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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. I always thought it was the 'taint' as in Shakespear's "The Tamimg of the Taint". Dictionary says: 'Taint the f hole or the m hole and little bit of grissel if you should break, ... I'll be in the s...'
  2. Hello Sheryl. Prof Kwanchanok Yimtae has retired so hospital says. Plan C: Check eyes at After Hours Clinic on Monday 6th then get hearing check appointment for Wednesday at ENT Clinic.
  3. Hi and thanks again. I have the eye appointment locked in and trying to get a hearing appointment around the same time, then will see about the neurology appointment with the Drs you gave me before. :)
  4. I'm not sure what it is. I thought I may have Parkinson's disease as I seem to have some of the same symptoms, but can wake up good, do a bit of work around the house or exercise, then I feel horrible. Seems surreal or things don't feel right when I walk or ride my bike then I get all shakey. When I turn my head it's like I see moving shadows in my periferal vision, but it's always changing. So my latest self diagnosis is eye trouble (eyes have been sore and watering for a couple of months) or hearing ttrouble. I know I have suffered hearing loss this year. Trying to sort things out.
  5. Thanks. Is that still the After Hours Clinic or can I book an appointment in the daytime? I'm booked in for eye examination after 5.30 pm next month, so would like to have examination for vertigo on the same day if possible. Just trying to rule out a few things with my health.
  6. Are there any doctors at Khon Kaen University hospital (KKU), that are recommended to diagnose this condition?
  7. Sounds more that painful...get well soon 🙂
  8. 5 to 4, none out, wooopps 1 out, all out. 🙂 horrible coach.
  9. The Fugitive said: 'I take no notice of course.' A brave man. 🙂
  10. A few years ago a specialist Spinal MRI showed my lumbar muscles had died and been replaced by a fibrus fatty tissue. The specialist said there was nothing that I could do about it as they don't know why it happens. So revisiting this problem and enquiring about exercises/weights that target my lumbar region, to see if I can build up some muscles there. I included a pix of my lumbar region and don't know how you can tell (by looking at it) that the muscles have died. I have had several lumbar operations and thought that they could be the reason my muscles died from the cuts, but these operations were 35 years ago. I have periferal nerve damage in my legs which causes 24/7 pain, but scans show no senosis. So it seems to me that walking is like climbing Mt Everest as using all other muscles to compensate for lumbar muscles not working. I use walking poles which really helps. Any ideas on reactivating lumbar muscles?
  11. I'm in Kalasin Changwat. I can't remember filling in a TM30. I know when we went for a night in Pattaya and then in the hotel in Bangkok they let Imm know, but when we stayed at our son's place in BangNaa he never fills in a form. Thanks for replies. At the hotels they needed my passport as said Imm not accept my Thai ID, but taking visitors to Grand palace etc, they accepted my Thai ID...didn't have to pay Farang entrance charges.
  12. I'm on a Retirement Extension and 90 day reporting. We have just been to Bangkok for several days but now back in our village home. I don't think I have to let Imm. know, but just checking. Do I need to let Imm. know?
  13. I think they were robbed and on their way the the police station to report it. Aussies would never do that. :)
  14. I've been thru two coups in Thailand. It gets dangerous when all the police disappear off the streets. The last coup we decided to get out of Bangkok and driving nearly deserted streets, where the motorbike taxi mobs were destroying police boxes and traffic lights. Like in Manilla when Marcos reign ended, when all the police go hiding, time to worry.
  15. The catch now is to erect 90km/h speed camera signs in ridiculous places, like 4 lane straight highways. Maybe time to get a radar camera.
  16. Just bought 10 in Pattaya to take to the grand kids in Bangkok today. Also consumed 1 traditional pie, plus sausage roll and 1 apple pie. That's what happens when you only eat them about once a year, get consumed with thoughts of eating a pie topped with dead horse. Back to Issan diet coming up.... hot tongue and cold shoulder.
  17. This looks interesting (engineering wise). Anymore photos in the series? I'm hooked.
  18. I remember in the beginning trying to practice my Thai on the street. Then, I didn't realise Sukumvit Road went for a few hundred km so got strange answers when I asked how to get to Sukumvit Road and I was always on it. Another time thought I'd start riding motorbikes again and hired one in Pattaya to drive to Bangkok. Had no idea where I was going, only Bangkok and didn't realise how huge it all was. I was in a centre lane on an express way just coming up to a pay station and a policeman ran out furiously blowing his whistle. I said how do I get to Bangkok and he said I was there and to get off the expressway.
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