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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. It only implies it if you're desperate enough to read that meaning into it. 


    Trump said Clinton's staff started it. They didn't. You say they popularised it. They didn't.


    Like many of his supporters, you live in a fantasy world of conspiracy theories and outright lies. The weird thing is how surprised you are when the rest of us don't care to join you there. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

    This Topic Thread has turned into Trump Derangement Syndrome ON STEROIDS... Post after post of hatred for Trump without any supporting documentation to prove anything.... Post after Post of diatribe -- and opinionated hate speech Trump and nothing more ...  The political viewpoints put forth by the Leftists who populate this Forum only goes to show nothing but crass hatred against an American citizen 


    It's a forum. Now and again, you'll find that people disagree with you.

  3. 6 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

    Anyone who believes the standard News Media sponsored or paid for political polls for electing the President are no more astute than Harry Potter Groupies ...  American Political Polls run by or paid by the Leftist News Media are jokes - they mean nothing ...Even if one showed Trump wining by 3% I would not believe it ... Lies Lies and more Lies ... 


    Would you include Fox News in the 'Leftist News Media'?



  4. Just now, Berkshire said:


    Funny.  Trump supporters are a strange bunch.  So they don't believe that President Obama was born in America.  They believe that climate change is a hoax.  That mainstream media is all against them.  Etc., etc.   So yes, they would believe pretty much any made-up nonsense that comes out of D. Trump's mouth.  I've only met a couple of Trump supporters in Thailand and it's fun screwing with their heads.  They can never defend Trump.  All they do is deflect to HRC.  I really can't wait until after the elections when Trump loses and reveals that he was just gaming them all along. 


    I'd forgotten about the birther thing. Racism legitimised by a conspiracy theory. 


    I'd respect these people more if they were just honest about what they felt, rather than going to such lengths to cloak it in this kind of convoluted nonsense. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

    You Lefty Guys can blow off everything that is in plain view if you wish ... Hillary suffered great damage in the 2nd so called Debate even with two 'moderators' helping her.  People in the audience applauding wildly when Trump made his points... You Lefty guys live in a nether world of disconnect ...  The Trump train was never derailed and is chugging ahead.. Hillary has become very unlikable and could easily stroke out from the bad feedback and pressure...  You guys do know that the polls from the start had weighed percentages in Hillary's favor ... weighed percentages BASED ON NOTHING but outdated election turn outs... And Hillary will never get the black and minority support to the extent of Obama....   The vote against Hillary is heavily salted by an Anti-Obama sentiment and Hillary is the ball carrier for Obama's policies which are hated by half of America... 


    You LEFTY guys live in a vacuum of Leftist Media ... Conservatives do not ... we have to put up with the constant drumbeat of a Leftist slanted media - it is everywhere... We know what the other side thinks - we know the fricken crazy logic that prevails.... You guys on the other hand have not a clue about the huge wave of Conservative support running against Hillary ... get out of the vacuum and breath a little ... There has been a Nationalistic Populist Uprising going on for more than a year ... Trump just popped up and became the leader -- Trump did not start the Revolution .. the People DID... 


    I think you're way off the mark there. The rise of the right has been all over the media for the last couple of years - I'm not even American and I'm well aware of it. The thing is, though, that your conservative 'revolutionaries' are not enough to deliver the Whitehouse. Hating on Hilary isn't enough to win over the undecided voters. You need decent policy and a credible presidential candidate, and the Republican party rejected both when they chose Trump.

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