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Posts posted by sambum

  1. "National police commissioner General Somyot Poompanmoung said that a team of investigators led by his deputy General Aek Angsananont had suggested a transfer of Police Maj-General Sunthorn Chalermkiat, who is chief of the Satun police, to an inactive post at Royal Thai Police headquarters.

    Somyot said this was because Sunthorn has close ties with a suspected leader of the trafficking ring.

    The national police chief said he would also transfer the five most senior officers at Padang Besar police station in Songkhla, including the superintendent, out of their current jurisdiction. That was in addition to seven more police in Padang Besar suspected of getting bribes from traffickers."

    Why do we still keep hearing these reports of "transfers" to "inactive posts"? I thought that we were supposed to be seeing a hard line taken against corruption? It's almost as bad as Western bankers getting massive bonuses for making bad investments with their customers' money, and then being given loans by the Government to keep their banks in business.

    In my previous life, I would have been sacked for such serious transgressions, but it appears that once again, as far as the BIB are concerned, a slap on the wrist for being a naughty boy,(sorry, for being CAUGHT being a naughty boy), go away and keep your head down for a while, and it'll all soon be forgotten about.

  2. In reply to trogers Post #307 dated today :-

    Was hoping to read just a mention on the father of the baby...

    Do you actually live in Thailand, or just believe the "Amazing Thailand" B/S? This is not the UK where they have an agency called the CSA to chase up the payments by absent fathers!

    Then they should elect laws and set one up. We don't use chemo to clear pimples.

    The point is - there isn't.

    Then this issue should be raised and acted on, and not using this issue as a reason to adjust the minimum wage.

    Once again, the point is - there isn't, and until there is, there is every reason to use this issue as a reason to "adjust" (Do you not mean "increase"?) the minimum wage. If the minimum wage was increased (and living costs remained stable) then the girl would not have to work in the sex industry in order to make enough money to help support her parents.

    So based on calculations shown, the minimum wage should be 500-600 baht, for a single parent to support herself and her child.

    Assuming 50,000 sex workers nationwide, we would use the plight of 50,000 to make a policy for 5m workers...

    And perhaps a few years from now, we say, it's now a single mother with 2 children and adjust wage to 800-900.

    "Calculations shown?" Where? "Minimum wage 500 - 600 baht" Per hour? Per day? We should use the plight of ALL workers to set a policy for a minimum wage, and the fact that there are some people who become "sex workers" because the current minimum wage is not enough to support themselves and help their family speaks for itself.

  3. In reply to trogers Post #307 dated today :-

    Was hoping to read just a mention on the father of the baby...

    Do you actually live in Thailand, or just believe the "Amazing Thailand" B/S? This is not the UK where they have an agency called the CSA to chase up the payments by absent fathers!

    Then they should elect laws and set one up. We don't use chemo to clear pimples.

    The point is - there isn't.

    Then this issue should be raised and acted on, and not using this issue as a reason to adjust the minimum wage.

    Once again, the point is - there isn't, and until there is, there is every reason to use this issue as a reason to "adjust" (Do you not mean "increase"?) the minimum wage. If the minimum wage was increased (and living costs remained stable) then the girl would not have to work in the sex industry in order to make enough money to help support her parents.

  4. Same old story. I earn minimum wages. I have wife and children to feed. Cost of living is too high to support my wife and kids on minimum wages.

    Yes we all know. But why are you still earning minimum wages? Why do you not aquire more knowledge or skill to be productive and climb the wage ladder?

    And why do you get married and have children when you can barely support just yourself?

    Should society be responsible for you and your foolish acts?

    This is such a horrible and arrogant way of thinking. And I'm shocked that it has the most likes at this topic. Wait, this is Thaivisa, home of the ignorant and arrogant, so I'm not really shocked.

    Yeah, like it's just too easy to acquire the skills and climb the wage ladder, keep on dreaming. And blaming someone because he got married and had children?

    Again, it is just sick to blame the common working man and woman. The government should be blamed, because they don't provide better minimum wages and social security.

    The main factor for the huge sex industry is low wages and lack of social security. If I was a Thai who had to take care of his/her elderly parents who have no social security, instead of working at 7-11 for minimum wage, I'd have probably become a sex worker as well.

    For many people Thailand is synonymous with sex tourism. If government really wants to improve this bad image, they should start by increasing minimum wage and provide social security for retired people.

    Same root cause of many problems - money. For instance, why would anyone in their right mind want to become a policeman for app 7000 baht a month, and have to buy their uniform, gun, and motor bike out of that? Simples! The amount of money they can make from corruption compensates them for their low basic wage. And once they get used to the extra income, they find it very difficult to do without it.

    As you quite rightly say, this is also a factor in the sex industry. I know a certain bar girl who was in tears because she wanted to be back home with her weeks old baby. She had been sending money home to her parents, but of course once she became pregnant that source of income stopped, and she went home to Esan to have the baby. In a matter of days, she was forced by her parents to leave the baby with them, and move back to B/K to resume her former occupation in order to send money back to her parents. And I am pretty sure that this is not an isolated case.

    And actually, the government do provide for their elderly/retired people - my girlfriend's elderly mother gets the princely sum of 500 baht a month to buy food, and pay all the bills!

    Was hoping to read just a mention on the father of the baby...

    Do you actually live in Thailand, or just believe the "Amazing Thailand" B/S? This is not the UK where they have an agency called the CSA to chase up the payments by absent fathers!

    Then they should elect laws and set one up. We don't use chemo to clear pimples.

    The point is - there isn't.

  5. In reply to micmichd Post #302 dated today:-

    "Might be some horny Farang who didn't like condoms and then did the runner..."

    Quite possibly/probably, but that doesn't alter the fact that in Thailand, whether the father be Farang or Thai, there is not much chance of the mother getting any financial or other kind of assistance if the father decides not to "cooperate".

  6. "Moreover, there were even times, he said, when police were told to suspend their investigations."

    They admit this in public and it's just accepted and swept under the rug?!?!?

    The REAL crime is that they could make so much MORE money if they upheld the law, maintained order on the roads issuing tickets to speeders and erratic drivers, ensuring every driver had a license and insurance, charging drunk drivers, ALL of this saving lives etc. etc. etc.

    I guess that's why it's still a "developing" country.

    Agreed they could MAKE more money, but if they did everything you say, they wouldn't be able to KEEP it!

  7. The potential policeman has to pay money to get into the Thai police force.

    He does so , because he knows it is a money spinner , not because he wants to uphold the law.

    You cannot blame them from wanting a return on the thousands they had to pay out just to get on the first rung.

    Now we understand the term "Born Again".

    Evil embedded in the seed of a heart cannot sprung a righteous man.

    Understand and agree with the first bit from NE1, but "Evil embedded in the seed of a heart cannot sprung a righteous man."?

    What sort of gobbledegook is that?

    Possibly that "a leopard cannot change its spots"? But I agree - gobbledegook - not needed.

  8. Min wage rises will never be enough since inflation will rise in kind. Suggest those folks who struggle sell that face-gaining truck and cut back on cigs & alcohol. 15k is plenty for a standard Thai family living within their means.

    Plenty for a Thai family?

    Could you actually be any more patronising? Why would this be insufficient for a farang family? Do Thais have lesser need than a farang family.

    So lets look at it. A family of 4 on 15k?

    Rent 4k. Food, minimum 100 baht per day per person. 400*30=12000

    Ah, thanks for coming. Obviously with education they could manage to live on 15k by not eating. Obviously they need to be educated in starvation.

    Plenty. What world are you living in.

    I do believe a struggling family like this in a developed world would have both parents working to support the family...

    And what becomes of traditional family life then? Both parents working, child looked after by Nanny, (because the rest of the family also have to work) and then shipped off to boarding school? I do not have the figures/info/facts to hand, but I believe that most doctors and psychologists agree that the most important years in any child's life are the pre school years i.e. the bonding with mother years.

  9. Same old story. I earn minimum wages. I have wife and children to feed. Cost of living is too high to support my wife and kids on minimum wages.

    Yes we all know. But why are you still earning minimum wages? Why do you not aquire more knowledge or skill to be productive and climb the wage ladder?

    And why do you get married and have children when you can barely support just yourself?

    Should society be responsible for you and your foolish acts?

    This is such a horrible and arrogant way of thinking. And I'm shocked that it has the most likes at this topic. Wait, this is Thaivisa, home of the ignorant and arrogant, so I'm not really shocked.

    Yeah, like it's just too easy to acquire the skills and climb the wage ladder, keep on dreaming. And blaming someone because he got married and had children?

    Again, it is just sick to blame the common working man and woman. The government should be blamed, because they don't provide better minimum wages and social security.

    The main factor for the huge sex industry is low wages and lack of social security. If I was a Thai who had to take care of his/her elderly parents who have no social security, instead of working at 7-11 for minimum wage, I'd have probably become a sex worker as well.

    For many people Thailand is synonymous with sex tourism. If government really wants to improve this bad image, they should start by increasing minimum wage and provide social security for retired people.

    Same root cause of many problems - money. For instance, why would anyone in their right mind want to become a policeman for app 7000 baht a month, and have to buy their uniform, gun, and motor bike out of that? Simples! The amount of money they can make from corruption compensates them for their low basic wage. And once they get used to the extra income, they find it very difficult to do without it.

    As you quite rightly say, this is also a factor in the sex industry. I know a certain bar girl who was in tears because she wanted to be back home with her weeks old baby. She had been sending money home to her parents, but of course once she became pregnant that source of income stopped, and she went home to Esan to have the baby. In a matter of days, she was forced by her parents to leave the baby with them, and move back to B/K to resume her former occupation in order to send money back to her parents. And I am pretty sure that this is not an isolated case.

    And actually, the government do provide for their elderly/retired people - my girlfriend's elderly mother gets the princely sum of 500 baht a month to buy food, and pay all the bills!

    Was hoping to read just a mention on the father of the baby...

    Do you actually live in Thailand, or just believe the "Amazing Thailand" B/S? This is not the UK where they have an agency called the CSA to chase up the payments by absent fathers!

  10. Same old story. I earn minimum wages. I have wife and children to feed. Cost of living is too high to support my wife and kids on minimum wages.

    Yes we all know. But why are you still earning minimum wages? Why do you not aquire more knowledge or skill to be productive and climb the wage ladder?

    And why do you get married and have children when you can barely support just yourself?

    Should society be responsible for you and your foolish acts?

    This is such a horrible and arrogant way of thinking. And I'm shocked that it has the most likes at this topic. Wait, this is Thaivisa, home of the ignorant and arrogant, so I'm not really shocked.

    Yeah, like it's just too easy to acquire the skills and climb the wage ladder, keep on dreaming. And blaming someone because he got married and had children?

    Again, it is just sick to blame the common working man and woman. The government should be blamed, because they don't provide better minimum wages and social security.

    The main factor for the huge sex industry is low wages and lack of social security. If I was a Thai who had to take care of his/her elderly parents who have no social security, instead of working at 7-11 for minimum wage, I'd have probably become a sex worker as well.

    For many people Thailand is synonymous with sex tourism. If government really wants to improve this bad image, they should start by increasing minimum wage and provide social security for retired people.

    Same root cause of many problems - money. For instance, why would anyone in their right mind want to become a policeman for app 7000 baht a month, and have to buy their uniform, gun, and motor bike out of that? Simples! The amount of money they can make from corruption compensates them for their low basic wage. And once they get used to the extra income, they find it very difficult to do without it.

    As you quite rightly say, this is also a factor in the sex industry. I know a certain bar girl who was in tears because she wanted to be back home with her weeks old baby. She had been sending money home to her parents, but of course once she became pregnant that source of income stopped, and she went home to Esan to have the baby. In a matter of days, she was forced by her parents to leave the baby with them, and move back to B/K to resume her former occupation in order to send money back to her parents. And I am pretty sure that this is not an isolated case.

    And actually, the government do provide for their elderly/retired people - my girlfriend's elderly mother gets the princely sum of 500 baht a month to buy food, and pay all the bills!

  11. when i first came to thailand most of the labour on construction sites were thai

    now more than half are burmese /cambodian/lao

    theres just as much construction now as before so what happened to all those thai labourers?

    we pay people what they are worth

    thailand in so many ways are totally inefficient

    as an example

    why is it that 2 farang can do a better and faster job than 6 thais

    because in many western countries labour is the highest cost on many levels so westerers learn to work fast and efficient to make a living

    labour costs are not a high cost of many jobs here , hence 6 people turn up to simply repair your aircon [for example ]

    hence very little work ethic in the labour sector in thailand

    thailand needs to become efficient to compete in the wider market

    giving people more basic wages wont change most work ethics

    only education will work and thats a long term scenario

    As long as companies can import as many foreign laborers as they like at minimum wage, there is no pressure on the wages to increase.

    Minimum should be a limit not a target

    Correct, and the situation is exactly the same in the UK. Hundreds of thousands of immigrants from Romania, Bulgaria, Poland and other countries (legal, unlike in Thailand with the illegals from Myanmar etc) come into UK and will do jobs for less than minimum wage.

    This makes it impossible for native British unskilled labour to find work or to do work at a living wage.

    God alone knows how the immigrants mentioned manage to live on their slave wages....but we can easily assume that business-owners are laughing all the way to the bank.

    Only UKIP seems to be campaigning with this race-to-the-bottom in wages as a part of their platform.

    "God alone knows how the immigrants mentioned manage to live on their slave wages.."

    I would suggest that many of the immigrants that you are talking about are in a far better position in the UK than in their own countries. I know this for a fact as I once had 3 tenants from Eastern Europe rent my house (2 sisters one of which had a boyfriend), and they were all employed working on the production line at a national tyre producing company who had a factory in our area. The sister without the boyfriend had been a detective sergeant in the police force, the other sister had been working as a receptionist in a lawyer's office. I am unsure as to the previous occupation of the boyfriend, but they were all adamant that they were much better off working in the UK than they were "at home". A similar situation involved car mechanics from Poland - they were far better off financially in the UK than in Poland, but apparently the situation has now been reversed as Poland were running out of qualified car mechanics, and had to increase their wages substantially, which in turn led to the aforementioned Poles doing an about turn and returning to Poland.

    The immigrants that you are talking about are probably illegals, and yes they do get exploited, but as I said earlier, probably they are better off in the UK than their own countries, and if they cannot find work, then the good old British Government will make sure that they are amply catered for.

  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    One has to start somewhere. Improve the training (get professional help from abroad). Increase salaries. Punish corruption severely. Make finances from higher ranking officers and their families transparant. It all will probably take generations.

    You have made one mistake and that is "...get professional help from abroad". Thailand do not like bringing in other countries to train them. They should if they need it but it probably wont happen

    I think you are being generous by using the word "probably"! And all to do with that very Eastern thing "face". No one in their right mind could expect Thailand to accept professional help from any other country as that would be tantamount to them admitting that they are not capable of doing the jobs that they are employed to do. That is never going to happen - just look at the Koh Tao fiasco. First of all we are told that David Cameron has insisted to the Thai Prime Minister that the British Police Force should be involved in the investigation regarding the 2 murdered British backpackers. Immediately upon his return to Thailand the statement/wording is very suddenly changed to indicate that the British Police would be there only to "observe proceedings" - in other words, "look but don't touch". What makes you think that ANY Thai government department would ask for help from another country in any respect when this kind of situation exists?

  13. The whole point is that without extra productivity we get the same thing we got when foolish YL increased the minimum wage by 100%. The result is known to those who lived here at the time. All prices shot up and the people with minimum wage still could not cover their daily expenses. So just increasing the salary won't work, because everything will become more expensive right away.

    The point about people having cars and bikes is a good one I have seen the same quite often here in Thailand. No money to drive the car but owning a car and getting killed by the monthly payments.

    So does the same thing not happen in your country? "Keeping up with the Jones'"? We have a saying in our town - "Flash house, flash car but nowt in t' fridge!"

    The problem is not just a Thai problem. When I was at (Grammar) school in the UK, 3 people in my year (about 120 pupils) went on to University - not just because the remainder didn't have the qualifications, but also, their parents couldn't afford to support them. Nowadays, it is probably 3 people that do not go to University, and the remainder do! The pass rate for 'O' levels and 'A' levels is astoundingly high - well not "astoundingly" high - the % required for a pass has been fairly dramatically reduced. The end result is that more people go to University, and get degrees in subjects that they choose because of the high pass rate and low level of difficulty, not one that will better qualify them for a position with prospects, and when they leave University, they are surprised when they can't get a job in line with their ambitions. The country is saturated with people with degrees in "Media Studies" or something similar - a member of my own family has a degree in English and can't even spell properly! ("You don't need to be able to spell properly these days - "Spellcheck" does it all for you"!)

    Unfortunately, one of the big problems facing them, and whichever Government is in charge, is finding jobs for them all, and I know of many instances where graduates have been unable to get a decent job for years, because a degree in "Media Studies" isn't much use to an employer who wants someone to "get their hands dirty" and actually work, rather than talk about it! So you end up with a nation bursting at the seams of supposedly highly intelligent graduates who are swelling the unemployment figures and taking full advantage of the Benefits System. along with the legal and illegal immigrants who can't/won't get a job who are also taking full advantage of the Benefits System.

    Another end result of this strategy is that while these students are having the time of their lives at Uni, they are getting used to having the latest gadgets and computers and phones, (Keeping up with the Jones' syndrome again!) and when they leave with their degree and high hopes, they still want to have access to the same expensive paraphernalia that they have been accustomed to, but now they have to pay for it themselves. The easy answer is as you say in the last 2 words of your post - monthly payments.

    So getting back on topic, the Thai problem is that people want a decent wage for a day's work. If they don't work, they don't get paid. In more "civilised" countries, if you don't work, the Government will "pay" you.

    So you tell me - which is the right system?

  14. What he's not telling anyone is that he's starring in "The Machinist 2" biggrin.png

    Fair play to the guy if he can live on 1,000 baht a week, perhaps he can start up a new online business/blog, called " how to survive in Thailand on 1,000 baht a week" and break down his shopping list, I'm not taking the piss here, It would be a great think for the farangs who can and sometimes do fall on hard times.

    He gets a like from me for his shopping, I wonder if he will come and do mine for me? biggrin.png

    Thanks for the upvote happy.png

    Regarding the question about my grocery list, I normally do alot of shopping in Tesco and my local market.

    I spend about 300-370 baht on Vegetables and Meat (5lbs-7lbs of "MOO") at my local market and then hit Tesco to get Milk,yogurt,eggs and cheese.

    Milk Dutchie Mills about 92baht per bottle x 2

    Yogurt Dutchie Mills about 49 baht for 4 cups x 2

    Eggs about 78baht/tray for 30 eggs per tray.

    Cheese (I can't remember the brand sorry) about 110 baht.

    I only add a little cheese to my eggs in the morning so usually a block can last me 1 - 2 weeks (depending on how hungry I am )

    That's about it. Sometimes I may buy 1 or 2 Rotisserie chickens at Tesco at 139Baht each (Sometimes they have them for sale at 99Baht ) but that's about it.

    Regarding the other costs:

    Accommodation: 0 baht (Built my own accommodation before moving to Thailand)

    Water: 1500Baht/Month

    Electricity and Internet:......Well you've got me here.... 40,000baht/Month my place of work is a factory that runs heavy machinery 24/7

    Transport: As I live at my place of work (and also provide accommodation for employees as well) not much need to drive around much so 500baht/month (if so much).

    Also when an employee decides that playing candy crush is more important than operating the machinery in front of her and decides to ignore it in order to achieve that new highscore, one of the following happens;

    1.) At the point of exit on the machine, where she has to grab the finished product and move it out of the way(and package it accordingly) so that it will not block the exit where the next finished product needs to come out, begins forming a pile up of finished products leading all the way back into the machine where the moving bits of the machine that are responsible for pushing out the finished products are unable to do so anymore, thus causing mechanical failure within the machine and alarms to go off, at which point she realizes she done F*****d up, turns off the machine, comes into the office to say that the machine has a problem, at which point I turn to the electrical engineer who is sitting at his desk playing Candy Crush to tell him to fix it, which is to no avail. Upon shouting at him, he realizes he done F****d up (as he was supposed to be outside working on one of the other machines) and goes outside, looks at the machine hums "Cow-jai, cow-jai" returns to the office and tells me the reason the machine is not working is because the power button is off...... *facepalm*

    2.) Turns off machine completely, as she has learned from her past experience that not doing so can cause major problems (You see....This I believe, is what they call PROGRESS!!!) and sits down for the next three hours playing Candy Crush on her phone. I now walk along, see her, realize that I am now paying for her to achieve that new high score on Candy Crush (Money well spent!!!), inquire as to why the machine is off to which she says it won't turn on, to which I reply "Have you tried flipping the main switch on the machine to ON" at which point she does so and realizes that I am super pissed as the machine did turn on, ONLY to be relieved seconds after as the alarms on the machine had gone off. I inspect the machine, only to see a pile up of finished products leading all the way inside the machine to be the cause of the problem, which then leads me to march into the Men's Room to find the Electrical Engineer who is sitting in a stall playing Candy Crush. It is at this point I ask him in a polite, calm and homicidal way as to why he has not fixed the machine to which he replies that I should get a new one....... Then he tells me that the work is too hard and that he is resigning ......

    Gotta love Thailand's No Defamation rule huh? ^_^""""

    Ah, so a disgruntled employer who obviously does not have much of a training/discipline regime in place! However, I like your description of your working environment - could make a good film in the "Carry On ....." mode!

  15. That is 33 lives that have been lost. 33 sons/daughters, brothers/sisters and/or Fathers and Mothers.

    <deleted> people, have some sense of gravitas. They were just people like you and me, seeking a better life. Who knows? There might have been the next Tesla/Einstein/Pascal amongst them.

    Show some respect. It is always someone's loss.

    Sometimes the callousness of this board smacks me in the face, and I come out with a bloody nose. This really is a tragedy.

    What if it was 33 chinese people? You see i don't know why when it somehow involves muslims people instantly say they are persecuted.

    I think you are the only person to have said "muslims" and "persecuted" Mr Paranoid, and if it was 33 Chinese people it would still be the same tragedy.

    P.S. I'm not a Muslim lover, either.

  16. .........

    I can't believe what I am reading.......

    300 Baht /Day not enough....... o_O

    I spend roughly 1000baht/week in groceries (and I buy luxury goods such as cheese and yogurt) and I can maintain both myself and one other individual on this budget.

    That's about 4,000baht/month.....At a minimum daily wage I'd be getting 7,200 baht and on a monthly minimum roughly 9,000baht/month.

    If I were to buy only normal groceries I could reduce that to about 600 Baht/week (2400 Baht/month).

    People need to get off their a$$e$, get a job and stop expecting the gov't to feed them.

    Furthermore, once they do have a job they need to show respect for the work that they do and actually do the work instead of playing candy crush on their phones!!

    Source: Just one guys opinion.

    How much do you pay per month for your accommodation, and how much do you pay in regards to water and electricity bills for said accomodation?

    How much is your fuel bill to take you to your shop per week?

    How much is your internet that you are able to post regularly on TVF?

    I don't think the government is feeding those on low income or don't have jobs.... wait a minute, wasn't there a post in recent days about the unemployment rate being so low in Thailand right here on TVF? .. that would kind of blow your "they need to get of their asses and get a job" ... low unemployment would state otherwise.

    Is there a welfare system in Thailand that they can claim from? I don't believe there is, can anyone shed any light on this?

    what's wrong with candy crush? biggrin.pngwink.png

    I think our inquisitive lobster has not been inquisitive enough when he conveniently forgets the cost of some of the essentials that you and I have already queried, and to ask them to "show respect for the work that they actually do" - I don't know what he means, I suppose maybe he means they should show respect to the kind and benevolent people that have been so good and kind enough to give them a job in the first place, and be eternally grateful for their 300 baht a day.

  17. You can re-enter after deportation, many have done so.

    No one gets blacklisted purely for that, they'd have to be considered undesirable for real criminal reasons (may apply to this guy if the alleged domestic violence is true).

    Thats why I said "can be excluded".

    The reason for deportation is irrelevant. Because he has been deported he can be stopped from entering in the future under Section 12 (11.) of the immigration act.

    Section 12 : Aliens which fall into any of the following categories are excluded from entering into the Kingdom :

    11. Being deported by either the Government of Thailand .......

    i.e. This Frenchman is excluded from entering the Kingdom because he falls into the category of previously being deported.

    He could appeal under Section 22, but given the circumstances leading to his arrest I doubt very much if he'd be successful.

    Overstaying isn't a reason for exclusion which is why people successfully re-enter. But being deported for overstaying is different because deportation regardless of the reason is reason enough for future exclusion.

    Still, in practice being deported on overstay alone doesn't result in blacklisting. Plenty of threads from posters who got deported on overstay and are now back in Thailand. Two such examples:



    No reports of exclusion purely for overstay related deportation yet.

    I get your point, but you can't be sure that he hasn't been blacklisted. Just because immigration haven't, as far as we know and based on limited information, blacklisted some people deported due to overstay it doesn't mean this guy has been cut the same slack. The law says they/he can be. Thai immigration is renowned for its inconsistency in enforcing the rules and the law.

    My original point was to point out that although the law doesn't allow for him to be excluded for his alleged ABH, or his overstay, it does allow for him to be excluded because of deportation, so if immigration want a reason to blacklist him, or exclude him in the future, they've got one. Therefore, he can be excluded for life, as wanted by Just1Voice, even though the overstay ban rules aren't yet enforceable.

    I'm sure immigration decide on a case by case basis. Neither of the examples you gave involved alleged ABH, arrest warrants or their cases in the national press. I know overstay regardless of length isn't an issue, but taking everything in to account I would be really amazed if this guy hasn't been blacklisted.

    Regardless of the blacklist anyone that has ever been deported stands the chance of exclusion at the border at anytime. It's the law.

    beatdeadhorse.gif "Could be" "If" "Because" "Or" "Can be" - Enough already!

    Regardless of the blacklist anyone that has ever been deported stands the chance of exclusion at the border at anytime.

    It's the law.

  18. .........

    I can't believe what I am reading.......

    300 Baht /Day not enough....... o_O

    I spend roughly 1000baht/week in groceries (and I buy luxury goods such as cheese and yogurt) and I can maintain both myself and one other individual on this budget.

    That's about 4,000baht/month.....At a minimum daily wage I'd be getting 7,200 baht and on a monthly minimum roughly 9,000baht/month.

    If I were to buy only normal groceries I could reduce that to about 600 Baht/week (2400 Baht/month).

    People need to get off their a$$e$, get a job and stop expecting the gov't to feed them.

    Furthermore, once they do have a job they need to show respect for the work that they do and actually do the work instead of playing candy crush on their phones!!

    Source: Just one guys opinion.

    Umm - do you pay rent? Do you pay electricity charges? Do you pay water charges? Do you walk everywhere you need to go? Have you ever even seen a rice farm? etc etc etc

  19. And I would say maybe because they have a home and a way of life that you obviously do not or can not comprehend.

    If i recall correctly last minimum wage was not enough, so it was hiked to 300, now its also not enough.

    So once its hiked again, again it will not be enough.

    Said it before and will say it again, stay in the same job for longer than 3 months, do little more than play on the phone and laze around, and you will not be getting minimum wage.

    As for usual willyumii drivel, if those work conditions are not suitable, can always either go to labor department or change jobs.

    Not to mention minimum wage workers also get free meal and out of 12 hours at work, will be lucky to actually work for half that.

    Farmers get to steal take home lots of products and work for few month a year if that.

    PS. May be if they stopped drinking 100 baht worth of thai whisky on nightly basis, they might have an extra 100 to spend on food

    Just what are you accusing the farmers of stealing?

    A bag of rice every few months when it is ready for harvest?

    Some unprocessed tapioca that can not be eaten?

    Or maybe a few stalks of unprocessed sugar cane?

    These are the crops grown here and you can see they are not something anyone would want to "steal".

    Do you know anything about farming in Thailand?

    It must be nice to know so much and still not care about anyone but yourself.

    P.S. a bottle of whiskey Thai is only 50 baht!cheesy.gif

    and bag of rice is not stealing?blink.png

    Do you posses any common sense at all?

    You should ask yourself if you do you posses a sort of common sense at all? My parents in law are rice farmers and they're not thieves.

    Once the rice harvest is over, the majority pick chilies for others, if they don't have land to grow them. They earn 2- 3 baht for one kg.

    Do you have an idea how long that takes to do that in the boiling sun?

    Their life's really miserable. So the guy's really asking you a sincere question: "How much do you now about farming in Thailand?"

    Than I would ask them why they don't work in the aircon as home-maid for 12.000 in Bangkok....

    And I would say maybe because they have a home and a way of life that you obviously do not or can not comprehend.

  20. Konying obviously knows nothing at all about farming in Thailand, doesn't know much about the common people, has no common sense at all, knows nothing about surviving on a pittance, and can't even answer a straightforward question, just tries the old diversionary tactic of answering a question with another one. He must be a politician!!!

  21. Same old story. I earn minimum wages. I have wife and children to feed. Cost of living is too high to support my wife and kids on minimum wages.

    Yes we all know. But why are you still earning minimum wages? Why do you not aquire more knowledge or skill to be productive and climb the wage ladder?

    And why do you get married and have children when you can barely support just yourself?

    Should society be responsible for you and your foolish acts?

    Agree with your sentiments, but sometimes the lower paid workers have never had a chance to dig themselves out of the "poverty trap".

    Their own parents couldn't afford to go to school, and struggle themselves to afford to get their own children an education.

    Sometimes the reason why they have children is because it's an extra pair of hands to work on the rice farm, or a sort of investment for old age when the children are obliged to take care of their parents, as the "old age pension" (if you can call it that) is 500 baht a month!

    In the UK/West, children are given a chance of a half decent education, but unfortunately because of the flood of immigrants from less well off countries, and the "nanny state" being what it is, it is becoming normal practice for young girls leaving school with next to no qualifications getting pregnant as soon as they can, knowing fine well that their total benefits will be more than they could expect from any menial job. There are even cases where these girls are looked upon as the "breadwinners" of the family. The "scam" works like this:- The girl has 3 or 4 children by "unknown" fathers in as many years of leaving school. She collects her Family Benefit and other perks for a while, and then tells the authorities that she can not cope with all of them. Her parents (the children's grandparents) then offer to become "legal carers" for half of them, and their income jumps dramatically, much more than the reduction of the girls Family Benefit and perks. This is possible because the alternative is to have the children taken into care, which is much more expensive than having the grandparents look after them. And the grandparents are in a position to look after the children because they are both unemployed, and by them becoming "legal carers", that is 2 more people off the Unemployed Register!

    So "should society be responsible for their foolish acts" is more applicable to some countries than others, and at least in Thailand, the family tries to take care of its own, rather than letting the responsibility fall on the taxpayers of the country.

  22. This court ruling is not some kind of gesture towards Myanmar is it..

    ...there, we've caught the suspects who killed your fellow countrymen...

    ...oh by the way, hope there's no bad feelings now when we shoot the 2 myanmar youths based on our evidence from K/T police.

    Ah, but where is the "good" doctor now? And where will his sons be if they get bail? The 2 Myanmar "youths" (men, actually, even if they do look like youths) haven't been found guilty (yet!) but have been refused bail, even though it was guaranteed by the Myanamar government.

    And in relation to other charges:-

    "Phetchaburi Court postponed two sessions to read out the verdicts in this matter after Suphat said he was not able to attend them."

    shock1.gif Unbelievable! Sorry I'll rephrase that as things continue to happen here that at one time I would have called unbelievable, but now prefer to call "incredible", as once money starts talking, anything seems to be possible!

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