that this is illegal" - the post is about priorities!


    7 minutes ago, Beggar said:


    6 minutes ago, Beggar said:



    • Confused 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

    You know this as a fact?


    Well, he/she seemed to be giving information to the Press willingly!


    "Daily News also spoke to a 28 year old ladyboy friend of the victim who they called Mr A. 

    She echoed the parents' assessment of the case saying that Apinyo loved herself and was scared of heights."


    Why not "Miss A"?

    • Like 1
  7. 49 minutes ago, RawboneFunksta said:

    I am not politically correct or someone who thinks free speech should be banned. I am also not someone who thinks governments should legislate to force folks to use certain pronouns, however, if somebody asked me to or if I was very aware that using a pronoun, for example, 'he' when the individuals choice was 'she' made her uncomfortable, I would use their pronoun of choice. Politeness and respect costs nothing instead making the user a better person and the bearer of the pronoun happier. It's a win/win choice. 

    Flying in the face of such English and Thai conventions of politeness is an active, pedantic choice and although biologically correct (and no ladyboy in Thailand ever tries to convince anyone they are biological females or marches in the streets to insist or calls even the meanest of misgender-ers terms like 'transphobic' or 'Nazi' as trans people often do in the west) it reveals an awful lot about the person doing the misgendering, none of it good. 

    A rag like Thai visa referring to ladyboys as 'he' is irresponsible and crass. Posters like those of you at pains to point out that 'ladyboys are not she' need to cultivate a little largesse and tolerance in your nasty little soul. We all know that ladyboys are not biologically female and so do they no matter how much their heart yearns so there is no need to keep reminding us or them. The poor girl is f****** dead and still you must persist in cowardly meanness. Don't be alarmed that if you don't make similar remarks every time the subject is raised somebody else may think that you are gay. Nobody cares

    "A rag like Thai visa referring to ladyboys as 'he' is irresponsible and crass."


    The ladyboy called "Mr A" didn't seem to be complaining!

    • Like 1
  8. 48 minutes ago, Yinn said:

    No, you need to read OP before rush quickly to post first. 


    can you show the quote where it say “mega rich indians”. Even “rich indians” be enough.


    Or not? 

    No. Because it not say that.


    1.95 Indian tourist last year. More than two year ago.

    Be more this year. 

    The marketing is successful.


    That is reason they they go to this https://www.satte.in/Exhibitors-List

    Marketing. They go last year also.


    Not only thailand, many country go. Is business. Thailand is very successful with the tourism business.


    This thread have some foreigner not like Indian people. 

    I like Indian people. I not like racist people.


    Welcome to Thailand India people. Wish you have a good time, enjoy your holiday!



    "1.95 Indian tourist last year." 


    Wonder what .95 of an Indian tourist looks like?

  9. 4 hours ago, Jooss said:

    Less than 10% of Indians are muslim, pale, and only vegetarian when too poor for travelling to Thailand

    I do wish people would check their facts before posting!  A simple check on Wiki reveals:-


    "Islam is the second-largest religion in India, with 14.2% of the country's population or approx. 172 million people identifying as adherents of Islam (2011 census). It makes India the country with the largest Muslim population outside Muslim-majority countries."


    And"pale" ??? And "only vegetarian when too poor for travelling to Thailand" Sorry, but this is gobbledygook! What on earth do  you mean?

    • Like 2
  10. 16 minutes ago, Mark mark said:

    It's a Scooter !!! About the most dangerous sorts of motorcycle you can get ! ... They just DO NOT HANDEL ! ... but well they are popular I guess .... d/t their ease to drive ! ... Even if you are taking such a greater chance being on any sort of major road on them.


    ... And yes as said above ... U-turns must be about the most dangerous maneuver on any Thai roads, .... And well, probably any road, anywhere I think. .... It is the only maneuver, that I have ever come close to buying it in !!! ... and more than once by a long way !!!


    RIP and 100% relay, on that David. ... 


    Mark mark an old motorcyclist also, ... and I have ridden motor cycles for Oh ? about 45 Years now ... And am still riding ! .... But I DO avoid the highways. ... I have a car, and the side roads are very good around here, so I stick to them when on a motorcycle, like for doping the kids at school, ... 


    But  ... out where Poor Old David lives, possibly the highways are more difficult to avoid. ? ...


    It would be good for Old People to keep on riding Bikes I think ! ... But not on the Highways at all. Like Really High speed Traffic, ... Mixing with Very Low Speed Motorcycles, (And worse Scooters !) .... Not a good mix, particularly if the motor cycle is not driven by some one just 300% totally alert !!!


    Like to be quite honest, how many 71 Year old Thais do you see riding motor cycles on the Highways ! ? ... Like doing u-turns, not just crawling along the as far to the Left side as you ca get ? ! ...  Probably about none really, I would say ? ... Well, not any around where I live any way.

    "It is the only maneuver, that I have ever come close to buying it in !!! ... and more than once by a long way !!!"

    So you didn't learn you lesson the first time?

    P.S Are you taking a drag on your s****f every time you type "..."? Just asking! 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  11. 2 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    A U-turn is one of the most dangerous manoeuvres but I've seen farang do it without looking both ways

    And Thais do?


    I too have seen "ting tong farangs" on motor bikes, but by far the biggest offenders (and OK there are more Thais on the road!) are the young teenagers on the souped up "bees on wheels" that drive recklessly at high speed without a thought for themselves or other road users - and often at night with no lights, so how can they be "looking both ways"?

    • Thanks 1
  12. 33 minutes ago, jaiyen said:

    I am a dog trainer and I have seen many beautiful Rottweilers, Dobermans, German Shepherds etc. All dogs and any animal starts off life knowing nothing and picks up skill and attitude as they grow older. If they are badly trained, abused or forced to be guard dogs then they will be unpredictable or dangerous. I have trained these types too, to bring them back to being a good tempered dog.  Its all about the upbringing and training. Same applies to humans. Just look at the Thai population !!!  These 3 dogs have formed a pack and they are in charge. They must all be put down. A dangerous Rotty can not be reformed with kindness,

    2 contradictions in your post:-


    "If they are badly trained, abused or forced to be guard dogs then they will be unpredictable or dangerous. I have trained these types too, to bring them back to being a good tempered dog."


    "A dangerous Rotty can not be reformed with kindness,"


    Or maybe you mean there is some other way to "reform a dangerous Rotty"?






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