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Everything posted by sambum

  1. "Shortly after, the assailant's friends arrived on motorcycles, armed with wooden sticks. Fortunately, authorities arrived on the scene in time, causing the group to disperse and flee in different directions." Like a pack of cowardly soi dogs - typical Thai mob mentality! 😡
  2. And don't come back! And never mind the "Sorry guv, I was on drugs and didn't know what I was doing!" Tosser!
  3. ".....a legal claim against the government for dereliction of duty and endangerment" And good luck with that!!!!
  4. "Except the latest breed to be banned in the UK is the XL Bully" (Doesn't the name say it all?!!!) Quite right too! Unpredictable killing machines - a bit like certain types of illegal immigrants! And why can Customs not stop the importing of these banned species if they are illegal? And give the suppliers and buyers/morons hefty fines, or prison sentences for repeat offences?
  5. "Mathias states, "My puppies can tell when someone doesn't like them and it hurts their feelings." What a load of codswallop! They're not "puppies" - they are DOGS, and how about the inbred instinct that dogs can smell fear, and that is why they sometimes go on the offensive - especially if there are a few of them.
  6. Absolute garbage dog defending post! "A least they haven't gone the stupid UK way of destroying an entire breed because of the actions of a few owners....." The "stupid UK way" was to ban an entire breed not just because of the irresponsibility of "a few owners" but because of the well documented fact of the unpredictability of the breed in question (Pit Bull?) which has led to numerous fatal attacks over the years. One example which shows the results of the "stupid way":- Giant, aged 2, the Pit Bull breed or Ban Dog that savaged its owner to death last week has been taken to his funeral in Pattaya. He took part in a ceremony called "khor khama" in which he apologized to the corpse. Now you could say that this is an isolated incident, but from Forbes Advisor:- "The breed that commits the most attacks overall is pit bulls. "The breed that is most likely to be involved in a fatal attack is pit bulls." Pit bulls are involved in more dog attacks than any other breed. In fact, the American Animal Hospital Association reports this breed was responsible for 22.5% of bites across all studies. Mixed breeds were a close second at 21.2% and German Shepherds were the third most dangerous breed, involved in 17.8% of bite incidents.⁶" That is why the "stupid UK way" was undertaken in the first place!
  7. "A Swiss man sought a sustainable solution ................" Every man and his dog (meant!) knows the solutions to this problem. They have been recommended many times for these pests, (licence the dogs, keep them on a leash, fine the owners etc. etc. etc.) but the authorities/police are too lazy/reluctant to do anything about it. Perhaps if they gave a "bounty" for each successful "capture" then the RTP would be more than willing to take appropriate action! 🙂
  8. "Swiss man paws for thought after dog bites on Thai beach (video)" What a vomit inducing headline! - who passes these for publication?
  9. Cambodia? Vietnam? Why not? Surely these pests are spoiling the image of "Now More Amazing Thailand"?
  10. You are assuming that the two other people injured were RTP? All I can see is that they were referred to as "bystanders", and other "patrons" fled in panic?
  11. "Authorities noted that Tiny Club, operated by an influential local figure, lacked a business license and stayed open well past legal hours, with lax security allowing firearms inside." Well, what a surprise! Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, but what makes it more ironic is that the incident involved two upstanding members of the RTP - your life in their hands? Whoopee!
  12. "In other words, you would never be sure what might happen further down the line. One tourist might be refused, whilst another might be hassle-free, a scenario which would create the bad publicity which the Thai government abhors." Exactly what happens in Immigration Offices up and down the country, where one I.O. has one interpretation of the rules and another one in the same office has a different one. As I have mentioned before, is it not time that I.O.'s were not given a "hymnbook/rulebook," so that they should all be "singing the same tune"? Actually, there is a set of rules, but they are interpreted in different ways, hence the frustration that many ex pats in particular feel when applying for an annual extension. Maybe the new Government may care to look at this situation when they "get round to immigration and visas sooner rather than later."?
  13. By maybe apologising in private hence saving him the inconvenience of possible future bad publicity? And maybe a few thousand baht on offer - but maybe that's what was discussed in order to "diffuse "the situation! 🙂
  14. If the reporter does file charges and he does go to jail (unlikely!) he'll have plenty of time on his hands! 😂
  15. Why? My feeling is if they stop a Thai for no helmet, no lights etc there is nothing in it for them, whereas a foreigner?????
  16. Why is the face of the cow pixellated out? Maybe a legal "innocent till proven guilty" thing? 😅
  17. La***a is your friend! 🙂 Brown envelope KA125 grams, no address, great value pack There are 5 sizes to choose from. Size 5*8 inches, pack of 50 sheets Size 7*10 inches, pack of 50 sheets Size 9*12.75 inches, pack of 50 sheets (includes A4 paper) Size 10*15 inches, pack of 25 sheets Size 11*17 inches, pack of 25 sheets Fill yer boots! 🙂
  18. Can they have a blitz on noisy night time bikes on Samui please? Also (Mostly Thais) no helmets, and worst of all - NO LIGHTS!!!
  19. No, TAT has an obsession with numbers, - Immigration has an obsession with criminal overstayers, the Gov't has an obsession with keeping the image of Thailand squeaky clean, the RTP has an obsession with keeping corruption alive and kicking, and the rest of Thailand has an obsession with BAHT!!!
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