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Posts posted by d2b2

  1. The Thai government seems to be tripping over themselves and doing convoluted yoga poses in an effort to find ways to bend over backwards in getting Chinese tourists back into the kingdom. 
    The virus originated there and is making reoccurrences in multiple locations within China and yet thailand can’t seem to hurry fast enough to remove any obstacles in waving them through the border. 

    master and servant?

  2. 17 hours ago, LoS itaint said:

    The one & only outspoken Health minister Anutin Charnvirakul whose discriminatory remark on Western tourists, saying that they are “dirty” and more likely to spread coronavirus than Asians caused a ruffle of feathers....I disagree with his, dirty, remark but sadly there are a lot of European countries that are classed as virus high risk, my country, the once Great Britain, being at the very top of the list!

    I remember it being called the United Kingdom, it is neither of those either.

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  3. On 4/26/2020 at 8:34 AM, cornishcarlos said:


    Or just isolate the elderly and vulnerable, as has been suggested many times... Let the young, fit and healthy get back to keeping the economy alive..

    My young, healthy friend died in Maui two weeks ago of Covid 19. It isn't just the elderly and predisposed. Everyone is vulnerable.

    My friend was under 50, fit and no underlying health problems. Does that sound like anyone you love?

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