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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. 19 minutes ago, Strange said:


    "This is how TV works" Riiiight. Just because there's 3-4-7-9 cameras rolling does not mean all are getting audio or should be getting audio. 


    Trump thought it was a private conversation. The crew was filming the bus rolling up. The mic should have been off and it wasn't. This is an assumed private conversation. Is it a huge costly kindergarden level screw up? Hell yeah. 


    To say it was NOT a private conversation would mean that it was intended to be recorded and shown to people. Do you believe this? 


    If filming is taking place, and those being filmed are wearing a microphone, then of course those microphones are being recorded. Why else would they be wearing them?


    The mic should not have been off - the whole point is that they were filming Trump's arrival. He was participating in the scene being filmed, and therefore his mic was turned on. The only person who 'screwed up' here is Donald Trump, by saying something he shouldn't have when he knew he was being recorded. 


    Anyone who takes part in a TV production is aware that anything they say is likely to be recorded and may be made public. Trump knew it wasn't a private conversation. He just said those things anyway. We could speculate why - he forgot where he was, perhaps, or merely didn't care - but the fact remains that is was not in any way a private conversation. 


    Sorry, but you're desperately clutching at straws here, and you're dead wrong on this one. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Strange said:


    Dont be childish. Just because he was taking part in a TV show, does not mean that everything is live all the time and recorded. 


    The dumbass should've made sure his mic was off, but it was an assumed private conversation nonetheless. 


    You think he said this with a hot mic on purpose? 


    When the cameras are rolling, then yes - it does mean that everything is being recorded. That's how TV works.  He knew he was wearing a mic. He knew filming was taking place. There is absolutely no way this is an 'assumed private conversation' - to attempt to describe it as such is simply ridiculous. 



  3. Just now, Strange said:


    It was an assumed private conversation. He is paying for it. Just like if you or myself said something like this at work, we would likely be fired. 


    So what, we should implement audio recorders in the workplace now? Catch some women or men talking about co-workers at the water fountain? 


    It was not an 'assumed private conversation' - he was wearing a microphone and taking part in the filming of a TV show!

  4. Just now, Strange said:


    Hell yeah words have meaning. If you say it, be prepared for the consequences. There is the law, free speech, the workforce, and your peers. You are held accountable by all. Just about any gown man or woman should know this and it shouldn't even be worth talking about. 


    If a teacher said what trump said in the privacy of their own home or in an assumed private conversation, YES they would still be employed and YES the rightfully so. In front of the teaching facility or students, YES fired, and if there are any laws broken, YES arrested. 


    This is about context. Just because you were fired for something does not mean you broke a law. 


    But Trump wasn't at home, and it wasn't a private conversation. He was at work, talking to one colleague about another colleague. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Strange said:


    "rape culture" don't even try that on me, buster. 


    And don't even try to insinuate that I don't really care. 


    Being that I am a younger dude I've grown up in this modern land of supposed "rape culture" and its getting to the point now where women actually use this for personal gain. Wether its in the workforce, for revenge, whatever. It totally undermines the women that have ACTUAL assaults and harassment going on against them. 


    What undermines them is when a candidate for one of the most powerful jobs in the world brags about assaulting them, and other men say this is ok. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Strange said:




    Gimme a break Mr. High Road. 


    Im not confused about anything. When this video/audio came out people went on a rampage. Im not condoning it, I'm not defending Trump, I'm saying that words are words. Remove Trump and Apply to any other person that says stuff like this. Cracking Jokes and laughing like a 10th grader over fuggin pussy grabbing isn't sexual assault. Weather you personally dont say anything means nothing. 


    Jesus christ I've heard women talking about the same nonsense. Your Brit birds are particularly bad. You think women don't talk like this about men in private? Of course in the context of a Trump thread, EVERYONE is going to take the High Road because its easy to look like Mr. Polite do good, but real talk, I call BS. Its equally just as bad from both sides. 


    Its bad trump said this being that he is running for president, but anyone that thinks that ALL these women coming out right now are being truthful, and are not in any way being coached or influenced, are extremely gullible. Im not taking any high road here and I'm calling BS when I see it. Sure maybe he did, maybe he didn't, we will probably never know. 


    I give undying support to women that do not tolerate actual sexual assault. If it happens, go to your boss, go to the police, make a report, get it in writing, do whatever you can. Fight it. This is what evidence is for. Its how you know when people are lying or intentionally misleading for benefit. It happens. 


    If you were really interested in supporting those women, you would speak up whenever anybody - like Mr Trump - says anything that reinforces the 'rape culture' that both makes such assaults more likely, and reporting them more difficult. 

  7. Just now, CaptHaddock said:


    If you are referring to Orwell's quote about the police, he did indeed say that.  Orwell himself was a policemen in Burma before he becamse a writer and knew whereof he spoke.  If you read his story from the period, "How to Shoot an Elephant," it's pretty clear that he loathed the Burmese.


    Nope - he didn't. He said a few things that were vaguely similar, but that quote isn't his. 

  8. 17 minutes ago, Strange said:


    Wittering on about? 


    There can be no sexual assault, wait for it, WITHOUT SEXUAL ASSAULT ACTUALLY HAPPENING


    words spoken in private are not sexual assault, bragging about pussy grabbing and laughing like 10th graders is not sexual assault, pussy grabbing in real life IS sexual assault 




    But hey, lets just start arresting people for cracking jokes and saying inappropriate things and call it sexual assault. 


    You seem a little confused. Nobody is saying that the comments themselves constitute an assault. The acts described, however, do - and that is the point. A man running for president has been revealed as someone who brags about assaulting women sexually. 

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