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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. Try to do 5-6km a day walk, but bad back sometimes limits this. Been on prostrate medicine for about a month and makes me hungry all the time.
  2. Don't eat fat food except brown rice. Mainly salmon and kale and rice.
  3. Putting on too much weight for my bad back and thought I would give the weight loss drug a try. Have to loose 10kgs. Is there a program or shop in Pattaya that sells Ozempic? Will be in Pattaya for about 1 month. Thanks
  4. Hi, I've got rods and screws and fused from T11 to pelvis. As you say back then drs gave you everything. Still try and walk 5 to 6km per day but painfull next day and I take the occasional tramadol too. We'll have to meet up and compare back scars. I've 6. 😉
  5. Yes, a bad suggestion.
  6. You have to practice and you get better. Have to feel like you flatten the foot, the flatter the more stabalization. Then you pick a dot or a fine point on a wall you're looking at and just concentrate on that dot. Then stand on one leg concentrating on the dot with a flat foot.
  7. Agree with Crossy, also: One major problem I think is that Thai tile layers don't leave a big enough expansion joint between tiles. Like in bricks and mortar, the mortar or joint should be the weakest point, so the joint can crack and not damage the brick or tile. So over time the filler between the tiles cracks and the tiles expanding push up at the joint. I've got the same problem outside as well as tiles cracking because the ' yaa nails' is stronger than the tiles.
  8. Just of the top of my head, to help bob: Rt= 84.154, It=285.2mA
  9. 87 sounds better than 90. From my experience 3 months give up is a great start, then 3 years you're probably there. At least that was my experience giving up smoking. 🙂
  10. One thing for pain and mental state is an app named Headspace. As I said in a previous post, I worked with a Clinical Psychologist for about 6 months. (Luckily my company paid all the bills.) He taught me hypnosis. At the end I could control my panic attacks and get my pain level from about 8 down to 4, which was huge for me. For years and still today I use the app. Maybe because I've had a lot of meditation experience, but now 20mins can take me to a calm place and help set up the rest of the day. The Headspace app was origionally started by a monk who spent years at monostaries. He has since left the app. but some of the meditation programs in the app are still great for controlling pain and generally being in a good headspace. For me I just repeat the 365 day program, but there is a specific Pain Managment meditation. As with addiction, meditation takes time to work. Also the simple act every morning of walking out to give rice to the monks, sets up the day. Like in the old days we used say The Lord's Prayer before eating. I'm not really religious, but when you have 24/7 pain your mind eventually gets possed by the pain and you think about it all the time, so if you can include meditation to help break the pain cycle, why wouldn't you?
  11. Thanks, just found this. 🙂 No notification.
  12. I got it from KKU Khong Kean University Hospital.
  13. So you've actually done it, or read about it?
  14. Have you tried Gabapentine at night?
  15. Sorry, but it's more than a few days.
  16. Colinborn auctions...was on the road to The Dark Side....Chiaporn rd I think.
  17. I sold mine at the auction place. Price for a 15 year old Toyota was not great, but no hastle. They did everything and all over on the Auction day.
  18. I start the gas log fire much to the amusement of all. But when they visit and it's cold, they all position around the fire. Looking into a log fire has some magical effects, like rum toddies. 🙂
  19. In my experience, if you go 'cold turkey' from an addiction the pain and horribleness lasts longer than a few days, but does get better. As an example, 3 months for giving up smoking, then you have a good chance of beating it. I had a back work accident at 45yrs, then 3 failed back operations, off on workers comp., then 2 years used up my long service leave. Company pensioned me off, Mrs left with the kids and left me lying around on every medicine drs kept throwing at me: strong pain killers, antiinflamatory, heaps of valium, muscle relaxants, massages, rehab hospitals, large doses of Aspirin, medicine to stop the fire in my stomach, medicine for constapation, antidepressants etc. Plus Vodka. I was a mumbling mess. One day I just stopped all the tablets, everything, went to a clinical sycologist, started pushing thru the pain with walking and exercises and 3 years later, re-did my Surf Bronze medalion (just to prove I could do it). So you can get better, but it's very painful and difficult. I'd day just go 'cold turkey' for 3 months or 87 days (mark them on a whiteboard). Purchase 'Headspace' a meditation app. and do the 365 day sessions. Buy the gunga oil and have a couple of drops before bed. People will say it's dangerous to go 'cold turkey', but it works. 🙂
  20. You asked for it. 🙂
  21. Take your computer to a Thai computer shop and they will weave their magic.
  22. Catch the clap better. Anyone who posts here deserves a laugh or something. Even me.
  23. That's fixed it. 🙂
  24. Yep must have an outside kitchen... it's a great idea though.
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