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Everything posted by TimBKK

  1. what don’t you get? It affects his hearing so of course it should be addressed. Seems one wouldn’t have to repeat this, but I suppose with you, we do. If I were the OP, considering age and its only every 2-3 years, I would pay up at Bangkok Hospital and (likely) get it done right.
  2. “10 baht for all? We only go short way”
  3. his Netherlands pk was a thing of beauty. Unsaveable
  4. i said “it happens far too often.” And your point is?
  5. have no idea and frankly who give a f*** if it's a Thai or farang? The point is, its wrong and a messed up thing to do. But we are straying off topic so I digress.
  6. And kids. Anyone who has a child and f**** off is a low life scumbag - happens far too often here.
  7. I took a 3rd class from the new BKK station to Ayutthaya - 1 hour, 20b, thoroughly enjoyable experience.
  8. I had a similar issue with a brokerage in the U.S. (Fidelity) when I transferred money from a different bank into Fidelity and then immediately initiated a wire transfer to my Thai bank account. The fact that everything was done on the same day triggered alarms at Fidelity - something about “pass through” (whatever that means) violations, if memory serves - and I was banned from future wire transfers. A bit too late for the OP but food for thought for others, perhaps.
  9. 555 all you want, the fact remains that the burden is on you to comply. To think in any other way is folly.
  10. my girl came pre-trained in cooking falang food, from working in a “5 star” place in Naklua, so you are on the right path - the variety between home and eating out (mostly Thai food) is a nice balance and breaks up the monotony of Thai food only.
  11. what do you mean, precisely?
  12. I seem to remember some medalists in powerlifting, and they were rightly celebrated at home. Thais are more than competitive in badminton, and competitive by SE Asian standards in football - probably should have advanced to the next round of WC qualifiers, to be fair. No offense OP, but your premise is flawed.
  13. good call, @BritManToo! Been 10+ years since i was last in Barretto, but have fond memories. Still keep in touch with one girl, who has since married and settled on the Isle of Wight, of all places. Seems a bit more…livable? than Angeles and Manila.
  14. Where in the PI would be your first choice for a long term stay?
  15. What in the funck are you talking about? Nobody, and I mean literally zero people, care about your off topic, nonsensical opinion.
  16. He really is insufferable. Thank god for iptv, usually can find an alternative feed for his matches.
  17. The RD working on a whim and a prayer, then and now. Some things never change…
  18. With regard to drinking - if you are a heavy drinker and are able to drop that down to moderate levels, there can be significant health benefits: (Sorry for the long text post) A modest change with universal benefits Kang et al. demonstrated that even modest reduction in alcohol consumption is associated with significantly lower the risk of cardiovascular events. For many individuals, the prospect of completely quitting alcohol might seem daunting or unattainable. However, Kang et al.’s findings offer a more achievable goal, as they show that substantial health benefits can be gained by cutting down to moderate drinking levels – and they show that the benefits apply to everyone. The cardiovascular benefits of reduced alcohol consumption were consistent across various subgroups for various demographic and health variables, dispelling the myth that certain individuals, based on their age or other health conditions, might be “too far gone” to benefit from reducing their alcohol intake. Whether you’re in your forties or your seventies, have overweight or average weight, the study indicates that the positive effects of reducing alcohol intake apply broadly. Bottom line: it’s not too late! Even with a history of heavy drinking, the answer to the question posed at the beginning of this newsletter is that, no, the damage is not already done; there is ample opportunity for improvement that translates into real risk reduction and the potential for a longer, healthier life. The study by Kang et al. highlights a critical but often overlooked aspect of cardiovascular health – the significant benefits of reducing heavy alcohol intake even after years of excessive consumption. Their work underscores that in this context, it is not too late to make positive changes for cardiovascular health and that efforts to do so would be far from futile, reaffirming the power of lifestyle change and personal choice – including the choice to seek support and help – in shaping one’s health trajectory. So, if you’re contemplating whether to cut back on alcohol, the message is clear: even modest reductions can significantly enhance heart health at any stage and for anyone. https://peterattiamd.com/reducing-heavy-alcohol-intake/
  19. First thing that came to mind, for whatever reason, is having beneficiaries established for bank/brokerage/retirement accounts.
  20. If the budget allows: https://thebeerclubasia.com/collections/irish-craft-beer Lately, I have been enjoying Leo Strong Brew - not too bad with a squeeze of lime.
  21. Dear Thailand: You Get What You Deserve.
  22. https://www.reddit.com/r/CannabisThailand/ Might have better luck there.
  23. An OA extension in Pattaya is about 16k (Cambo/Inter agency) all in - ext., 800k, health insurance.
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