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Posts posted by sambum

  1. Personally, I think that the investigation into this tragedy was a complete and utter b***sup from the start

    Actually it went okay from the start.

    A little too well.

    Head copper then transferred the next day. Can't have the actual truth come out now, can we.

    Next copper put in place. Ta-dah. 2 illegal Burmese nobodies giving full confessions.... er, in a police safe house without any legal team or recording.

    Amazing Thailand.

    "Actually it went okay from the start." You mean from the time of the contaminated crime scene and all the other little "glitches" that followed? TIT

  2. Has anybody seen or know the contents of the British investigators' investigation? I never heard any more about it once they went back to Britain?. I can't imagine them being too impressed with the "investigation"

    The investigators spoke with the families of the deceased who were confident in the investigation by the RTP.

    "We would like to stress that as a family we are confident in the work that has been carried out into these atrocious crimes and want to remind both press and public that they do not have the full facts to report and make comment on at this stage. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/thai-beach-murders-brit-victims-4757523

    TVF members response to the grieving families statement. Get stuffed your wrong cause even though you have intimate knowledge of the case. I read on Bangkok post…..and then I read Pattaya news saying…..and then I heard from a friend…...

    So to reiterate, the TVF detectives do not have the full facts yet continue to jump to conclusions quicker than a frog off a lilly pond chasing a fly despite the wishes of the grieving family. One can be assured the last place I will look for support or recognition of my statements is TVF if I was in a similar tragic incident.

    If this case was a template for the solving of future crimes then all international police forces would be out of business. Scotland yard, FBI, CIA, RTP would all be shut down and the resources funneled into the TVF detective agency who can solve crimes behind a computer by gathering information based on news reports and rumors to solve the crime or at least say these people are innocent even when the family have confidence in the investigation.

    Now back to reality. Lets hope justice is served if they are found guilty.

    even you are quoting a newspaper report as the answer yet you slate everybody else for it farcical.we all know who did it

    Personally, I think that the investigation into this tragedy was a complete and utter b***sup from the start, and am sure that in any Western civilization, the case would have been thrown out long before now.

    However, I do not think that djjamie was saying that the newspaper report was the answer. To be honest he didn't need to quote the newspaper report, merely to repeat the family's comments would have been sufficient, and to say "we all know who did it" is actually more of a farcical statement.

  3. Seems Brits are just like Thais.. need to have it from numbers. (sorry the standard remark the expats make when its one on many so I do the same) Just to show its not only Thais but also Brits that are cowards.

    Well that is a sign of intelligence. Go only into a fight if you are sure that you are win.....

    Every Soi dog knows that. Real heros die young.

    Sure.. but I always read on Thaivisa that Thais are cowards for attacking in groups, I wonder what reasons people have for changing that tune when people from their own country are involved.

    The reason is obvious, and has already been stated - the Finn had a knife, and as such was intent on doing some serious harm. If it was the Brit who had the knife, and was intent on doing some serious harm to 4 Finns, I (and probably a lot of the Brit posters on here) would agree that the guy with the knife deserved a "bashing" - regardless of his nationality.

  4. Why would I care about a lance corporal in the military in Afghanistan?

    Feel free to keep trolling FH, but troll someone else

    Maybe because you are the one that is implying that younger people can not be leaders I believe you said "At 29 years and 31 years old these were not leaders."

    Maybe you should read up on the Lance Corporal of the Parachute Regiment who won the Victoria Cross for his actions and leadership in Afghanistan recently!!!!

    Note the words "actions and leadership" (I don't know how old he is but I presume that he probably falls in line with your "too young to be a leader" opinion)

    And personally, I don't care if a person is in the Army, or the Police Force, if they show the proper leadership qualities by way of their actions, then it is irrelevant whether they are 20 or 60.

    • Like 1
  5. In reply to Local Drunk's post #75:-

    Oh God! Another one that doesn't get satire... I think I should put a disclaimer on most of my posts in big red letters that says, and I will type it very very slowly so that you get it... This is satire.

    I think you might not get away with your big red letters! According to the Forum Rules :-

    "Forum Netiquette

    1. Please do not post in all capital letters, bold, unusual fonts, sizes or colors. It can be difficult to read."

    Oh, sorry, you just have!

  6. Napalm the island? That will incinerate everything very quickly!


    Oh, have the people leave first.

    Naw the people don't get to leave first... That way you get rid of all the garbage. wink.png


    Sometimes sometimes people just post to see their words in print without thinking how ridiculous they sound - go to blazes!

    Oh God! Another one that doesn't get satire... I think I should put a disclaimer on most of my posts in big red letters that says, and I will type it very very slowly so that you get it... This is satire.

    What a good idea! At least then myself, and one or two other sensitive souls might know when you are "taking the p**s" when you are referring to something which for some of us is a very serious health hazard. Oh, and by the way "Oh,God" Napalm - Go to blazes - I typed that very, very slowly!

  7. It's the same old story all over Thailand. They love to talk about what's wrong, point the finger of blame at other authorities, but nothing ever gets done. Samui, like Phuket which has turned into a toxic cesspit, will continue down this road as long as the good old MONEY keeps rolling in from tourism.

    I've traveled the world but few places compare to Thailand as being nothing short of a garbage dump. Look at the mentality ... I've seen Thais stand not a foot from a trash can and yet the prefer to throw their garbage on the ground.

    In my days on Phuket it was nothing unusual to see rats crawling all over the place, especially in restaurants in the Town.

    I would say that they ought to be ashamed of themselves but you can't shame the ignorant and uneducated. Take a walk anywhere in Thailand and there are dogs shitting, people throwing garbage on the floor, rats running around restaurant tables ... any they have the audacity to call Thailand a high class tourist destination ... it's cleaner in my toilet and by a remarkably long way.

    It's a shame and another reason I left ... I just didn't consider living in a shit hole as a nice place to live but I guess there are some that like it that way.

    One of the things that used to hack me off about the UK was seeing people chuck litter on the ground. I've seen plenty of people walk out of a local general store with their purchase, open and chuck the wrapper on the floor. There's a bin right in front of them.

    Imo, ignorance is one of the UK's biggest areas of growth.

    Agree that it's a problem in Thailand as well, but where can you completely escape from ignorance?

    I think that you will now find in most towns/cities in the UK, there are on the spot fines for doing just that (And it's official council strategy as you do get a receipt, and it doesn't become "tea money"!)

    One of the main problems here is the shortage of litter bins - you can usually find one outside 711 or Family Mart, but other than that they are few and far between, and if you do find one, it's usually crammed to overflowing.

  8. As serious as this topic is I was surprised to see that I am the only person following it. Kind of gives you a glimpse into things "We just do not care"

    I think there are many more following this article.

    I for one will be positive - and move. I've never smoked, and putting up with this lot for almost 3 months now, plus the uncontrolled emission from diesel exhaust, has made me decide to move to a healthier part of the country. Judging from the layers of dust and ash in my condo (which I regularly clean), I'd hate to imagine how much I'm breathing in.

    Yes, I'm chickening out, but I didn't leave clean air and a clean environment in Australia, to put up with this fall-out. If in fact the worst of this is from corn debris, it's even more horrifying. The USA is using a huge amount of its corn each year to produce ethanol, and it seems that's what is happening here.

    I would actively discourage tourists from coming here from January to June.

    I never understand people that move to Asia then complain about the pollution.

    Kind of like moving to Siberia and complaining about the cold

    So you like living in pollution?

  9. Just don't hold your breath waiting for it to happen,

    every year just as the burning starts they proclaim a

    crack down and nothing ever happens.

    Maybe if they start handing out heavy fines,or prison

    sentences,they might get some results,if they can fine

    a restaurant nearly 500,000THB,just for having pictures

    of beer bottles on their menus, they could hand out

    similar fines for burning,as that effects so many of the


    regards worgeordie

    Very good article, and totally agree with what you say! And a very good comparison of where priorities lie - a bit off this topic, but a similar situation exists with the garbage disposal problem in Samui. Money has been allocated (and "lost") to resolve the problem, the Mayor has been "ordered" by the Governor of Surat Thani to resolve the problem, and still nothing is done.

    Maybe an outbreak of cholera, or something similar might get something done, but regarding the burning problem in the North, surely that doesn't cause lung cancer? I thought it was smoking cigarettes that did that?

    Any smoke is a cause of lung cancer, it doesn't have to be from a cigarette. The very fine particles of carbon which constitute smoke have a range of pollutant chemicals absorbed on the surface ( e.g. benzene, phenol, napthalene ) and it's the chemicals which do the damage to lung cells.

    I see appreciation of sarcasm is not your strong point!

  10. I think proper investigation will reveal that this incinerator has been out of action for more than 5 years and the Mayor has done nothing to facilitate repairs in his tenure.

    Sadly the story headlined by Samui News reads like it was written by Nation reporters and very difficult to understand 100%

    I thought it was quite easy to understand! Samui is almost drowning in its own garbage, and the accompanying picture says everything you need to know, apart from what you have already quite astutely noticed - nobody is doing anything about it!

  11. Just don't hold your breath waiting for it to happen,

    every year just as the burning starts they proclaim a

    crack down and nothing ever happens.

    Maybe if they start handing out heavy fines,or prison

    sentences,they might get some results,if they can fine

    a restaurant nearly 500,000THB,just for having pictures

    of beer bottles on their menus, they could hand out

    similar fines for burning,as that effects so many of the


    regards worgeordie

    Very good article, and totally agree with what you say! And a very good comparison of where priorities lie - a bit off this topic, but a similar situation exists with the garbage disposal problem in Samui. Money has been allocated (and "lost") to resolve the problem, the Mayor has been "ordered" by the Governor of Surat Thani to resolve the problem, and still nothing is done.

    Maybe an outbreak of cholera, or something similar might get something done, but regarding the burning problem in the North, surely that doesn't cause lung cancer? I thought it was smoking cigarettes that did that?

  12. Perhaps when there is some kind of outbreak of epidemic proportions we will have the usual knee jerk reaction, and someone (The Mayor?) will take the credit for solving the problem by getting the incinerator repaired.

    Anyway, did I not read/hear somewhere that the PM had ordered the problem to be resolved, and the answer was going to be to just cover it all up with dirt?

  13. I can't see how a normal size taxi with LPG cylinder taking up half the boot space, can possibly fit in luggage for 4 overseas passengers.

    When the driver assists me with some of the heavier items, I always give him a bit extra.

    I know many of these guys are vultures, but if they use their meters, a bit extra for loading up luggage seems only fair.


    It's as much a part of their job as driving and using a meter.

    All they are doing is trying to find little scams to extort more money for doing nothing extra.

    If they don't like what the job entails then they should choose another career.

    I always have and always will give a tip to a taxi driver who is helpful, and agree with masuk in that respect. In the UK some of the cab/taxi drivers won't even get out of their seat to help you with shopping or luggage etc, so I don't think that doing so is in their "contract of employment". However, if they don't help, they are not going to get much in the way of tips! I don't think that helping with the luggage is " trying to find little scams to extort more money for doing nothing extra".and I am sure that most of them realise that if they help with the luggage, they are more likely to get a tip than if they don't. It is on a par with the guy in the hotel who takes your bags to the room, and shows you how the fridge and how the a/c works - if he just dumped your bags outside your room you would be less likely to tip him.

  14. All Thai Taxi (Nakorn Chai Air bus company) starting 1 may!

    Passengers call and book a cab. Company owns the vehicles and the drivers are employees of the company.

    Drivers not allowed to add anything or dismissed, charge based on standard Land Transport Dept., rates plus 20Baht to book by phone. Regular follow up to ensure customers fully satisfied.

    All the cars are Toyota Prius hybrid, no gas tank, large luggage space.


    Their advertising says they pick and return to airports.

    Starts 1 May!!!

    I like it! But I'm surprised the Moderators allowed this post! (Advertising)

  15. bigger car uses more petrol, cost more

    you should all know

    i find this request reasonable

    the price paid should be pro rate to the service

    in many cities taxi charge extra for big baggage's

    it should be regulated and metered

    "regulated and metered"? I thought they were already regulated - that's why they have to have a taxi operator's licence? I thought they were already metered - that's why it says "Meter Taxi" on the top!

  16. Thai law resticts or bans many things - the problem is of course selective enforcement. You can walk down Sukhumvit Road any day and purchase pornography, prescription drugs (mostly fake), knives, tazers, and a plethora of counterfeit goods - all of wich are illegal, and all of which the police turn a blind eye to. Yet, dare to accidentaly drop a cigaret but on the already filthy sidewalk and you will immediately be fined 2,000 Baht on the spot!

    Moral - those who can afford to be fined will be fined, other are time wasters and are no use to police coffers.

    Question - Did you EVER see a Thai fined for "littering" of any kind, cigarette butts or any other kind of rubbish - anywhere, not just Bangkok?

    No, because they pay the usually tea money to the nice officers who come by every few weeks. Mister Ozawa Curry probably refused the bribery.....

    Ah, now I understand - silly me! The Thais have effectively already paid their fines for dropping rubbish/littering, or whatever you care to call it, so they can dump their smelly garbage wherever they like without fear of repercussions from the BIB?

    So how do the BIB differentiate those who have paid from those who have not, or your average Thai who is not a business owner but merely a city worker on his way home? If, for instance a Thai shop worker lights up as soon as he is outside, and drops the butt a hundred yards/mertres down the street, does he/she get jumped on by the "litter police"? I think not, but that is probably because his/her employer has already paid the "tea money" right?

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