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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. 17 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    More untrue burble. Trump never said he WOULD lock her up, he doesn't have that power. He did say he would ask the AG to appoint a special prosecutor. It would be up to the court to lock her up or not. If she is as innocent as you say she has nothing to fear.

    She should be locked up for deleting e mails after congress asked for them, but the Clintons seem to be Teflon coated.


    He said if he was president, she'd be in jail. 

  2. Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

     She clearly won the debate

    LOL. The only thing clear was that he had her on the back foot for most of the debate.

    I'm sure the Dems and Hillary supporters are wondering what happened to their heroine to do so badly.

    One good debate doesn't make it a vote winner for him, but at least he didn't crash and burn like everyone expected.


    That seems to be how low Trump's supporters have set the bar for victory in these debates. 

  3. Just now, dcutman said:

    What ever. I am just stating facts.

    You ever hear the saying, "Dont count your chickens before they are hatched"

    What are you gonna have to say if she looses?


    I'll say, 'well, that was a surprise'. 


    I'm neither a Clinton supporter, a democrat, or an American voter, so beyond that I don't really care much. I'm just following this election for the entertainment value. 

  4. 1 minute ago, ClutchClark said:


    I suppose I am pretty liberal in my views but I think they are also good at child-rearing. 


    Its funny but womens lev of discontent has raised simultaneously with their moving out of the house and into the worplace  over the past 40 years.


    Or maybe your perception of it has increased in line with them gaining more of a voice in society?

  5. 1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Can you all stop saying Trump said things that he didn't. Appointing a special investigator to find out the truth about the e mails is not the same as saying he would jail her. He wouldn't have that power.

    If HRC is as innocent as you guyz all claim she won't go to jail.


    He said that, if he were President, 'You'd be in jail'.

  6. Trump was preaching to the choir. He said all the right things to press his supporter's buttons, and I'm sure they'll all be calling this a win.


    However, he desperately needs to win votes outside that group, and he did nothing to do so. He rambled incoherently at times, interrupted, wandered around like a confused old man, and worst of all avoided the question on multiple occasions. He might have bolstered his base, but nothing more, and at this stage in the race that's a lost opportunity - and time is running out.

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