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Everything posted by sambum

  1. "...........used for a rifle after the X-ray process." I know nothing about guns, but I didn't realise that bullets had to be put through an X-ray process before they can be used? ????
  2. Maybe took them away for more expert "safecrackers' to find that they were completely empty! ????
  3. Possibly when they hand the takings over at the end of the night to their boss(es)?
  4. What kind of behaviour would that be? As far as I can see is that somebody is going to give him a list of people and places to investigate! Or maybe you are reading the post a different way to me?
  5. "There police found 237 people, mostly Chinese, as well as 29 Thai workers and Cambodians. So why doesn't the headline read :-" Many Foreigners, mostly Chinese Arrested with Drugs at Luxury Karaoke Shop" , because if they had been mainly farangs of a specific nationality, it sure would have been mentioned!
  6. Reminds me of the time when I hadn't used my account for a while at a certain Thai Bank (which has to remain nameless - defamity laws may apply!), and decided to close it, as I had moved location. "Sorry, that account has been closed already" "Who closed it?" "We did" "Why" "Because you haven't used it in over a year" "So where is my money?" "Gone" " GONE!!!?" Gone where?" "ADMINISTRATION CHARGES" Now that was only about 500 baht, but it shows how these institutions (and Governments) can work if they want to! What if it had been 10,000 baht? Would the same "logic" apply?
  7. I would say that she's got more balls than all of the Thai Government put together, but it would be a bit inappropriate!
  8. "............alot to be weary of........." Love the typo! ????
  9. Was anybody on here actually surprised that Prayut has blocked the chances of any competition to the Big Breweries? He would have ordered 250 senators to vote against it if it had got that far!
  10. Yes, "Those seats are already reserved, sir!"
  11. So, you want a bunch of flowers from the Police Chief?
  12. They seem to think that just by "opening up" today, tourists will come flooding back in tomorrow - literally! They seem to have no conception of how the rest of the World has been affected by Covid - especially the West. Without getting political, the UK for instance is in a mess, with astronomical increases in utility bills, so how on earth can people afford to pay up to twice the pre Covid price for an airplane ticket and holiday, when they can't even afford to pay for the basic costs of living? I saw the other day some bright spark in the Thai Government suggesting that people should swap their costs of keeping warm in the West for a villa in Phuket! That person has probably never heard of Standing Charges for Gas and Electricity or (as in the UK) Council Tax which still have to be paid whether you are there or not, and the mortgage still has to be paid - does he even know what a mortgage is? And tourists have long memories - they can remember having to queue for hours in the tropical heat to get a "the alien is allowed to stay for ** days" stamp in their passport, plus all the other "inconveniences" they had to suffer, so they are not going to be rushing back somewhere that holds bitter memories for them - so you can forget about a lot of return visitors that the "Land of Smiles" used to get, and will they be advising their friends and relations to come and holiday in "Even More Amazing Thailand"? And add to all of the above that the country is run by a "Democratic Military Government" that elected itself into power, and saw its own people in mile long "food queues" during the worst of Covid that were arranged for the most part by expats more often than not! The list goes on and on, but flies right over the heads of people like TAT who persist in issuing ridiculous forecasts of the millions of tourists that are going to be coming back "tomorrow", but I think it'll be "A long time a' coming"!
  13. "Due to less officials than customers, most tourists managed to slip away."
  14. "Due to his confession, however, the sentence was commuted to 192 years and six months. Nonetheless, according to the Criminal Code, the maximum imprisonment permissible by law is 50 years." So why hand down a totally unattainable sentence - it might as well be 10,000 years! (P.S. I like the "and 6 months" bit - and yes, I know it's a matter of mathematics!)
  15. "Data from the TAT has shown that tourists in Thailand are already spending more now per trip than they were before the pandemic." Wow! I would never have believed it, but as TAT has verified it, it must be right - the prices of air tickets HAVE gone up!
  16. "They reported the matter to the Nikhom Patana police who told them to go and get the licence plate themselves before they would investigate." If this is the type of response they give, they don't deserve a decent wage, and why more than "a few of them" are turning rogue.
  17. "............the government must have a fund of ฿200 to ฿300 billion available to help those in debt and the less well off survive the coming storm..........." Does he think that this Government actually CARE about the less well off and those in debt? They didn't seem to care much about them during the Covid crisis times when they were having to stand in charity food queues which were mostly organised mostly by farangs ( in my neck of the woods anyway)
  18. "He lives in Hua Hin with his wife and child or children." The pair were holidaying in Samui after arriving on October 4th." "The 28 year old's wife and children had already returned to Hua Hin." Does he not know?
  19. ".....intelligence revealed no untoward incidents will occur during the summit but some of the leaders attending it might clash among themselves." Wow! That's some kind of intelligence - forecasting the future now! Maybe my wife might like to talk to them about Lottery numbers! ????
  20. My point was that was the 1067 people interviewed a fair cross section of the community, or not!
  21. Where's the "Confused" button when you need it?
  22. And True Vision attitude to complaints sucks as well! I suspended my service for 3 months, and they said that I hadn't and tried to charge me for it. I ended up taking the "box" and the card into their payment centre, and telling them what they could do with it!
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