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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. So you have 3 phase or single phase? If you have 3 phase, is it happening on each phase. If the problem has started in the last month (stronger, variable direction winds) could be bamboo ot trees breifly touching the power lines. PEA will get round to it. If the problem has been going for awhile, get someone to check the tightness of your meter box connection, especially the neutral. Starters
  2. Brilliant. Can you share the connecting circuit diagrams? What's the cable run length from you panels to the house?
  3. Not my sick Buffalos. Wonder if there are any sick Buffalos left in Thailand? Must be hundreds of fixed ones.
  4. I have to draw up some electrical plans for my solar system install. I think before Crossy said Tiny CAD was a reasonable program to use. I will use my Windows machine as it runs large CAD programs. Tiny CAD or other recommendations?
  5. That should be 32A. My PEA installation is 3 phase 15/45. What are your thoughts of squeezing 32 to 40A out of my system if the pool pump and EV charger are in at the same time. I think OK. I will buy the BYD 7 kV charger from Lazada or Shopee.
  6. I have asked on that forum as well. Decided on a 7kW/23A single phase charger. Just waiting for any responses on brand recommendations.. There are many brands on Shoppe and Lazada. Great forum and knowlegable people on Electric Vehicles in Thailand forum.
  7. No I don't think so. If you have 3 phase many motors then you probably would need to balance the phases. Me with 15/45 supply can probably use up the 50A per phase (but the neibours would have a problem). My genset is single phase, feeding 3 phases when the mains power fails. No problems except the neutral current is not 0 which it would be in a typical 3 phase set up. Thailand is 3 seperate phases, red and neutral, blue and neutral etc. I've 2 3 phase multipoint water heaters only as 3 phase. 😉
  8. I think I would just use the 7kW 32A single phase charger and not worry about the 3 phase connection. I think that if you use a 3 phase charger, say 22kW then the car will determine the charge rate, so it may be 7kW or 11 kW or 22 kW depending on what the car inverter decides. Only my thoughts, no references to this. To me the (old school) thoughts are that the current is limited to 32A per phase.
  9. What brand charger do you'll have?
  10. How do you two know all this and you don't have 3 phase? 🙂 I'll then go for the 7kW/32A charger. I'm worried about the charger as I'm going away on Jan 5th and if the Sealion hasn't arrived I need to leave Wifey with a wall mounted charger. Me not here and her getting a new EV without a charger would not be great. But, dealer said it would be here by the end of this month ....
  11. Great thank you very much. I will concentrate on a 1 phase 32A (7.4kW) or a 3 phase 16A (11kW) AC chargers. Just gotta find the best brand now.
  12. Yep that was/is true. I know my Thai son in Bangkok has to go to vote in the province where his house is registered. As he is the housemaster of our Pattaya house he goes the Pattaya to vote. Not sure if it has changed or not. So if her ID card is from Kalasin province she has to go to Kalasin to renew it. I think that's correct.
  13. Thanks and yes I have read your posts going back to the forum start. Seems like I can get a charger to charge at 7kW, 11kW and 22kW...so still checking if this is in the one charger. Sorry for basic questions, but the spec. for the Sealion 7 DC charging port CCS2 (150kW). That equates to 681A. I know you could never charge at this rate, but with a charger like above they say the current is limited to 32A. What's the significance of the (150kW)?
  14. Thanks, so like in your posts before, you charge to 100%? At 79yrs old this is like I'm learning at 1st Year Engineering College again, but there's a big difference between the 18 year old brain and the Leo aged brain. 🙂
  15. There are about 5 chargers on Lazada I would be interested in charging the EV from the garage. Some are 7KW single phase and some 22KW 3 phase but can charge using 1 phase. I'm torn between buying a 7KW charger initially then upgrading to the 22KW when our 3 phase is re-routed to the garage. Probably better to spend the extra money on a 3 phase charger then it's all ready installed. Do you really need a 22KW home charger or is a 7KW overnight (9 hours) good enough? What's your experience and what are the good brands? Would BYD negate the warranty if you don't buy their charger? Thanks
  16. If you want to limit your car charging to 80% at home, is there a facility to do this or does it depend on the wall charger you have?
  17. Hopefully purchasing an EV with a 82.5KWh battery capacity. We have 3 phase supply, but at the moment only single phase to the garage which will be upgraded to 3 phase when we install the solar. So initially we would have a single phase charger then hopefully with the same charger re-configure to 3 phase. We have a 60 A mains 3 phase breaker and 45A PEA supply. Cable is 1x25mm. If we configured the charger to 7KW charge, that would deliver 32A charge and take 12 hours (from 20% to 80 battery charge). The charger would eventually be charging from the 3 inverters or battery if I go full solar. Any thoughts on a charger? and hope my maths is OK.
  18. I'm remembering more now, we couldn't find the first book, just think we had a copy. Was told not to leave the original book in the car, just a copy. So over the years not sure what happened to it...wifey has all these secret hiding spots, but could have been me who misplaced it.
  19. Just a note that could come in handy: Original Blue Book and CRV car purchase at Chonburi in 2012. New blue book when transfered to Kalasin province. I did not keep the original Blue Book as had the new Blue Book. When selling a car you need the 1st origional Blue Book or the dealer offers you B30000 less, and someone needing finance can't get it without the 1st Blue Book. Seems pretty basic but always keep the 1st Blue Book. More enquiries today, but seems you can't get another 1st Blue Book.
  20. On Thai Father's Day many hospitals have half-price rates. We check then in the Roiet province for B3500 all except PSA.
  21. Anyone know everything about the car owners blue book?
  22. I purchased a new Honda CRV in 2012 in Chonburi. A few years ago we changed from Chonburi to Kalasin, but I misplaced or destroyed the original book, so the motor inspection station wrote something like 'original book not seen' in the new blue book. Now I come to sell or trade-in my CRV and the dealer said B30000 less as no first owners book and selling it privately buyers can't get finance as no first owner blue book. How to get a new first owners blue book?
  23. The plan was to order the new car, drive the CRV to Pattaya and Bangkok finalising the house sale, return to Mukdahan give them the CRV and take the new car. So that was the FALANG agreed to plan. Seems like the dealer must have a buyer for our car as he wants it now and been organised by the THAI connection. Anyway gets the CRV sorted and have to get the e-bikes out. 🙂
  24. With the Sealion 7 purchase package they include film. When we bought the CRV new it also included film, so I said what most people get, which was way too dark for me and had to be changed. I can't remember the %. What do most Westerners advise for the car windows/windscreen film %? If they include film for the sun roof, what should that % be? (My shagging in cars days are over so I don't care if people can see in and I'd like to be able to see out day or night).
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