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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. A bit dated but a friend had aortic valve replacement here for a cost of about $18,500. Cost in the USA would have been in excess of $150,000. Same valve, same operating theater equipment etc - he had a US trained Thai doctor who was as conservative as possible. No fuss - no drama - ICU then a private room for about 10 days then off to the house. He went back to the USA after recovery and the US doc's told him they would have done the same just for a bunch more money.

    Dental cleaning at Bangkok Pattaya - 1040 Baht.

    Meds here are substantially less than in the USA.

    Yes cost have increased. You have to be prepared.

    When I go to the USA my wife and I purchase a BUPA package for emergency care. It just makes sense to be sure that you are protected as a home country social scheme may not cover you.



    Heart Valve Replacement SurgeryHeart Valve Replacement Surgery used to repair or replace diseased heart valves. B...

    Dr. Purshotam is a very renowned cardiologist worldwide and also is the pioneer of ...

    Metro Hospitals & Heart InstituteDr.Purshotam Lal

    the package Cost of Aortic valve Replacement OR Mitral Valve Replacement (AVR/MVR) is USD 7600 which is most eco...

    .Will be 10 to 20% cheaper on west coast I guess

    dental cleaning perhaps $5

    USA branded meds 2000 baht a month s supply here 100 baht there same-same

    Do not need medical insurance in Thailand,just some help to get to plane,2 hours away the finest and cheapest medical care in the world

  2. Criticisms against hospital here and run the risk of being banned from this site or criminal action,ridiculous,just like the jet ski scum. Like Topsy,it just grows and grows insurance premium and hospital care,and why should you share a insurance platform with a smoker/heavy boozer,they are more like to be wanting servicing

    Easy way round it India world class in every respect,cheap too. fly via KL instead of Bombay third off the price ,sometimes under a £100 return I'm off next few weeks for cancer scans etc etc

    Nothing is easy if you have a local emergency. Another one of the multiple reasons I am considering leaving Thailand.

    Im with you there,been putting this off for years,3 dogs and the cat are coming along

    ,Thai GF can stay

  3. Criticisms against hospital here and run the risk of being banned from this site or criminal action,ridiculous,just like the jet ski scum. Like Topsy,it just grows and grows insurance premium and hospital care,and why should you share a insurance platform with a smoker/heavy boozer,they are more like to be wanting servicing

    Easy way round it India world class in every respect,cheap too. fly via KL instead of Bombay third off the price ,sometimes under a £100 return I'm off next few weeks for cancer scans etc etc

  4. Totally disagree with the statement that owner-occupiers without concern for finance represent just a tiny segment of the condo market. Certainly not true with condo projects popular with farangs. Even with condo projects like Lumpini Park Beach that have more Thai owners, the statement isn't true. LPN Park Beach is almost sold out except for some undesirable condos on the lowest floors--the flippers are long gone. Another example is The Base. Yes, lots of Thais bought condos at The Base when it was first offered for sale a couple years ago before construction began. They bought early and only had to make minimum payments for Thai ownership. They have had a long time to sell their contracts and make a little profit on them. Most have already done that, knowing that the condo is almost done. A Thai friend of mine bought one of the contracts almost a year ago, for example. Hipflat, today, has 63 condos advertised for sale by flippers at The Base who have not yet sold. Not a huge percentage in a project with 1100 units and some appear to be duplicate listings. Like most of the other complexes in Pattaya, The Base will end up with mostly full-time owner-occupiers, part-year owner-occupiers, weekend owner-occupiers, and tenant occupiers, renting condos that have been bought to rent out.

    I hesitate to know just how this knowledge and information of yours is garnered?...well you did volunteer a glimmer of where it was gained...The Sales Office....right, ...right from the horses mouth

  5. The other thing you might consider is going to India. This is their specialty and there is a brisk medical tourism business for knee and hip replacements there. Even inclusive of travel will cost much less than here.

    Too true,type in Calcutta knee or Calcutta knee replacement,see the different options,only two hours away,and about £90 return flight (monsoon season)

    "If bone,we perform miracles " is a slogan they use

  6. ..plus the two year jail term overhanging.

    C'mon loppylugs fart the beans.........sounds interesting.

    Anyway............ as long as they sell imported drought I could care less about the food or service at Shenanigans Lakeside.

    The food you can eat in many, many places - but the beer is limited to a couple of places.

    One of which means rubbing shoulders with one of the most obnoxious bar owners I've ever met.smile.png

    Not on here,you will have to rub shoulders with someone

  7. It sure is from a personnel perspective For smokers past and present I think its a must,most defiantly, for the rest I think not if in decent health at 50 or 60 plus.

    ,somethings going to kill you eventually but I do not intend to pay unlimited amounts for what may never happen,unplanned that is

    Three friends recently died one just before last Christmas , just 60 years old,could not give up the roll-ups,another,two years before past smoker,lung cancer ,another smoker couple of years before him,used to complain he was starving,two mouthfuls of food full,six weeks later pushing up the daisies Ive known others who have been through cancer operations,major ones too,but there was always something that came along quite rapidly afterwards that smacked them down again,whether resistance was weakened I know not

    I'm not bothering,there are loads of far cheaper options than taking the overly expensive insurance route at 65 plus years of age ,it is quite humbling though to read a potential life or death situation unfold, and all the best to him

  8. One seventh the cost, either it was a govt hospital or they did not really understand what you were talking about. Bear in mind his bill includes a PET scan etc as well as the surgery.

    Or do you mean you asked hospitals in India?

    yes do not like mentioning India,seems as I get my arse booted

    I did include PET scan and all the procedures you stated ,even possible stage 1,doctor or whoever kept asking for case notes,put him off by saying I'm coming over (which I am in few weeks)

  9. HI

    I started a policy with Cigna Global.2 years 9 months ago. At that time the Gold membership was about 2500gbp, I didn't use them in the first year.

    The renewal price the following year was about 2900gbp. I opted to pay an excess of 1000gbp in each of years (not per condition).

    I have had occasion them in October just gone - cost down to me so I paid the 33,000 baht bill.

    In December just gone I had the occasion to use the policy again. I duly paid the balance of the excess. Now it's all for them to pay and so far they have forked out about 1.5 million Baht. I envisage the final bill, even if the outlook is good, there is still another operation to do, which could amount to another million.

    I await the renewal price in February - the policy expires March 23rd.

    The cover is for 1.3 million pounds. The silver is for 625,000 pounds cover.

    We will see.


    Problem is the age,it sure gets expensive.

    I have followed your thread re lung cancer,and you sure are lucky,perhaps a trip back home would have done the trick too.

    The procedures you followed I copied them and asked at around three cancer specialty hospitals knowing Thailand is on the expensive side asked for quotes for what you undertook,two did not answer,the third hesitantly replied,but I pressed them again,the costing dept. came up with a figure of around one seventh,probably could be reduced if not taking suite

    Anyway good luck

  10. Pattaya dead? its buggered,those buses packed with <deleted> are severely limited,and even then barely filled,those huge entertainment centres used by them ill used,just a huge overbuild that will never be filled,Pattaya will never go back to what made it so popular,its finished,slowly shutting up shop. just over two weeks since the highest point on the calendar for tourists flopped,and now a bring out your dead feeling exists

  11. After two beers I loose the critical look gigglem.gif

    But thanks for the hint on motorcycle rental thumbsup.gif

    Plan to be there in a week or so.

    its not motorbike rental, its open beer bars, that place never took off and there are a lot of other empty places for rent in that part of soi bau kau as well

    So it is rent 1 beer bar for 100 Baht a day, right?

    Sign me up, in fact I want to rent all of them they have available.

    If they have 10 beer bars available I pay 1000 Baht a day, right?

    No,you get a discount,rent 5 ,get one free

  12. Thanks, Huawei. That's been my experience, too, with new condos. It's early days with Centric. It took some time for people to move into Lumpini Park Beach when I lived there. Even now, I know of some condos there that have been bought but the owners haven't done anything with them yet. Likely true with Centric, too. The Base opens in one or two months. Maybe we should all take a breather and check back in 6 months and see how Centric Sea and The Base are doing then.

    No need to wait 6 months,verdicts in now...and its crap. As for those absent Thai owners,that only condemns the buildings to a slow death,no maintenance paid for upkeep

  13. No way its dead,big big bar up for rent Soy Boocow 100 baht a day, stock included,3 year deferment on rent,now it is overly expensive I know 25 baht a day might get someone biting


  14. I was pointing out that Lumpini Park Beach Jomtien is a special case for Lumpini projects. It's priced higher because it is, frankly, much nicer and has more amenities on a much larger land area than most Lumpini projects. It's also direct ocean front. Lumpini Seaview, also in Jomtien, is more like their typical green and tan BKK projects. LPN Seaview is advertising small 1 bedrooms of 22 sqm for 999,999 baht and I don't think that price is much different from what it would be in BKK.

    It all looks a load of crap anyway

    ps I did indeed take a second and even third look at the Centric Sea over Christmas period,and yes indeed it was not as you stated, going to be full dead as a dodo,not one extra light showing ,8 at the rear, I would say that place is in serious trouble

  15. Poor baby. Less cheap sex for u

    I can assure you that there is still plenty of cheap sex available in Pattaya despite the changes.

    This is good news.

    Long live Sex Town thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

    If I may interpose,I am a great admirer of your posts and am more than willing to vote you "poster of the year" Yes sex sex sex morning noon and night,in fact two or three times during the night, a poke here,a poke there breeds new life into the old

    Thank you for posting on a subject that is extra close to my heart and extremities

    Thank you

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