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Posts posted by Oziex1

  1. On 8/9/2018 at 10:30 AM, canopus1969 said:

    The so called storm(?) was not severe and the boat should have weathered it so they need to find out why he boat sank so easily e.g. was the initial design unstable, were there enough pumps even to question was it over loaded ?

    Many answers needed

    Yes, many answers needed however I remain unconvinced their fervour over this is anything other than a gimmick to squeeze some cash out of someone, as usual.


    Is there the required expertise, or even the interest in a scientific appraisal of the boat to determine the reasons behind it's sinking?

  2. Need to take my girlfriend to a reliable Dr and get hospital treatment, and as Khon Kaen is the nearest major city nearby thought would be the best place to go.


    She has some ongoing health issues that don't seem to be addressed satisfactorily at the local clinic.


    What is the best.

  3. Amazing what can happen when the world is watching, an admission to what we already know.


    In spite of all the talk about Thai is different and the Farang don't understand, they themselves know and understand their commitment to social justice is minimal and their commitment to greed and injustice is excessive.


    We need to keep an eye on this lot.

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  4. "However, one lifeguard did urge, “I would like to tell parents to take care of their children when playing in the water, especially near the lagoon because there are no lifeguards there, and drowning incidents always happens there.”


    So this is a known danger spot and remains unpatrolled!


    Sadly the only safety response is still a chance sighting by a visitor.


    Although not related to this story (yet),The authorities seem only able to grab some scapegoats to extort money, after the event.

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