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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. There are positive aspects to cultural differences,for instance honour killings. Now the CPS in the NW of the UK,fact is anywhere in the UK is stuffed with Muslims and up to a few years ago a white defendant facing a Muslim prosecutor and all white jury found it virtually impossible to gain a conviction.

    Regarding honour killings the CPS in NW UK took it on themselves to focus on the honour killings issue over more pressing matters,Sanders the boss(white)CPS was kicked upstairs,but certainly there was widespread distrust over Muslim issues being brought to the front

    I went on Twitter to defend their customs and practices,stating the issue was better than sliced bread,only for a chief inspector from Paddington Green cop shop intervening,yes hell and fury,Yahoo ditched me,all sorts of problems with comp,and sure Id be in court for stating the obvious if in the UK,all good stuff

  2. Until the issuance of ID cards,illegals will always find ways around any barriers,food banks for one will keep them fed,but it is crime that is what they will descend to, to support themselves,shoplifting burglary,muggings,anything to keep themselves afloat

    Looking at those..... in Calais,is there any reason to believe that any one of them is capable of meaningful work,just scum,through and through

  3. More than the subtle bigotry so commonly tolerated on Thaivisa here we have overt racism. The vast majority of public benefits are sucked up by the majority. Why bigots never point to Stoke-on-Trent or Scunthorpe to blame White British for these paradises? Of course not.

    But of course the majority of benefits are sucked up by the majority...did not have to get the brain kick started to sort that one out..Now you mention Stoke,and Scunthorpe ,both areas laid low by industrial downsizing,yes pity the white British living there,but then we look at Preston ,Blackburn,Bradford laid low by the population

  4. Chinese are the main movers here,the dire straights China heads for will put Pattaya especially in a fix,fleets of tours buses unused for one,already some are almost empty making their way back and forth

  5. So, only 7.4% of all claimants were non-UK nationals and 5% were additionally not EU nationals either.

    Table 2 tells the detailed story quite nicely I think.

    Making a case on figures alone is bu.lshit,7.4% were non-UK nationals,5% were non-EU nationals,that is sizable enough,but when reckoned up of the total it could be twice or three times the amount,just because he/she is classed UK national,but in essence a through and through Paki,who will never work just soak up benefits is tough to absorb.

    For one Id let them starve,the overwhelming amount of white UK do not want them,but as pointed out IDS has the measure of them,bring it on

  6. Anyone who paints everyone in any particular religion with the same brush doesn't deserve to be heard.

    Ah! now you are going back to 1234 remember a load of utter tosh ,rubbish, ..and you could say doesn't deserve to post either

  7. I wonder if the OP's objection isn't that his daughter has children by different fathers and is claiming all these benefits whilst also working; but that she converted to Islam?

    After all, there are plenty of non Muslim women in the UK who are doing exactly the same thing; probably proportionately more given the Islamic prohibitions on sex outside of marriage and adultery.

    Object to the benefits and welfare system which allows people to get away with this by all means; but their religion is irrelevant.

    You would have to put it to the muslim rape gangs that marauded up and down the UK with regards to the Islamic prohibitions on sex inside and outside marriage,and I do believe the majority banged up over the last few years were indeed married,grandfathers too oh dear.

    Now the piece regarding benefits and muslims and religion being irrelevant,I believe religion is relevant to their benefits,daily prayer,ramadam,watch them weaken during a working day,the tendency to flock to industrial tribunals at frivolities virtually cancels them out of the jobs market. Woken at 5am for the first calling would put a lot of workers on the dole,just for loss of sleep alone

    It gets tiring looking at arguments defending their faith,at least Saudi are doing something about it LOL, but if I personally was to establish a scheme to put the fear of God (or allah) i could not do better that IDS with universal Credits Cometh the hour,Cometh the man

  8. Why the universal credits is taking so long to roll out is amazing,but 2020 is noted for completion day ,just unrolling it piece meal at the moment.

    The ghetto structures,cram dozens under one roof are in for a particularly bad time,that one roof ,one address is limited to £23000 inc housing benefit,probably being reduced further,a lot of disquiet will follow, no job? tough

  9. According to Wiki, UK foreign born population is around 7.9 million whereas Thailand has 3.7 million, the former is likely to be accurate, the latter is likely to be very understated - not exactly "tiny".


    Maybe you're misreading the quoted figures. There are estimates of far greater numbers of illegal immigrants now living in the UK. Even the UK boarder force admit to not knowing the full numbers.

    For Thailand the figure of 3.7 million foreigners, includes the vast majority of other Asians, Cambodians,Burmese etc who are working here ( many exploited ) who certainly will not be entitled to any Thai state benifits.

    Perhaps you can provide a reference to the amount of Thai benefits received by Farang expats,the majority of whom report to immigration on a regular basis.

    Me thinks Thailand have got it right,certainly not the UK.

    What is needed are ID cards,population of UK halved overnight.

    Knight in shining armour comes forth IDS with Universal Credit, the households the OP opened with are in for the shock of their lives,Bradford here I (don't ) come,mass rioting at receiving sod all

    Like to know where the baroness flather FoI statement went,was easily accessible a couple of years ago ,now nothing

  10. "Freedom of Information states most or all of Muslims in the UK are on some form of welfare"

    Link please, as IMO it is extremely unlikely that all Muslims are on welfare, there are plenty of Muslim millionaires in the UK.

    Baroness Flather 2011 Ill wade through her Muslim statements to find it

    Tried to bring it over, fragments. However International Business News November 26 2012 carries news All Muslims on benefit Shes quoting from whatever source

    Thanks for that, found the link using Google, http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/baroness-flather-muslims-comments-408400 wai2.gif

    "Former Conservative grandee Baroness Flather has sparked outrage by claiming that all Muslims in Britain live on benefits.

    The Mail on Sunday claimed that the cross-bench peer endorsed comments reportedly made by the man recently appointed by David Cameron to deliver victory at the 2015 General Election.

    Flather said: "I don't condone swearing but Lynton [Crosby] is right to say it is pointless for the Conservaties to chase Muslims. They are all on benefits and all vote Labour."

    So she made a statement of personal opinion, which was vigorously rejected by many at-the-time, but reported in the 'Mail On Sunday', not from any genuine factual or definitive source, such as government-statistics about welfare-claimants ? wink.png

    Your source was not "freedom of information", as it is normally understood to imply, a government source. It was a political statement, by a politician, who has also in the past been in trouble for other very odd (and incorrect) claims. I wouldn't rely upon it too much.

    What is also true is that in the UK, there are many people (children, the elderly, the unemployed & disabled) who are supported by society and the in-work population, in many ways. Welfare-benefits are only one source.

    And that this support is regardless of creed or colour or culture of the beneficiaries, but that those welfare-benefits are funded by Muslims among others, who also work and pay into the system. As they should.

    She would hardly have made this statement without adequate knowledge. 2011 she made request FoI approx. May 11 Daily Mirror reported it front page,now I reference it has disappeared,,reference to it has too,but Ive requested further information from her ,take a week or so

  11. I do,First Optic Soi 17 south Pattaya Rd same-same 17% cheaper on past quotations

    I wouldn't go anywhere else than Euro Optic even if the prices were 17% cheaper, assuming you're comparing the exact same lenses. We had a long thread of First Optic vs Euro Optic not long ago so there's no need for another one of them.

    Funny enough I would not go anywhere else than First Optic,should have said"at least 17% cheaper"

    Get prices at the Euro place,spend 40 baht motor bike taxi to First Optic,most definitely will be not spending another 40 baht returning

    The 17% is just a number you pulled up and proves nothing. Every individual has different needs. The quality of lenses varies greatly. Maria at Euro Optic spent weeks setting up my progressive lenses, which I didn't believe was possible after having wasted a lot of money at other opticians, including one in Malaysia. She set up 2 sets of temporary glasses to try at home before she made my final pair.

    I appreciated the service there and would gladly have paid her the 17% + extra (you claim) as a tip, but sorry, I don't believe you are getting a better deal. I know you're a First Optic fanboy and nothing will ever change your mind, but without any proof, you're here once again hijacking a Euro Optic appreciation thread.

    No,17% not pulled from the hat,well documented in earlier thread,and the 17% more expensive than First Optics more than likely did not account for Euro,it was the next cheapest,so your choice could well be 30 or even 40% more expensive

    The only appreciation you are showing is your wife is Filipino,likewise Euro Optics..Filipino. Yes things most definitely will change my mind if and when a better deal comes along that First Optic offers,but until then Ill stick to First Optic

    ...and as I mentioned,take the 40 baht taster,get prices at one,same-same product,go compare

  12. To quote the words or St Ignatius of Loyola, and the Jesuit maxim - "Give me a child to the age of seven and I shall give you the man"

    Whatever behaviour the OP sees in his daughter, and wishes to attribute to the company she keeps or the faith she follows, her behaviour as an adult is firmly rooted in the way he as a parent raised her as a child.

    He might see a parallel between his daughter putting her hand out for welfare and not wanting to take responsibility for her own life with his own eagerness to blame others for his own failings.

    It's your daughter - you had a hand in making her what she is, stop blaming people you don't know for your own failings.

    I do not agree with this statement. There are many many influences that can detract what he ,as a father intended

  13. Maria has been an "old hand" in this part of the world. I remember getting my first glasses from her when she was running "Lao Optic" or so on Settathirat Road in Vientiane.

    The shop folded up as the whole idea was too new for Vientiane then and she moved on (with clients like me). Pricing is not everything and customer, resp. after-sales service is something I - for one - appreciate and am also willing to pay for.

    The others better go for the two-for-one options at Top Charoen or other shops with arguably hardly any clue except 20% discount - Nuff said!

    Just who are the "others"?. Yes I have been to Euro did not find it particularly good on service or more particular on price . Seeing as you have only experienced this one,obviously you are not knowing.

    Stick with the one,the only one you know ,but for the "others" there is a far better option ,as other posters have found on this thread nuff said

  14. "One daughter however became involved with a group of Muslims at College and became brainwashed.

    I'm not racist, but I didn't like their radical attitudes and total disrespect for others.

    My daughter took some vows and became a Muslim at 19 years of age."

    Don't confuse race with religion.

    You have religiophobia towards muslims.

    Freedom of Information states most or all of Muslims in the UK are on some form of welfare. Roll on the Universal Credit IDS is spot on with this one,will put a stop to this lot

    "Freedom of Information states most or all of Muslims in the UK are on some form of welfare"

    Link please, as IMO it is extremely unlikely that all Muslims are on welfare, there are plenty of Muslim millionaires in the UK.

    Baroness Flather 2011 Ill wade through her Muslim statements to find it

    Tried to bring it over, fragments. However International Business News November 26 2012 carries news All Muslims on benefit Shes quoting from whatever source

  15. Baroness Flather House of Lords member is a curse to Muslims,accused of being a bigot by more than a few Muslims. 2011 made FoI

    Universal credits rolled out soon enough,that should put a stop to a lot of what they are about. Have copied the OPs opening post,am sending to interested parties,makes you bloody sick

    Did go head to head with muslim MP on twitter over this,Kay Burley the Sky news presenter got involved too,fact is he could not defend his majority Muslim constituents ,got banned for questions posed

    With Muslims interbreeding with first cousins etc it is a fact that sub normal offspring are being produced to a far larger number than white,so more stay at home mothers,producing more sub normal

  16. My current specs come from this shop. I see no reason to go anywhere else for my next pair.

    I do,First Optic Soi 17 south Pattaya Rd same-same 17% cheaper on past quotations

    I wouldn't go anywhere else than Euro Optic even if the prices were 17% cheaper, assuming you're comparing the exact same lenses. We had a long thread of First Optic vs Euro Optic not long ago so there's no need for another one of them.

    Funny enough I would not go anywhere else than First Optic,should have said"at least 17% cheaper"

    Get prices at the Euro place,spend 40 baht motor bike taxi to First Optic,most definitely will be not spending another 40 baht returning

  17. Freedom of Information states most or all of Muslims in the UK are on some form of welfare. Roll on the Universal Credit IDS is spot on with this one,will put a stop to this lot

    Bul l sh ite!

    your explanation please LOL

    Since when does Bul sh ite need an explanation!

    And until you post the authenticated copy of that FOI to back up your statement, everything else you have to say on the subject remains, Bul sh ite!

    Id be watching that stent LOL Cannot respond,perhaps do not want to an ace b.shiter but Baroness Flather Hindu HoL freedom of information re' muslims in UK on welfare

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