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Everything posted by sambum

  1. "Other orders on Prawit's "watch".................." Nice! He is now looking after the post of PM for a friend, I suppose?
  2. Yes, I've been following your "career" for a while now, but why the secrecy? "Clue"? Is this a "Whodunit" post? I rather tend to think it's more of a "Whodidn'tdoit" !
  3. "A public health volunteer said this showed the danger of looking at phones while on motorcycles." I wouldn't have thought that it needed a public health volunteer to point this out. It's like saying that it is a good idea to look at the road when you are driving or riding a motorbike! However, it does sound like something that Anutin would say to make it sound like a "pearl of wisdom" in order to justify his position. If anything good can come out of this tragedy it could be that it serves as a warning that EVERYBODY should be aware that this foolish behaviour is not "cool" - it can have fatal consequences - even more so than drunk driving, and the RTP should treat it as such. R.I.P young lady.
  4. Ha ha! You seem to do an awfully good job about talking about nothing!
  5. However, you do at least talk about it - you don't think it's pointless because you can't do anything about it! And I also think this lot would be better off employed by Bertram Mills!
  6. But you can still have an opinion about something knowing that it has little chance of directly altering anything - nobody is suggesting you join a rally, but by voicing an opinion, you let people know which side of the fence you sit on!
  7. So if something doesn't affect you, you don't have an opinion on it? And surely, a change in leadership/government in the country you are (presumably) living in could affect you - in numerous ways?
  8. But we still can have an opinion - which is partly what this forum is all for.
  9. "So, head for Helsinki near the Arctic if you want clean air!" But forget the flip flops and tee shirts!
  10. "Coupe"? He obviously won't be taking Anutin AND the other Deputy PM Prawit with him!
  11. "let him that is without sin cast the first stone"!!!
  12. "The wealthy salon owner who murdered a couple outside his shop ................." There is one word in there that should give you a clue as to how the Judicial service here works!
  13. "I used to pop into Tesco on the way home at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning and before that walking back to my hotel on Beach Road at 5 .30." I am confused!
  14. Thai doctors seem to be the same as all doctors - anything that you like e.g. beer,wine, fish 'n chips, ice cream, chocolate etc is bad for you, so I wouldn't have expected anything else from the medical community. Having said that, I do tend to think that 2 am closing would be reasonable - you should be able to get enough drink/enjoyment in a bar by that time.
  15. I heard recently that a police translator advised a person who was totally innocent of illegal drinking, but was roped in with some people who were, to plead guilty. She said that once the Police take a case to court you will be found guilty - if you plead innocent, you will be faced with an expensive lawyer's bill, possible jail time, and when you do go to court, you will be found guilty and the sentence will be double what it would have been if you'd pleaded guilty in the first place!
  16. Correct - it happens all the time in my home country, and even if the package did contain drugs, you wouldn't be held accountable. However this is Thailand, and different laws apply, even if they do appear draconian. If the package had her name on it and it was being sent to her on her boyriend's behalf - different story altogether. The answer seems to be don't sign for anything that you're not expecting, even if it has your name on it.
  17. " Cannabis has not posed a problem as feared by many parties while its market value has reached 28 billion baht, according to Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul." It comes as no surprise for him to say that - I wonder how it has affected his bank balance?
  18. It appears that if you have lots of money, anything is acceptable in Thailand????
  19. "Many said that parrot fish were an important part of the marine ecosystem especially in their ability to help coral propagate." And assuming that you are prepared to accept "written testimony" from an organisation that is probably well qualified to make comment, "The Nature Conservancy" - this is their take on it:- "Parrotfish are colorful, tropical creatures that spend about 90% of their day eating algae off coral reefs. This almost-constant eating performs the essential task of cleaning the reefs which helps the corals stay healthy and thriving." And from "Science Daily" :- "Parrotfish are critical to coral reef health, study finds" It would be interesting to know where you got your "fishy fact" from that "Parrotfish decimate coral reefs"?
  20. If I remember rightly, the bars used to close (officially!) at 2 am, and if the girls hadn't got a "punter" by then, they would hang out at Thermae. Obviously, the better looking ones had already been snapped up, but there was no bar fine at Thermae so it suited the "Cheap Charlies"!
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