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Posts posted by eliotness

  1. As Wandasloan states, the stated cost was only related to the flight   -  so what sort of noodles were they eating to create such a huge catering bill ? !   From the news report it seems this was just a weekend trip, but there was no mention of how many nights they spent in Hawaii, also no real meat on the bones regarding the big issues discussed at the meetings,  if any.  I doubt if any of them went to the local KFC or MacDonalds, fine dining would have been the order of the day(s).


  2. It appears that the politicians who wanted to accept the immigrants told their supporters not to vote.  A risky gamble, but it worked.  If they had voted then the turnout would have been, say 60%, 70% at best, but the NO vote would still have won.  The EU elite are experts at playing with democracy for their own ends.  So now they claim the vote was invalid, Oooh ! how much BS can the ordinary people take ?

  3. Tempted to say "NIMBY".  Everyone wants electricity, so maybe fill the coastline with windmills, but oops that would spoil the natural views.  OK maybe have several hundred rai covered in solar panels, but oops that would ruin the scenery.  Solution !  build a nuclear power station, but oooops !!!

  4. 14 organisations, 3 entrepreneurs and 76 people, holy Moses !!!  Who are those 76 people who emit so much CO2 -  not government spokesmen surely !   Sometimes BS is funny and we can all laugh and make jokes, but this one is so so absurd it is way beyond funny.  


    OK my previous posts prove I'm a global warming sceptic but I do believe that we need to reduce pollution to survive on this little planet.  The pollution in Bangkok, the sugar burning, rubbish burning by the side of the roads and all the other problems in Thailand do nothing to even remotely justify this outrageous claim.

  5. They've been watching too much telly.  CSI is an entertaining programme but not really real life in America however if Thailand wants to attain similar then a massive impossible culture change has to happen, total reform of the whole justice system, an elected government that people can trust, etc etc etc -  unfortunately it just ain't going to happen any time soon

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