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Posts posted by sambum

  1. 9 hours ago, FinChin67 said:

    I believe the strong bath and much lower income from tourists will hit Thailand pretty hard. On top of that China is feeling the pain from the trade war and it will affect Thailand which depends on China. Manufacturing (incl. me) is moving out from China but not to Thailand.. (Vietnam, Indonesia and even back to Europe). Car industry is choking in China and I am sure in Thailand as well.


    What they are going to do about it is the big question mark. So far nothing..


    China’s 2020 growth to drop below 6.0 per cent, says government-linked body

    We used to have a strong bath when I was a child - made of zinc I believe, and used it in front of a coal fire!

  2. 7 hours ago, marcusb said:

    This is what gets me.  I am always on my motorbike, so I always have my backpack on. I haven't used store bags for a couple years. When I empty my backpack out at home I am dismayed by all the plastic on the table. 

     Plastic bags are a start but we need to get the manufacturers cutting out the packaging or using plastic alternatives. 

    Correct! I got "slagged off" a while ago for buying cheese slices where all the slices are separated by thin sheets of plastic. There are types of cheese slices available without, but almost impossible to separate, and I don't like the brand anyway. Could they not use some kind of greaseproof paper instead?

  3. 14 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    For Thai Air to survive, they have to start from the CEO and their top execs, 1. All

    take a 50 percent wage cut. 2. All stop free travel until they are in good financial

    shape. 3. Get some outside help that knows how to get the airline in better shape.

    4. Quit their corrupt practices, and too many free flights for too many staff and

    especially families and friends of the staff. 5. No more free flights for any Military

    people, and the Thai PM.  5555 It will never happen, but one can hope.


    "families and friends of the staff." Probably first to go

    "free flights for any Military people, and the Thai PM" Probably last to go - if ever!.






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  4. 3 hours ago, Yinn said:

    I read on TVF “Thais stupid, dirty” everyday. Talk about me.

    should say “some Thais” like some farang.


    This OP about pattaya, famous farang and sex worker city. 

    Is not my life, not my city.

    this where I live, not same Pattaya, cleaner than farang country place in #48.


    Just because you say something, not mean you right, I wrong. 


    I post this already. All “Thais” not the same. If you live  sex tourist and sex worker city, I think it will be dirty. Is not thailand, just one place. 

    Different community is different. Thai people not all same each other!

    opposite pattaya













    Looks wonderful! But apart from one photo - where are all the PEOPLE? Maybe the "No Smoking" and "No Drinking" and "No Littering" signs are a bit off putting for people wanting to enjoy themselves? And it's the first time I've seen a sign saying that you can not even BRING polystyrene boxes into the area!  in one pic I see 2 wheelie bins about 10 metres apart - excellent idea, but where I live you would be lucky to see one, because the Council have taken them all away!! (Possibly these green ones are privately owned/bought?)

  5. 5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    An honorable and visionary plan, for an administration totally lacking in vision and leading one of the least progressive nations on earth. 


    Will they be able to put this into practice, in one of the most plastic hungry, and least environmentally conscious nations? 


    Perhaps they could show us some good faith, by beginning with bins on every corner in the capital? Then the establishment of trash collection in all the smaller rural towns? Start somewhere. Show is something. Jabbering only gets you so far in this world.

    Agreed, but in my neck of the woods the rubbish bins that used to be frequent have all but disappeared. The reason apparently is that people were not paying their 50 baht or so a month for their rubbish to be collected so the pro active Council took away the bins! 


    On the estate where we used to live we bought our own bins, but the lids quickly disappeared (?) closely followed by the bins themselves.


    One solution already suggested on here would be to have a "garbage collection tax" included on every electricity bill, and that money could be (!) redirected to the Council to pay for garbage collection and disposal. In that way, virtually everybody who lives here would be paying for their waste to be collected. Short stay tourists could have a garbage collection levy on their room/hotel prices, and landlord/landladies could do the same with their rental costs for long stay visitors/retirees/ex pats. I am sure that every visitor to these shores would not mind paying a few baht extra for their accommodation, and the residents would be forced to pay or have no electricity!

  6. 2 minutes ago, Spike1938 said:

    In a certain way they were forced to do it. I am sure when these girls were 9 years old they didn't dream of being a whore. It is the economic disparity in Thailand that forces these girls to sell the only thing they have that is salable in an open market.

    No they could choose to work in a factory if needs be, but that involves the "W" word. Or a restaurant or kitchen or beer bar or hotel or  ........................!!!

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  7. 2 minutes ago, rwill said:

    If the guy had just drove through the checkpoint he most likely would have just been waved through unless of course he had other issues like no registration, no license, etc.


    I have seen many instances where the Thai police have shown great restraint.  But probably not when someone is trying to run away from them.

    And the same would apply to Police anywhere - why run if you've nothing to hide? But this guy obviously did, and he wasn't going to risk his bootleg booze being discovered.


    However, that doesn't excuse the trigger happy response,

  8. 19 hours ago, ChipButty said:

    Local Thai people are suffering they've got no money the government dont give a flying <deleted>, our cleaners come today borrow 2000 Baht because no tourist here

    But  "The Thailand Tourism Intelligence Centre says 23.1 million foreign tourists visited the Kingdom between January and the end of August this year, up nearly 2% compared to the same period last year. The big mover is Indian tourists, up 24% year on year." 

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