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Posts posted by eliotness

  1. Just a few weeks ago a government spokesman stated that violence had dropped in the South by 12% (can't remember the actual figure but it was around there).  Within days of the press release there were all the bombs and now this.   It would appear that the government has very little control over the situation and things will get worse rather than better as the government predicts.  Northern Ireland Mark 2.

  2. There are very popular "all-inclusive" holidays to be found all around the Med.  Never been on one but some friends go frequently on such holidays.  Are these the European equivalent of these 0 dollar tours.  If so then the government should tread very carefully otherwise their great expectations from Chinese tourists, who can be very canny with their money, may not happen and the people will simply go elsewhere.

  3. This thread reminds me of the sketch in Monty Pythons "life of Brian"  -  "what have the Romans ever done for us".  


    So everyone moans about what the British did to the poor natives in the colonies, but forgets the plight of the workers in Britain during that period.  The expected life span in working class cities was only late 30s in 1900.  The infant death rate was horrendous, my Grandmother lost half her siblings before they reached 16 due to TB.   In fact up to 1945 most working class homes didn't even have their own flushing toilet or even bathrooms.  As for the Boers, don't forget they still wanted slavery even when the British made it illegal.  Bit of a rant, for which I apologise, sorry !

  4. Used that crossing many times and never paid anything to Thai Immigration.   Cambodian Immigration is a very different matter, 1,500 Baht for a Cambodian visa PLUS  300 Baht because I immediately cross back into Thailand.  That 300 Baht is a scam I'm sure , but the grim -faced official behind the desk demands it every time.  This thread doesn't mention this, so have I been duped and is there a way to avoid the 1,800 Baht every 90 days,  apart from having 40k monthly income or 400k in a Thai bank ?

  5. 12 wind turbines  -  not exactly big time.  Off the coast of my home-town there are over 200.  Trouble is, not just how inefficient they are and how the ruin the views, but when it's too windy they shut them down and then when the wind drops they don't work.  OK it's good to have a mix of power generation, but wind turbines are probably the most inefficient of the bunch.

  6. Such places need a waste minimisation plan that is enforced.  Plastic bags should be banned on the islands, composting should be mandatory. Green lifestyle could be used to attract tourists  I just wish such things could happen here, but experience has shown me the authorities, of whatever colour just don't care.

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