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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. Used to love the comedy shows at star dice. That's where I learnt the expression EeeDocTong. They always used it and everybody laughed. Wouldn't use that expression myself though.
  2. I don't think that's correct. You can get heart trouble as a result of scratching, where the infection affects the heart valves.
  3. Hi, you must have missed my post. I'm reasonably sure the screen is burnt and exibits that grey/bluish look. In old technology screens with blue, green, red colored screen pixels, if you continued to use one part of the screen alot it burnt or flared that part of the screen (that's why they had those screen saver programs that moved the scanning electron beam randomly around the screen). I just saw this greyish screen yesterday on a wheel alignment screen and remembered back to monitors at the TV broadcast stations having test patterns burnt into the screen. So the problem will just keep slowely getting worse. Increase the font intensity and size and decrease the contrast is the way to go.
  4. I want to take our bikes with us when we travel by car. Anyone installed a 2 bike car toebar on their car, or know where to get one installed? I have seen the car bike carry racks advertised on Lazada, but not knowing the quality I would rather go have a look before installing one. We will be in Bangkok and Pattaya over the next 2 weeks if anyone has a installation place recommendation. Thanks.
  5. Ask your teacher next time you see them. Khun Thai, Khun Jeen, Khun Carl, Khun Falang...it doesn't matter. So, can I correctly say Khun Thai nung khon? Yes. So why can't I say Khun Jeen nung khon? If you want to meet me on the Thai language forum I'll gladly discuss this in the Thai language. ????
  6. Most things in Thai have classifiers. Kon is the classifier for people. Khun (polite) Jeen. Yes you could say Khun Jeen lay lay Khon. I don't think correct to say 'Person Jeen, many persons', but Khun Jeen 150 Khon is correct. Anyway, no one much cares, but I call a Chinese person Khun Jeen and a Thai person Khun (name). I call myself a Farang. ????
  7. Khon Jeen doesn't mean anything as Khon is the classifier for people. Khun Jeen Nung Khon means Mr/Mrs Chinese one person. คุณจีน คนจีน
  8. 1 person is Nung Khon. To show respect Chinese are called Khun Jeen. Khon is the classifier for people. Over.
  9. I think I know the problem. Old screens tend to burn the colour screens pixels and burn an image into the screen. Years ago I worked at a TV station and all the monitors had the Test Pattern burnt into the screen. So, today I went to have my wheel alignment checked and their old screen was grey where all the same car wheel alignment images had been displayed. So I think that's the problem. It will just keep slowely getting worse. If you're only intrested in black and white fonts, then turn the brightness right up, the font size up and the contrast down.
  10. No. They were critcised by the tester and encouraged by other people in the line. Was a simple test, tester pointed to Red, Amber or Green and you had to say the colour. Maybe they were shy, tester pointing to Red and the person saying Green. So many of them, hard to understand.
  11. I was sure when I saw this construction marvel that they were going to lay another concrete road base to bring the road up to the drains level. Not a strange idea when you have witnessed Pattaya's contemperory Engineering works over the last 30 years. Thinking like a Pattaya Engineer I would just plant trees in these drain spots and widen the footpaths so cars could drive there.
  12. Wow, that's a long way. I stayed at the KC Grande last visit, we loved it. Hope to get back there next year.
  13. The one to Ko Chang...where they collect the money give the ticket and you hand it back along abit. Only been there 3 times.
  14. Went to renew my 5 year licence and half of the 15 people with me got the red, amber and green colours wrong.
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