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Everything posted by sambum

  1. "Mandatory quarantine is no longer been enforced" It is where I come from, and a couple of my friends with no symptoms are being "held" in th e most expensive hospital on the island - why? - IMHO because they have insurance and he is a "wealthy farang". And people that are being tested at the local clinic are being told told that if the test proves positive, an ambulance will be sent to their home to "collect" them and take them to hospital. "Things are completely different here this time round,no lockdowns, no curfews." Oh.yeah, for how long? "The Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) on Friday did not go as far as public health officials had demanded by banning alcohol sales nationwide. Nonetheless, it is believed that a further tightening of regulations has begun."
  2. "Once again the ridiculous obsession with alcohol." Correct, large gatherings of people are the problem - not alcohol.
  3. Beat me to it! "T**p A*****r would be redundant if people can not voice an opinion about where they stay. The Thai lady should hit them with a counter claim for the hotel not living up to her expectations!
  4. I suppose this also means that the "State of Emergency" will be extended again - for the 16TH TIME! ????
  5. I think you mean "without paying anything" and I wouldn't be sure about that being right either!
  6. Especially when/in addition to which the Prime Minister is a tee totaller!
  7. I agree with most of what you say, and this is why I used the word "might" in my post. Obviously the problem can not be fixed by simply paying them more money - as you say the temptation for graft is too great, so they would probably just take the extra cash, and buy themselves a bigger house/car on "tick". For the extra cash to make any real difference it would have to come along with certain responsibilities - like doing the job they are supposed to be doing, (preventing crime?) and if found guilty of corruption or misbehaviour, end this practice of moving them to an "inactive" post, which in lots of cases probably means just moving them on to a different area/precinct. And stop this practice of "buying" promotions. Unfortunately, this would appear to be an almost impossible task as that system seems to be endemic in all Thai walks of life, all the way down from the top. How else would a "billionaire builder" get a job as Minister of Health, for instance. And how would a Minister "acquire" a substantial number of luxury watches and not declare them as assets beore taking up his post? ("I borrowed them from a friend") Oh, yeah? Right - who borrows watches (plural) from a friend? Why didn't you give them back to him? ("I can't, he's dead, and anyway, I forgot about them") Oh yeah - right again! As you suggest, better education would help, but I feel that the ruling classes don't want that for the working classes, it would mean that they might have to start paying higher wages to educated police officers - hmmm? ("Do not pass "Go" and do not collect $200" springs to mind!) A bit of a Catch 22 situation, I'm afraid!
  8. Actually, paying them a decent salary might attract a better standard of recruit. Add to that the fact that they have to pay for their own uniform, motor bike, and gun, it is little wonder that a lot of them get into debt. Probably the ones that don't are the ones that supplement their income by "scams"!
  9. Quite possibly! Another couple from my neck of the woods (and possibly others) were "as camp as a row of tents" (e.g. Larry Grayson), and "as fit as a butcher's dog" (normally used to describe an attractive girl!)
  10. " you came here of your own free will. Thailand didn't ask you to come.............." So pray tell, what are TAT doing if not trying to persuade thousands - sorry, millions of tourists to come to Thailand and spend their money here? And we are constantly being reminded that we are "guests" here ("guests" are invited) and as such have no rights to make any changes to the way the country is run? (Even though we are still called "aliens" on our visa applications!!!)
  11. My memory tells me that it should be "as bent as a curly pin"? I think also that the expression was "as queer as a nine bob note"?
  12. I would have thought that my "point" (pun intended!) was obvious as an answer to somebody who thought that he was under the influence of cocaine because he had been to the dentist! In retrospect, I should have addressed my post to the person who made that inane suggestion - my apologies if you took it as a contradiction of your comment.
  13. "overblowing"? Strange word, but sorry, I agree with what he is saying - I think that he is speaking a lot of sense, regardless of the fact that some of what he says has also been attributed to other people. I also think that the "fear factor" has been used in order to promote the interests of pharmaceutical companies, but I can not prove it!
  14. Unless they find another excuse to keep the "State of Emergency" in place?
  15. "The expert noted as well that the outlook for vaccine manufacturers may not be as bright going forward as a consequence of this trend." As I said in a response to another post on here today "Oh dear,what a shame!"
  16. "has not been able to openly travel back to his home country.................." Oh, what a shame!
  17. Dental "coke" is I believe "Novocain" i.e. "Novocain is used as an injection during surgery and other medical and dental procedures." (Also called "Procaine) :- Novocaine is the brand name for a local anesthetic called procaine. It is a local anesthetic medication that is used to numb a particular part of the body.
  18. Bit like Immigration Offices then - different rules for different places?
  19. "Today's decision will be anxiously awaited with many tourists abroad also using it to inform their decision about whether to come to Thailand - or delay once again." If I was a tourist I would have made my mind up months ago - and it wouldn't be to visit a country that changes its mind about rules and regulations for entering the country about as often as I have coffee and toast for breakfast - which is a bit like a fix for a junkie (I would think!)
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