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Everything posted by kwonitoy

  1. https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/01/australia/australia-radioactive-capsule-found-intl-hnk/index.html Search teams found the missing capsule not far from the Rio Tinto mine, suggesting it fell off the truck soon after departure.
  2. 19 becquerels you could put in your pocket 19 Giga becquerels you shouldn't ( Sarcasm intended) There is an inverse square formula for exposure activity If your getting say 1000 MR at 6m distance if you cut the distance in half you double the rate 3.0M = 2000 MR/HR 1.5M = 4000MR/HR .75M = 8000MR/HR .375M = 16000MR/HR If it's .50 curie, 5 meters is completely safe. But when I do it I have a survey meter (GM detector) with me and I know where the source is. That's the crux of it. They don't know where it is.
  3. I remember that incident, I was working in Thailand at the time. Hospital threw away a canister containing a cobalt 60 source used in cancer treatments Very heavy due to the shielding so the scrap yard was trying to dismantle it, I believe 2 people died because of that.
  4. What is the Invaders equivalent to a Javelin, the main man portable tank killer? Do they even have one? What is the Invaders equivalent to a TOW missile. Do they have any? What anti tank weapons do the Invaders Have? Slava Ukraine
  5. Convert Becquerel to Curie Please provide values below to convert becquerel [Bq] to curie [Ci], or vice versa. From:becquerel To:curie Convert Becquerel to Curie Please provide values below to convert becquerel [Bq] to curie [Ci], or vice versa. From: becquerel To: curie Result: 19 becquerel = 5.135135135E-10 curie Result: 19 becquerel = 5.135135135E-10 curie 19 Becquerel = .0000000005135135 Curie You probably could put in your pocket
  6. Unless you put it your pocket it's not going to hurt anyone. The 8mm by 6mm capsule is a 19-becquerel caesium 137 ceramic source, commonly used in radiation gauges, and was supposed to be contained in a secure device which had been “damaged” on a truck which travelled from the mine site north of Newman in the Pilbara to a depot in Perth. The main problem is caesium has quite a long half-life of 30 years These sources are used to show the level of material in a mining storage silo, Having been an industrial radiographer for 40 years, yes these get lost occasially, people are human. Don't know of any in Canada at least that were never found. Someone is driving every inch of the route very slowly with a scintillometer, a very sensitive Geiger-Mueller detector. I've done it myself.
  7. https://vymaps.com/TH/Passport-Office-Udon-Thani-1384136/ This is the main office down by the lake, did my son's passport there. No appointment just show up with all your documents, that was pre Covid so things might have changed
  8. Ok question. In nuclear warfare or armageddon as you put it, it takes 2 to tango. Russia launches a nuke......where? what's the target? In Ukraine I would assume, and also assuming they are functional So who retaliates with a second nuclear launch? or counterlaunch, Ukraine doesn't have any The US isn't going to launch neither would the UK or France China has stated to Russia to not even think about it. So where is the world shattering end of humanity coming from? Their has been over 2000 nuclear tests preformed by numerous countries since WW2, 528 in the atmosphere https://www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/nucleartesttally We're still here
  9. If nothing the Germans are methodical to the extreme And what do the Germans have to be worried about? A land war in Europe that russia has ignited? Those weapons were stockpiled in case of an attack from russia. Use them, Use them all, Use them effectively, only kill the russians that refuse to leave Ukraine soil Slava Ukraine
  10. How old is your daughter? Immigration photo copied every document I had, I have full custody of my son, and he is also dual citizen Took about 30 min to clear immigration. This was Oct of 2021, He was 10 years old at the time All 3 times I've travelled with him I've been scrutinized very carefully. Doesn't hurt to have some signed paper IMO
  11. The heaviest winter coats I've bought in Thailand would be equivalent to a fall/spring bomber type jacket. I've bought them to get ex wife and son to a store to buy proper Canadian winter gear. Nothing in Thailand's winter clothes is fit for an Albertan winter
  12. Looking back your strategy doesn't seem to work 2014 Russia illegality occupied Crimea, that's some loss of land and it didn't appease the invaders Donbas was also illegibly occupied, so that's some loss of Ukraine land and that didn't appease the invaders The invaders only understand force, negotiations for them are a sign of weakness and just lay the groundwork for more force because the world has been cowed by their supposed ferocious military and they have nuclear weapons. Enough no more loss of land. Their military has been shown to be a paper tiger and they are getting their axxes handed to them. Gradually the weapons supplied by Europe, USA, Canada are improving in lethality, and that is all the invaders understand. Stay in Ukraine and die or get out Slava Ukraine
  13. The booster packs work great, we use them in Alberta for cold weather jumpstarts. small, portable. I've got one for emergency backup I don't know what is available in Thailand but I know the ones here in Canada are excellent Start a diesel or gas engine no problem. https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/cat/automotive/batteries-maintenance-accessories/battery-chargers-booster-packs-power-inverters/booster-power-packs-DC0002713.html
  14. Your making it into a bigger deal than it is. It's a simple inpatient procedure, walk in walk out
  15. I went to one of those skin care places in the local shopping mall. They used a CO2 lazer to burn the mole on my face away and some small skin tags. 500 baht per location, took about 1 hour in all About 6 years ago and no problems then or now.
  16. Is it the hot chick from Chonburi?
  17. Depending on price of a new frame and inspecting the damaged one. Frame can be magna fluxed, magnetic particle inspection or even x-rayed for cracks https://www.tndt.co.th/en/aboutus/about-business/ My friend works at the above company and is a hard core motorcyclist I've done bike frames where I'm from. X ray inspection on a changed head angle and rewelding.
  18. The valve is under the round cover on the lower left. The top two are part of the pressurized system, best left alone.
  19. How do time zones work?
  20. What's on the underside of the flat earth? And there is a moon to travel to, although it looks to be a boat ride away, Can the Firmament be breached? So many questions
  21. I rather the money be spent going to the moon that a 20 year pointless war in the middle east that cost over 1 trillion Lots of everyday advances came from the Apollo space program
  22. Take the yellow top off. Open a water tap so you can see where the valve is that is cycling on and off Look for a set screw on the top of this valve, there is a spring that you can tighten or loosen Adjust the set screw so the pump will do a longer cycle of on and off. From memory your spring is probably too tight If you don't want to do this get a local handyman to help, It's pretty easy once you've seen it done
  23. You mean like myself, my son, and anyone else who flew internationally in 2021?
  24. Peace through superior firepower is how it's going to happen SLAVA UKRAINE
  25. The cold that is working into the US is a gift from Canada. They call it an Alberta Clipper, use folks in Alberta call it a Artic Front. Attached is the temp at my house on Dec 22, and that's the air temp not with a wind chill added, takes your breath away when you walk outside. The next day with the same temp the feels like was -47C due to a very slight breeze. Dress for the conditions, it takes less than a minute for flesh to freeze in vulnerable areas at that tem. My SUV has a block heater, standard equipment here, but it doesn't need to be plugged in due to 0w20 synthetic oil We have had a week of sub -30C weather, and most cities on earth aren't prepared for that extreme cold, we are, happens every year and will probably happen again this winter Today is Christmas and it's a lovely -15C which feel quite nice after last week
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