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Everything posted by sambum

  1. "............notoriously easy driving tests,............" Got to agree. In my neck of the woods, people get to pass their test in a "purpose built test track" some of whom have never driven on a main road, let alone a "motorway"!!! Ridiculous!
  2. Beautifully put - now where's that list of failures and the tea money box?
  3. Congrats! P.S. Your stats fade in comparison to Lou's tally! P.P.S. I'm just having a bit of fun - it must be the weather keeping me in too much! ????
  4. No, I don't, but it's just that the number of your posts is very high compared to anyone else's so they do tend to stick out like the proverbial sore thumb! Especially when you're off line for a bit and come back with a "Blitz"! Sorry if that offends you - it's not meant to, I was just pointing it out! P.S. I hope you meet your target!
  5. I'm sure you'll rise to the challenge in the near future!
  6. Nah, you joined on 1 April 2021 (which you would probably have us think is pure coincidence!) and are well on course to break the 10,000 posts barrier by Christmas this year. As to the "rational responses" I think that may be a stretch of the imagination in a number of cases! Anyway, you carry on wack, and best of luck with the record!
  7. Yes, I know that - the point I am making is WHY is there a big crackdown on overstayers when in my opinion there are far bigger fish to catch - and has been for a long time, but as I've said before, that might present an element of danger, so .....................! P.S. Your no of posts on this thread is frightening! Are you trying to break some kind of record by Xmas? ????
  8. "Do you think overstay is OK? Are you saying that ll this time you have been on overstay?" Are you being deliberately obtuse/argumentative by ignoring my answers and asking the same questions again? I think we have nothing more to discuss - Bye bye.
  9. "Those things are a contribution but then again they aren't,...." ????????????????????
  10. I think I have already made it perfectly obvious that I do not agree with people overstaying, so I find your first question insulting! And what do you mean by "paying your way"? Of course I am paying my way, as I presume you are. I also presume that you are one of these types who don't like farangs, but are prepared to tolerate them as long as they have plenty of "baht"? And as a matter of interest - not that it is really any of your business - I have been "paying my way" in Thailand for more than 20 years, am married to a Thai lady, and am "paying my way" by looking after her, and helping out her family when the need occurs (which is very rarely, and only in a small way in the event of a "crisis") I do not pay tax as I do not work or own business or property here, but I do spend all of my pension here so yes, I am "paying my way". Anything else I can help you with?
  11. "Western overstyers are exploiting Thailand - they don't pay taxes etc and don't contribute to the Thai economy" Sorry, but I disagree with you! Every body who lives here pays taxes in the form of VAT, and everybody who lives here contributes to the Thai economy by virtue of the fact that they have to eat! In fact, I think you will find that in certain areas of the country, Western tourists (overstayers included!) were probably responsible for keeping a lot of Thai small businesses afloat during the worst of the Covid epidemic (Once again, I am not advocating "overstaying" but let's keep it in context!)
  12. I agree with you - I am asking how successful they are! It appears that it depends on the criminal involved, and their "importance" to the country requesting the assistance!
  13. Maybe a problem in translation, but "being a load of healthcare"? Whenever I (as a farang) go to get healthcare at ANY hospital I have to pay for it, or I don't get treated! And I agree with "If you want to work or stay in Thailand do it legally.", but I am also saying is that more time and effort is being put into catching "overstayers" than there is into catching "proper" criminals - I am sure you know what I mean - illegal gun owners for instance are all over Thailand,. but when was the last time you heard of anybody being arrested or charged with that offence? And there are many others more deserving of investigation than overstayers (human traffickers, drug dealers to name just a couple of instances) many of which IMHO should not have been let into the country in the first place if the Immigration Dept had been doing their job correctly!!!
  14. "Lets look into 'red notices', what they are and under which circumstances that they are normally used" And let's look into how successful "red notices" have been in apprehending "Boss" shall we!
  15. As the great bard would put it:- "Much Ado About Nothing"! Why the recent big song and dance about catching people on overstay? I'd be more impressed if they were posting the results of catching "proper" criminals!
  16. "And after 5 years consecutive extensions no 90 days reports anymore..." Bravo! As a previous poster said a few months ago, Thailand seems to be the only place where you have to report every 90 days that nothing has changed since your previous visit!!!
  17. "..........he commented on how the number of retirees had declined in the last few years,..........." Why? Because Immigration have been making it more and more difficult for expats to obtain a Visa!!!
  18. I heard a story a while ago about an Old Age Pensioner (OAP) who had a shed at the bottom of his garden which contained some valuable tools etc, and one night he saw some "people" trying to break into it. He immediately phoned the Police who said that they were very busy, and didn't have the manpower available to send anybody round to investigate. He put the phone down, and phoned back 2 minutes later to tell the Police not to bother coming round as he'd sorted it out by shooting one of the intruders, and the rest had run off! Within minutes, his house was surrounded by dozens of Police Officers, and the officer in charge asked the OAP what had happened. He said, "Oh, I didn't really shoot anybody, but I thought you didn't have the manpower to investigate a burglary being committed?" I believe he was lucky not to get charged with wasting Police time!
  19. I'm not a "younger one" which may explain my questions! What's a POV, and is IDC "International Department of Corrections? FGS, I get very frustrated by these posts that use all these abbreviations or acronyms that I've never heard of, and IMHO it is just pure laziness to use TXTSPK instead of TQE - sorry TKE!
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