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Posts posted by sambum

  1. I think this is ridiculous....they are already doing too many things at these stores which are staffed by very young people receiving low wages. Online 90 day reporting is great and I'm willing to bet that 95% of the people required to file these reports have computer access. It always amazed me how many people actually went to Immigration for this purpose when they could have done this very easily by mail- I think some had nothing better to do with their time.

    Just because the staff are young, and are on very low wages does not mean they are incompetent! I have never had a problem paying my electric bill or topping up my phone at 711 - they even do it for you if asked. You are obviously 100% confident of the mail system in Thailand! A friend of mine was expecting a fairly important letter, and when it didn't arrive and made enquiries at the local Post Office, was invited to plough through a veritable "mountain" of undelivered mail to try to find his letter! Also, I think you will find that different Immigration Offices have different rules regarding 90 day reporting requirements!

  2. Sounds to me more like he was so drunk he couldn't sit up, and had a friend trying to keep him upright, but he fell off the back seat rather than dove off. I wasn't there to witness it, but sounds far more probable.

    Sounds like you?

    If you read the report, he was kicked off. He had a family. Show some respect.

    Just where in the report does it say that he was "kicked off"? Seems like you are jumping the gun a bit by demanding respect! Chances are he did indeed have a family, and I don't think Shiver was showing disrespect, just putting forward a possible scenario for what actually happened. Personally, I tend to go with the friend's version, because he was actually there, and tried to prevent the accident from happening "several times" He may have fallen, he may have jumped, but I certainly don't think he was PUSHED! Here is the report for you both to read again, and note that the witness was not a soldier, a security guard, a bar owner, a bouncer, or a policeman that has been transferred to an inactive post, but a FRIEND who tried to prevent him from jumping off the back "several times". Any more of this and certain people will be shouting about "Conspiracy Theories"!

    PATTAYA: -- A 25 year old Chinese Tourist is currently in a coma after he inexplicably jumped off the back of a travelling Baht Bus in Central Pattaya in the early hours of Monday.

    Police and medics rushed to the scene and attended to Mr. We Illei, who was unconscious and appeared to have a serious head injury.

    A friend of the victim told Police that they had been out together and both were intoxicated. They had earlier been involved in a fight with a woman inside a Bar in North Pattaya and it was decided that they should retreat to their Hotel in South Pattaya and hailed a Baht Bus to take them back to their place of residence.

    The victim’s friend stopped Mr. Illei from jumping off the travelling Baht Bus a number of times until he actually fell off head-first onto the street on Pattaya 3rd Road in Central Pattaya.

  3. After all, this Chinese tourist is injured in Bar or in the bus ? Truth will never come out.....

    Thailand will be in trouble, if Chinese tourists stopped coming to spend their money here.

    "After all, this Chinese tourist is injured in Bar or in the bus ?" I think it's quite clear from the story and the evidence of his friend (not a policeman, not a soldier, not a bouncer at a bar. not a headman's son, not a security guard - his FRIEND) that was drunk, he had an argument with a "girlfriend" and tried 2 or 3 times to jump off the baht bus and finally succeeded. He was not injured in a Bar or indeed on the baht bus. Why do you try to fabricate a story to show things in the worst light possible?

    "Truth will never come out." The only way you can see the truth was if it happens in front of your very eyes - a report from eyewitnesses would not satisfy you, and probably if someone swore on the Holy Bible, you would still cast doubt on the truth or otherwise of the explanation. Sometimes you do just have to believe the facts as told by someone else!

    "Thailand will be in trouble, if Chinese tourists stopped coming to spend their money here." I won't even bother with a response to that, as it's been answered already, by people that are in a far better position than me to analyse the spending habits of the Chinese tourists.

  4. When it comes to lifting martial law, Jatuporns name is never far away.

    It is because of him martial law is in place. One cannot forget the threats to the peaceful majority by him when martial law as not in affect.

    Jatuporn quote "There will be blood on the street if the government does not call off the dispersal operations. Our patience is running out. We will take more serious measures to retaliate. The dark sky will turn red, red like blood" This is from apparently peaceful protest leader!

    ​Under no circumstances allow martial law to be lifted for the innocent majorities sake while this man is free to roam the streets. Rest assured he will not put on robes and enter the monkshood. He will put on battle fatigues and enter a war.

    What are you rambling about ?

    Your totally off topic as usual and making it all about your political obsession as usual...deflecting the thread away from the point of course is no doubt the aim when its a topic highlighting the decision to supplant one oppressive rule for another potentially far worse by this shower.

    There is only one player at this table now and it also happens to be the dealer, banker, bouncer and rulemaker This is all about replacing Martial law with an even more draconian one.

    Very true - your last sentence says it all.

  5. Give me martial law anyday over bombings and red shirts on the street. They have a track record for violence, if there were some guarantees they would not come come out and start protesting / killing.. and intimidating judges and such. Why not.

    But actually I think this is the only thing that keeps them from the streets.

    Robbie old friend, let me explain it to you very slowly!!

    When a majority of a country's people over and over again have seen their legally cast votes being voided by the juridical system and/or the army, they might lose patience.

    That loss of patience may sometimes sadly result in violence, when people reach their breaking point.

    Not defending the violence, but I can understand, that sometimes people just had enough!!

    You are from Holland, a very democratic country, and you are defending this:

    A new Thai constitution being drafted by the ruling junta is a throwback to an era when a royalist and military elite had a stranglehold on politics, analysts and politicians say, warning of dire consequences for democracy.

    Beyond me.......................coffee1.gif

    If a kindergarden was run by democracy, the kids would vote for eating ice cream all day long till they got sick and fat and/or the kindergarden went broke. Fortunately there is no democracy in kindergardens, and the teacher has absolute power. The reason noone complains about that setup is that everyone agrees the kids have no idea what is good for them, or for the kindergarden as a whole.

    Personally I think the same could be said for a very large portion of the Thai electorate.

    What a load of condescending c%^p! Are you a General perchance?

    • Like 1
  6. This article might have some meaning if the alternative was explained.

    "It's ugly" really doesn't tell us much!

    I think the alternative is obvious:-

    " He said it was normal for people to criticise the government and policy decisions."

    Under the alternative, you won't even be able to do that! (Actually, I thought it was already forbidden - Moderators please delete as necessary)

    Also see post #42

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Anybody else notice any significance to the date that this takes effect from?

    Nah, you're the only one. alt=huh.png>

    They do not realise that April 1 is a modern day Western construct ! smile.png

    Ah but the meaning of which has been warmly embraced and played out on on a daily basis here biggrin.png

    Yes, almost every day I have to check my calendar!

  8. A new Thai constitution being drafted by the ruling junta is a throwback to an era when a royalist and military elite had a stranglehold on politics, analysts and politicians say, warning of dire consequences for democracy.

    To all the junta lovers/ anti election posters here, please read the above twice and reconsider your support to the Thai elite!!

    Your are supporting people and a system belonging in a long gone century!!

    And cut your "but Yingluck" BS.

    but Yingluck.......................

    What democracy are you referring to JOC?

    Democracy never existed in Thailand and I very much doubt that it will ever exist.

    At least an effort is being made now to bring Thailand to a more civilized world with less corruption and better police force.

    Ideals are for the masses, reality and common sense applies more to the right thinking person.

    No, Yingluck was elected and according to VOA the elections were clean. If you have link that proves otherwise, then please do share. If the article is to believed, then the elite will be taking their turn at the trough and Thailand will not progress. Time will tell.

    Yes. She was elected. And unfortunately proceeded to hand control over to her non elected criminal fugitive brother and his mates. What a disappointment with all the lying, ignoring doing her job and jolly traveling she turned out to be.

    Agree, if there is any truth to this article, Thailand will not progress economically, socially or politically whilst being milked by the elite.

    Like I've said a couple of times before, due to various reasons, this being the latest "foot in mouth" statement - Thailand will always be a 3rd World country.

  9. Clearly, this article was written by someone who does not understand Thailand.

    Yes, in other countries water will always flow downhill.

    But Thailand is special.

    Do you people really think a country run by a Thai elite, defined as rich, privileged and entitled would put THEIR interests above the poor people of this country. Not on your life is that ever going to happen.

    This is a class society and the people at the top want it to stay that way so they are kow-tow'd to and always have lower classes to serve them at below poverty wages...to serve them in their homes, to serve them in their factories and to grow their food for them on the rice farms in ISSAN.

    You will never see them pushing for electricity in all villages, universal garbage picked at every home in Thailand and more roads so people can easily get to their homes without having to drive over and through potholes the size of a cow.

    Thailand talks a good game of loving it's people, but the people at the top only love themselves and could care less about those beneath them.

    What this country needs is true Democracy which is enforced and believed in, but it's now apparent this is never going to happen.

    "Do you people really think a country run by a Thai elite, defined as rich, privileged and entitled would put THEIR interests above the poor people of this country. Not on your life is that ever going to happen."

    Huh? I think you got that wrong! I think what you possibly meant to say was as follows:-

    "Do you people really think a country run by a Thai elite, defined as rich, privileged and entitled would put

    the interests of the poor people of this country above THEIR interests. Not on your life is that ever going to happen."

    And by the way, I agree with the rest of your post!

    • Like 1
  10. "He said he has opened the Samui Snake Rescue Center as a non-profit organization."

    He does an absolutely brilliant job, and is absolutely fearless with these deadly reptiles, yet treats them with respect and care. I believe that his organisation is run completely by donations and I am sure that many people would like to help if they knew where to send them?

  11. They honestly believe this crap???cheesy.gif

    Numbers don't lie!!!

    Let me ask you this. Putting all your bigotry aside, can you appreciate that people (locals and tourists both) will choose an area to go to that is trouble free more readily than going there knowing that there is the possibility that it might be the last time they go anywhere!!

    People feeling unsafe and vulnerable tends to put them off doing such things and travelling to areas where there is an uneasy tension present.

    The 16% rise in tourist numbers since the coup stopped the killings is pretty impressive - no wonder a large majority of people want it to stay. All of this 'it is disrupting my life' b******* that is spattered about is complete cobblers and Prayuth is very much justified in maintaining his stance for not lifting it as people simply appreciate it for what it has done in keeping the peace and order!!

    "Numbers don't lie"? But possibly the people that present them do, and the way that they are presented can be totally misleading. That said, I agree with you on what you say about people's preferences as regards areas to go.

    However if I was sitting in my armchair in front of my fire trying to keep my tootsies warm, and contemplating my next holiday in the sun, I would not be tempted to be going to a country where martial law was in place - the very words conjure up images of "uneasy tension"

  12. I am confident that if the foreign media gets hold of the police and army intentions to raid houses in tourist islands and scare the s$it out of everybody they will advice tourists to flood Thailand.w00t.gif

    And out of this super display of power with 756 heroes involved......they got 20 guns and some kratom leaves.

    Costas, I live on Samui. Let me just tell you any such action is most welcome, no matter if they got 1 or 20 or 100 guns. It's the message that counts the most.

    Samui is the only island / resort not touched by the military until now. Beg your pardon, they tried with the taxis.

    So you fell for it. You can look at all the reports in all the newspapers and everyone of them will say 20 guns/fire arms but not one said they were illegal fire arms. The other problem is that the real mafia was never touched by this operation and will never be as they are the ones that supply the foot soldiers when there are protests in BKK.

    And you know this to be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth exactly how? Careful if you can't substantiate those "facts" - you could get labelled as a "Conspiracy Theorist' by one of our infamous RTP apologists!

  13. I am confident that if the foreign media gets hold of the police and army intentions to raid houses in tourist islands and scare the s$it out of everybody they will advice tourists to flood Thailand.w00t.gif

    And out of this super display of power with 756 heroes involved......they got 20 guns and some kratom leaves.

    And quite a few rounds of ammunition (835, which is apparently harder to come by than guns according to 1 report I read) Also they made 5 arrests, including the gunman involved in the shooting of the businessman that "triggered" the raids in the first place. (Actually handed himself in as he was scared he was going to get shot himself!)

    So before you get too critical of the amount of "firepower" used, please quote all the available facts and figures, not just a random selection of your choice.

    I personally think that although it probably put the ^&*% 's up some tourists, it probably eventually gave them something to talk about over their beers that evening after they recovered from the initial shock. Same can't be said about the bad guys who are now presumably in the monkey house trying to arrange bail.

    It also sends a message to other mafia run hot spots - "you have been warned, and we will not be afraid to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut, as long as the nut gets cracked!"

    • Like 1
  14. they define a "jump" as the summer high season and end of the year holiday season being 16% higher (under or due to martial law) compared to the PDRC "shutdown BKK" disaster for the tourist industry in the first half of the year...


    I really feel like crying...

    Couldn't agree more - manipulating and disguising the figures. "Statistics, damn statistics!" They can show whatever you want.

  15. The Thais just can't figure it out. Tourism up, but they are all those shitty Chinese, who they don't want. How to attract quality tourists that come here, spend lots of money, respect Thainess and leave?? What is the formula?

    It's been said many times before in various formats:-

    1. Get rid of martial law. Quality Tourists do not want to visit a country where they will be walking down streets full of menacing armoured soldiers watching their every move (I know that isn't happening, but THAT is the impression that a lot of would be visitors will have of a country that has just had a coup.) Also, many insurance companies will not supply cover if martial law is in place, and Quality Tourists do not want to worry about having to pay for medical treatment while on holiday.

    2. Get the police on a decent training programme and decent wages, so they do not have to scam tourists for "tea money" as Quality Tourists expect to be treated as such, especially by the "Public Servants" who are suppose to be maintaining "peace and order". Make them enforce the rules equally for Thais and farangs alike. For instance, the "littering" laws are a disgrace - piles of stinking rubbish left to fester in the sun by stallholders with no sense of hygiene, while the police are more intent on fining a farang for dropping a cigarette butt than getting Thais to keep their streets clean. Why have a law that says it is illegal to drive a motorbike without a helmet, when in certain parts of the country, it is mostly ignored, and in one part of the country the police chief makes it ILLEGAL to wear one!

    3. Get rid of the "dual pricing" system - especially in bars and restaurants. Quality Tourists will not mind paying a fair price for the product they are buying, but will be a bit aggrieved if they are paying up to twice what a Thai would be paying. (Example - tourists being charged up to TEN times more than Thais to visit a park or museum - already been discussed on Thai Visa as a seperate topic)

    4. Make all Immigration Officers go on a training course so that they apply the rules and regulations in the same way in every Immigration Office. There are too many different interpretations of the rules, and some blatantly admit to making up their own rules. Why should a Google Earth map with grid locations be required as proof of residence at one Immigration Office, whereas another requires a copy of your rent book/rental agreement? Quality Tourists want to know in advance what they need to take to an Immigration Office to get a visa for instance, and all too many times have to go away and "come back tomorrow" because they have not got what that particular Office® requires. 2 days of holiday taken up by unnecessary bureaucracy!

    5. Be seen to be getting rid of the corruption and violence towards "farangs" (foreigners) The attitude still persists in many quarters that if anything goes wrong (road accident etc) it is always the farang(s) fault as it wouldn't have happened if the farang hadn't been there in the first place. In all too many cases, the blame (and costs) are meted out on the spot by the BIB to the farang because it is perceived that he/she will have the money to pay for it, whereas the Thai won't (not in all cases, but too regularly)

    The above are just some of the things that Quality Tourists are looking for in their holiday, and no doubt there are many others. Quality of service, reasonable prices, a clean environment etc etc. Thailand has been known for years as the "Land of Smiles",and the "PM" is trying to bring happiness back to the people. How about if the Thai "authorities" tried a little harder to bring a bit of happiness to their visitors, and eventually the Quality Tourists will be more apparent by their presence rather than by their absence?

    • Like 1
  16. Every Iranian I have ever met has been highly intelligent and highly cultured, way more than your typical Westerner. The Pentagon already has them on the list for invasion, after a few other countries are done first.

    It's a real shame - they will paint anyone to be the bad guy (apart from themselves of course) if it suits their political and energy requirements.

    A friend of mine who is widely travelled and has worked in the oil industry for many years reckons that Iranians are the worst people he has ever come across! (PS he and I are not American!)

  17. Bottom line is their worried about tourism ! well thats enough to discourage visitors having the army jump through your window or run on your roof !!!!! w00t.gif

    I doubt many tourist were aware of any of this as it was 6am in the mourning ...only a few who had not got too bed buy then.

    Was anybody killed???

    Was anybody hurt???

    Was there even a shoot out???

    Did anybody actually fire a single shot???

    I hope the Mafia and thugs have now got the message, their days of freedom are numbered.

    "6 am in the mourning" - I like that Basil, but I doubt if anybody was! (in mourning, that is!) Good news if they managed to arrest a lot of "mafioso". I've heard no reports of any gunfire, but I did hear a helicopter pass overhead, and at least a message is being sent. Whether the right people will hear it or not, I don't know, but Army and BIB working together - there must be a few twitchy backsides about!!!

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